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Everything posted by Madhouse

  1. What are you if you drive a Subaru backwards? U r a bus Why isn’t there a pregnant Barbie doll? Because Ken came in a different box.
  2. This. Weirdly the website says max 350fps on a 0.2 (1.13j), but in the same sentence says they chrono at 1.3j using 0.25's - which is it? 1.3j is kicking on for 375fps on a 0.2. Of course it could be a typo and it's missing the extra '1' but I'll bet someone's setting their pew up for 1.3j "cos it says so on the website".
  3. What’s not helping are the amount of YT videos out there that give the wrong impression of what we do - it’s not kills every few seconds, everyone’s not a cheater and pews aren’t laser accurate. Spoke to a guy last night and his only impression of Airsoft was from stumbling across YT videos and the above is exactly what he thought we did. Of course I set him straight, but that’s what we’re up against when trying to attract new people into the sport. I don’t think interest in general is waning, it’s not the kind of activity that shouts about itself, so it’s pretty hard to gauge anyway. I’d say that growth is organic though with players inviting others along and getting them hooked.
  4. glad it's all sorted, have always had good dealings with them - although I've not needed a refund for anything so far.
  5. Hello & welcome. Sounds like you're off to a good start 👍
  6. Personally, I've found a Carrera 2S is all you need and generates so much grip you really don't need the 4S. Although the 4S is very popular as it's got the same wide-body as the turbo (minus the air intakes on the rear arches) and the continuous light-strip for easy identification. oh, it says 1911 not 911 ... as you were 😉
  7. I thought The Accountant sums up my profession rather well - it's not all grey suits and tax returns you know 😂
  8. Sorted. Although sat here looking at both, I'm wondering why I didn't think of that in the first place. 🤔 Thanks all
  9. Simple question: I want to number my mags, what kind of pen do I need? (presuming a chalk pen will just rub off) Thanks.
  10. Welcome back & congrats on getting wed. I guess 5 years off airsoft probably allowed you to save up for the wedding 😂
  11. 👆 This. I can't think of a single scenario that successfully moves the US away from tens of thousands of innocent people giving their life every year just so that others can have the right to own a gun on the off-chance they need to overthrow the government - let's not get into the debate that when they had the chance they opted to fight to keep a corrupt government in power, the exact opposite of what the second amendment is all about.
  12. The wording posted above states one of the markings from 1272.3, one of those is an orange muzzle which is pretty much what they have now right? It appears that the US could do worse than adopting our VCRA rather than anything the other way around. What I can't work out is what the problem is that this is trying to solve? If they're hell-bent on registering stuff then surely they're better off registering all the actual guns first / at the same time? I don't recall ever seeing a news story that said 'mass shooting stopped by 76-year old Grandma with a Smith & Wesson', they all end with either suicide or shot by police. In fact according to this article a whopping 3% of active attacks were stopped by a civilian over 21 years, that's 13 in real terms - or to put it another way, 0.62 per year. Let's face it, if 'MoRe GuNz' was the answer then America would be the safest place on the planet, but it seems that in reality that's not the case.
  13. Just tried using my current sling on the MP7. No amount of adjustment’s going to make it work.


    Any recommendations?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lozart


      What actual sling is it? While I hate bungees with a passion, something like the PIG Ring Sling, Blackhawk sub-gun sling or the copies thereof (like the TMC GI style MP7 sling) would be my suggestion.

    3. Madhouse


      Have a 2-point slingster thanks to a prior recommendation here. Just found there’s a 1-point version which could be the thing (albeit an expensive thing).

      The current 1-point is a cheap didn’t-know-any-better bungee that got swapped for the slingster on my 308, I was thinking of re-purposing but it doesn’t cut it.

      Will check those out @Lozart, I think it definitely needs to be a sub specific sling.

    4. Lozart


      The 2 point Slingster is really designed for longer guns, the single point might work but it could well still be too long.


      You could also look at the Magpul style slings though as they will adjust up pretty short.

  14. Nice range. Weeds are nothing a drop of Roundup won't fix 👍
  15. Thanks for the replies, plenty of food for thought but good to know I could run both without any issue. I hadn't no, which is daft as the pistol is mounted on one! Now to work out which route is going to work best.
  16. Context: I've already got a DC shooters belt, it's got a holster for my pistol as well as carriers for pistol & 308 mags. But then I went and bought another pew so need to work out what to do when I want to change toys mid-gameday. So, am thinking a minimalistic chest rig could be a goer but are they wearable while also wearing a belt? or do I need to swap mag holsters in the safe zone (not ideal).
  17. Another reason why I like it here, we've got each other's back - online as well as on the field.
  18. Don't forget you're also paying for the skills of the master craftsman who put it together 😉
  19. Looks like more TM deliveries have happened - MP7 mags I've been after are back in stock.

  20. Welcome! Nothing wrong with going on your own, it’s what I do most of the time. Sounds like you have the right mindset though and that’s the most important bit. Definitely spend time renting to sort out UKARA and get a handle on what kind of pew you want to use. Definitely a good thing, although occasionally not overly wallet-friendly: Random chap (mid game) : here, have a go with this, I’m using my pistol for a bit (hands me an MP7) Me : don’t mind if I do ….. and I’ve just added an MP7 to my collection 😂
  21. This 👆 Welcome to the rabbit-hole that is owning your own stuff, the ideal number of pews is most certainly n+1. Have you got UKARA sorted out yet? Definitely do your research and don't forget to factor all the extras into your budget.
  22. Hello & welcome. Don't forget to check out Zmart if you fancy a bit of CQB action in a former Debenhams - airsoft is a much better use of space IMO 😉
  23. They'll have had an email with the contents of your reply I expect? if they've read that, it answers their question and they've decided it doesn't need a reply then there's no incentive to log on here and read it again. Still begs the question of why they decided a response wasn't needed. Personally I'd reply with a 'thanks but no thanks' kind of reply, because that's the courteous thing to do.
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