Firstly, welcome back! Hope it's not another six years till your next game.
The predator's a nice unit, weighty but nice. I briefly had one but had to return it due to tracer unit issues, ended up with a bi-frost in the end.
Sounds like you'll be on the look out for another pistol, when you're looking for a tracer for it I've found the Xcortech XT301 mk2 to be good, with the bonus that it plays well with my holster too.
Eyepro's a personal choice, but I use Bolle X800's as they have plenty of air flow. Can see why you'd be thinking of the Dye as that's what a lot of the staff use at Z-mart.
Aliexpress seems to have plenty of cheap sights, just got a Romeo 8T from there and it arrived pretty quick and actually works - even got it zero'd - am yet to use it in anger so we'll see what the longevity is like.
Might see you at Z-mart sometime too 👍