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Everything posted by Madhouse

  1. Been a while since I've been into GW - used to play Epic: Space Marine as a kid.
  2. Hello! Always good to introduce yourself 👍 I'd also love to play on some old training grounds but life means I play most of my games in a disused Debenhams store on a Thursday evening 😂 It's bloody great though!! Nice little collection you've got going there too, check out the gun picture thread if you want to show them off 😉
  3. Hello & welcome! Sounds like you've a plan already, there's plenty of info on here to keep you going and loads of knowledgeable folk for when you need a helping hand.
  4. Most of the HPA players at my local CQB are actually marshals. HPA is the airsoft version of the 'BMW driver'. In reality anyone can behave like a dick if they are so inclined, regardless of their chosen platform.
  5. Did you make it? Far too much kerfuffle in the press about some book for a story about a man and his son being detained at Heathrow to make it onto the front page of BBC News.
  6. The G&G ETU is external to the gearbox, so the Perun ETU++ is an easy swap. It's form is slightly smaller than the G&G one and gives you a load of extra features.
  7. Having recently got a TM pistol I'm doing a bit of an experiment, so have a few different gasses ordered. When my FNX arrived I loaded a mag and chrono'd it on the gas that was in it on arrival. First shot was 293fps / 0.80j then a steady 270 / 0.7 (ish) until it ran out after 12 shots. So then I lobbed some Abbey 144a in and it averaged around 240fps / 0.53j, which made me think that TM aren't using a particularly low powered gas when they are making the mags ... so does that mean the pistol's built for stronger gas or do TM just use whatever gas they have at the factory to test fill their mags on manufacture? Then there's comments much like those on here where people have been happily using green gas for years with no ill-effects on the pistol. Long story short, I've got small cans of Abbey Ultra, Nuprol 1.0 and Nuprol 2.0 on the way and I'm planning on seeing what kind of power difference I get between them. Will see where we end up in terms of the gas I use long term after that.
  8. @Cocha it looks like a Novritsch ASPC to me
  9. I work in manufacturing, not sure if Airsoft works in the same way, but if you see an offer in the supermarket it’s not them that’s doing the deal. It’s whoever makes it that’s discounting it, so it may be that the manufacturers have cut their promo support (I know we have). Low stock levels and the resulting pent up demand means that there is also no incentive to discount. Why sell it cheap when there’s a queue of buyers willing to pay full price? Especially when you are seeing costs going through the roof.
  10. I’ve done mine. As it’s outside the gearbox it’s an easy job as it’s only a couple of spade connectors for the power and the one for the sensors, all I needed was a long screwdriver to remove the stock tube and a tiny flat one to ease out the sensor plug. Plenty of videos on YouTube if you want to see what the job’s like.
  11. Hmm, if it’s the onboard sound that’s knackered there’s not much you can do to fix it that doesn’t involve replacing it. Have you checked all the connections? Could use it as an excuse to fit a Perun ETU++.
  12. Thanks @concretesnail I didn’t know adjustable pin spanners were a thing! Was thinking it’d be handy if my angle grinder one fitted.
  13. oops, missed off the important bit it's for my G&G 308. Looks like @concretesnail has had this very issue before - how did you solve it?
  14. Any idea where can I find a barrel nut tool for my 308? Just for context, I'm changing the dust cover and I need to remove the barrel nut to take the pin out that cover pivots on. It's got raised lugs on it so I could get a set of grips on it but having the correct tool's a better idea.
  15. Perun ETU++ on the right. G&G mosfet & fuse on the left. I still need to tidy up the wires with a couple of cable ties - just need to find them first.
  16. It replaces the stock ETU and inline fuse so I found it made battery fitment easier. Not home at the mo so can't do a comparison, will have a go later for you.
  17. Hello & welcome. Lots has been said about renting rather than going two-tone for a few months. It's not just the cost but also figuring out what you want from your new toys so that you get the toys that suit you best. You've played before so it's not the standard newbie responses, you already know you like airsoft and know what you're looking for so with you it's more a case of resale values (if you're planning to sell it once you get UKARA) and respraying the brightly coloured bits. If you're happy doing the respray and it'll become your backup once you have UKARA then it's a fair argument to buy rather than rent, there's a thread on here about using vinyl dye instead of paint.
  18. If you want more from a MOSFET than the standard offering you can swap to a Perun ETU++ pretty easily. It's outside the gearbox so is literally plug and play, I just had to remove the stock but I'm not sure about the AK as that's front wired so it may be a couple of extra screws. I play CQB so have done mine, primarily for the pre-cocking but it also meant the battery connector changed from Tamiya to Deans.
  19. The website bears no correlation to the marketing / recruitment spiel here - anyone who touts a fire selector as a 'standout feature' needs to actually read what they're copying and pasting from other areas of the internet.
  20. I'm scared of being stuck in a lift with Father Christmas. I think I have Claus-trophobia.
  21. Hello and welcome. Just find a site and go, that's what I did. You'll find your mates become a bit more interested once you start going, also it's a friendly community and if you go on your own you'll meet a load of new people too.
  22. Hello & Welcome! Lots of knowledgeable folk here who are more than willing to help, so ask away. Definitely worth doing a forum search first though as there's a chance someone else has had the same issue before. Have you been to a game before?
  23. Just taken the (new) pew apart as the ambi fire selector cog jumped a tooth or two.

    Gotta love airsoft QC 😉

  24. Hello & welcome! This is certainly the place to find a group of fellow airsoft enthusiasts Buying someone else's modded kit is always a leap into the unknown but as you like teching I expect you secretly quite enjoyed it.
  25. I hear Blacks, Millets and Go Outdoors have started a price war. I think we're in for a winter of discount tents.
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