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    Khyber got a reaction from RostokMcSpoons in Any recommendations for an Eotech clone sight 551/553/558   
    No they are all as good. I have 4 feyachi sights and all of them at room length have about 1-2" error but at garden length and beyond that is drastically reduced lower than the accuracy of any given pew.
  2. Like
    Khyber reacted to Bada Bing in THE TM MWS thread   
    ^ this
    if the gas can is warmer than the vessel you’re intending to fill, the liquid gas will spill into the magazine more consistently than if they were both at the same temperature. 
    You might’ve found before in the safe zone where you swear blind you charged a solid 10+ seconds on your mags, and you get 10 weak shots (if that) before it flames out. 
    If they’re both the same temp, it can equalise pressure between them and not transfer anything at all. 
  3. Haha
    Khyber reacted to AlphaBear in THE TM MWS thread   
    I too have just learned something today! Never really thought about the temperature differential between a gas bottle and the magazine. Now i have to figure out a way of vigorously rubbing the gas bottles in the safe zone before I fill up the mags. Although I hazard to guess I may get some strange looks 
  4. Thanks
    Khyber got a reaction from Shamal in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    I got mine in black from amazon a year ago. In Medium size. IIRC multicam is also available.
  5. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Bada Bing in THE TM MWS thread   
    The higher temp of the gas at source makes it higher pressure than the cold gas in the tank of the mag. That means it wants to pressurise the mag harder than if both are ambient or similar temp. I Do recall seeing this mentioned on a video before, it was either Bada Bing or Airsoftology IIRC.
  6. Thanks
    Khyber got a reaction from C-Diddy in THE TM MWS thread   
    The higher temp of the gas at source makes it higher pressure than the cold gas in the tank of the mag. That means it wants to pressurise the mag harder than if both are ambient or similar temp. I Do recall seeing this mentioned on a video before, it was either Bada Bing or Airsoftology IIRC.
  7. Like
    Khyber reacted to C-Diddy in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Absolutely cracking day at Camouflage Bournemouth today. Took my lad and one of his mates who has been bitten by the bug too. 
    Despite the frosty weather causing a few grumbles about cold fingertips, the lads got into it quickly, and in the first game, as attackers, we made solid, if slow progress in pushing the enemy back through the game site. 
    A quick trip back to the safe zone to bomb up, roles were reversed and we dug in ready to defend. In five years of airsoft, I have to say this particular game was one of the most purely entertaining and rewarding times I've had on an airsoft field. Being side by side with the boy and his mate as we picked off the advancing blue team, time after time, was pure action movie glee.
    Having the morning mist still lingering, plus a fair amount of smokes added to the atmosphere, but it was the teamwork, the communication from our team mates, and the sheer number of enemy kills we racked up that made it such good fun. I'm a fairly reserved shooter (usually run an MWS but I figured today was too cold, so ran the NGRS) sticking to semi, and pleasingly, my son has adopted this too. Within 15 minutes of holding one particular spot, we'd all used at least double the rounds we'd spent during the entire first game, and the enemy hadn't reached their second objective yet. 
    I rarely have to recharge mags during a game but the three of us had to refill mags three times as we absolutely destroyed those blue bastards.  This continued through the day, as our team completed objectives in a quarter of the time it took the blues. 
    Makes such a difference being with team mates who are all like-minded in their approach to the game, talk to each other and help each other out, rather than have some Jack prick at the back barking at everyone to "PUSH UP!!!"
    A truly fantastic day with some really good players, and a great way to kick off the first game of the year. 
  8. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from RostokMcSpoons in Mechanix gloves : M-Pact vs Fast Fit   
    M-pacts have been great for me. The armour on them are great. Dexterity hasn't been an issue for me. The forefinger is armour less which makes getting on the trigger no problem. I paid 15 on amazon for them in medium. Not sure if that was a sale or regular price. No experience with others so can't comment there, but haven't felt the need for anything else.
  9. Like
    Khyber reacted to MrTea in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Fifewargames - they're out of stock on the official site and just about everywhere else when I was looking.
    Edit: As of 1450 today Fifewargames are also out of stock.
    Edit2: As of 24/1/23 they're back in stock, black only.
  10. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Rogerborg in Mechanix gloves : M-Pact vs Fast Fit   
    M-pacts have been great for me. The armour on them are great. Dexterity hasn't been an issue for me. The forefinger is armour less which makes getting on the trigger no problem. I paid 15 on amazon for them in medium. Not sure if that was a sale or regular price. No experience with others so can't comment there, but haven't felt the need for anything else.
  11. Like
    Khyber reacted to MrTea in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Got them today due to a minor delay in delivery.
    They feel good in the hand, wider/bulkier than most BFGs but fill the hand nicely. They're a hefty bit of kit, a good weight to them. The body is covered by a rubberised plastic type material that will soak the majority of impacts however the metal head is exposed and will take damage. 209 primers give a good loud bang. 9mm even more so. 12G are as previously discussed, as loud as .209 but a big ol puff of smoke to go with it.
    Only issue i've found is that one of my two grenades was a bit finnicky with the pins and required a fair bit of 'use' before it wore in enough to be acceptable. The other was totally fine out of the box. I can only guess there were some tighter tolerances during the making of the 2nd grenade. After extensive use i'd imagine it'll be fine.
    Tested .209, 9mm and 12G with both and they work like a charm. That 3/4 second fuse is not as long as you think
  12. Like
    Khyber reacted to OTH21 in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Bought an ASG Scorpion Evo from the classifieds, given a new coat of olive paint and looking forward to fielding it on Sunday at Imperium for my first game of the year. 
    Not 100% keen on it's mag release catch. 

  13. Like
    Khyber reacted to MrTea in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    I liked them mostly because the spoons are fixed which means no lost spoons or buying replacements. As for noise, i've tested 12G blanks with other BFGs and they're barely any louder than .209 and they're definately not louder than any other single-use pyro I own. Only difference is the 12G blanks just emit a big puff of smoke when they go off. I legitimately think that the 9mm blanks are louder than the 12G ones. 12G blanks are just that much more expensive than 9mm or .209 that it's not worthwhile to be honest which is probably why most newer BFGs only cater to .209 primers like the Quake 8 etc.
    12G blanks are £15 for 10. £1.50 a bang.
    9mm/.380 blanks are £18 for 50. £0.36 a bang.
    .209 blanks are £8 for 100. £0.08 a bang.
  14. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from EvilMonkee in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    😂 I see a tactical teletubbie. A multi cam Dipsy.
  15. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Colin Allen in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Went out to D23 yesterday. Indoor CQB... just how I like it. Pretty good numbers. For some reason they split teams down the room which meant around 8 kids on my half ended up on my team which made up around half the team with 0 on the other.
    But that aside we still seemed pretty evenly matched. Winning around 50% of games for each team. And the ones we one were won by a long shot.
    Had great fun running the shadow 2 for the first time. Got countless kills with it. The best being on 'mainstreet madness'. A mad head to head dash up one lane where you can get tagged back in infinite times. First team to oppositions starting wall wins. We had them suppressed hard and with what I thought was just a few players left I made a dash for their wall. As I passed their cover points there were 3 behind one wall 5 behind the next and 2 behind the second to last, in which I took them all out with the Shadow. Buzzing hard I ran for the wall but the final piece of cover had one guy holding back who took me out 2 meters from victory! Thankfully 2 comrades close behind took him out and grabbed victory. By far the most successful streak I have achieved which left me high the rest of the day.
    The Shadow 2 performed flawlessly and I would say matches, if not supersedes the accuracy of my MWS. And my god does it kick on CO2! So happy with it and will be with me every game from now on. Once I get a few spare mags might even try some pistol only games it's that good.
  16. Like
    Khyber reacted to MrTea in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    2x Swat VTG. Been looking for some timed re-usable pyro for indoors games but they were always out of stock everywhere and the used ones were completely battered, some even had chunks missing from the bodies of the grenades. They should arrive tomorrow, can't wait to test them out.
    FifeWargames look like they had a small restock of Swat VTGs but they're only in black so I may have to find some luminous paint or bands so I don't lose them in a dark corner.

  17. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from EDcase in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Finally got a holster and a shit load of CO2 for my Shadow 2 that I got in November so I can skirmish it tomorrow for the first time. I haven't ran a sidearm yet, so excited to finally put it to use. 
    Some say you never need them... But at my local indoor CQB site there are several extremely tight stairwells with corners at the top/bottom where my 14" Barrel just won't go around and I have to drop the business end meaning there have been numerous times I just cant get a shot on someone. Lost count the amount of times I couldn't engage on said stairwells and had to shamefully walk back to respawn. Now I have been dealt an equal hand 😁

  18. Like
    Khyber reacted to Colin Allen in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Today saw a return to Airsoft Plantation, near Braintree in Essex, for my son's first game since September 2022.

    A cold morning saw probably about 150 people getting ready in the excellent safe zone; however, I always wonder why some players leave it to the last minute to arrive

    As usual, the safety briefing was concise, to the point and genuinely amusing.  Immediately afterwards, the first game was briefed but then had to be changed to allow for a newly fallen tree to be made safe.  The schedule for the day was shuffled around with no fuss.

    Airsoft Plantation do not chrono guns; chronos are available on the range and players are informed that it is their responsibility to ensure that their weapons are under the limit.  There is a lot of spot checking and anyone using a hot gun is "asked" to leave the site.

    The games were well designed and well marshalled and generally played in a gentlemanly but competitive manner; there were a few allegations of non hit taking on both sides, but no more than would normally be expected.  At one point, in a squad based game, we did hear two nearby squads (one from each side) being instructed by a marshal to disengage and fall back in order to reduce tension; this seemed to be well handled by the marshal involved.

    The games ran well, were challenging and were fun, although my view may be biased by our side (blue) winning all of them, despite an attempt to balance the teams.

    Overall, my son and I had an excellent day; next stop is Camp Anzio, near Leek.

    Weapons used:

    Me: Ares VZ58, PTS Masada (AK version), Milbro Classic M1911 CO2
    Son: LCT AKMS, G&G AKM, ASG Commander XP18 CO2
    Shared: JG G3A3 (first run out since being bought and upgraded)
  19. Like
    Khyber reacted to Impulse in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Had another great day at Worthing today. It was pretty chilly, but it was dry so I could actually use my m700! People always say gas rifles are crap in the cold, but today I had to put a smaller gas router into the bolt as it was chronoing a bit hot on green gas! Ended up on red gas with a narrower router and it was between 2 - 2.2J, so exactly where I needed it. I was fortunate enough not to run into too many cheaters which was nice, but my friends said there were a few out there
    I also contributed to someone throwing their toys out of the proverbial pram. They kept coming back to the same spot and I kept on sniping them every single time they went there and they had no idea where I was due to my ghillie and good choice of firing position combined with the fact the gas m700 makes basically no noise whatsover. They then got angry, blindfired around a corner... right into a marshall's face, who then had a good stern word with them while they had a temper tantrum. I was watching the whole thing through my scope  
    The fact that it was dry all day until a brief shower in the afternoon meant it was a fantastic day for me. It has been really wet the past few game days, and the game days before that I was either injured (inflamed nerve in my head giving me a headache as soon as I did anything mildly active, followed by a strained foot after I took a tumble on my daily run) or still working out the m700 setup I want. Today was the first day I had the m700 where I wanted it and also was able to play the whole day and I'm super happy that I did.
    Roll on next game day!
  20. Haha
    Khyber reacted to Shamal in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    The helmet in the last picture can also double as a snow scoop.😉
  21. Haha
    Khyber reacted to The Waco Kid in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    I though it was part a fancy sniper detection system. 😋 or a very tactical toilet plunger!
  22. Haha
    Khyber reacted to Shamal in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    Haha. Just an observation on my part. Sometimes a photo is taken from a certain perspective and it can contain a element that takes on a different role.
    It looked to me that the suppressor was attached to the helmet forming a handle. Just my warped soh.😉
    The loadout looks great though👍
  23. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from Schnitz in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Finally got a holster and a shit load of CO2 for my Shadow 2 that I got in November so I can skirmish it tomorrow for the first time. I haven't ran a sidearm yet, so excited to finally put it to use. 
    Some say you never need them... But at my local indoor CQB site there are several extremely tight stairwells with corners at the top/bottom where my 14" Barrel just won't go around and I have to drop the business end meaning there have been numerous times I just cant get a shot on someone. Lost count the amount of times I couldn't engage on said stairwells and had to shamefully walk back to respawn. Now I have been dealt an equal hand 😁

  24. Haha
    Khyber got a reaction from Shamal in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    😂 I see a tactical teletubbie. A multi cam Dipsy.
  25. Like
    Khyber got a reaction from AGR in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Finally got a holster and a shit load of CO2 for my Shadow 2 that I got in November so I can skirmish it tomorrow for the first time. I haven't ran a sidearm yet, so excited to finally put it to use. 
    Some say you never need them... But at my local indoor CQB site there are several extremely tight stairwells with corners at the top/bottom where my 14" Barrel just won't go around and I have to drop the business end meaning there have been numerous times I just cant get a shot on someone. Lost count the amount of times I couldn't engage on said stairwells and had to shamefully walk back to respawn. Now I have been dealt an equal hand 😁

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