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Everything posted by Cannonfodder

  1. If the gun worked when you sent it and when they received it then I'd tell the buyer to do one. It sounds to me like they've fucked it and are now trying to blame you for their stupidity
  2. Oh ffs. Another one to add to the list of stuff I want but probably can't afford Considering the reputation the Japanese have for weird kinks he might enjoy it
  3. I've never understood the whole winning is everything mentality as some of the best games I've had have been when I'm on the receiving end of an arse kicking, also being severely disadvantaged and having to think about what you're doing makes you a better player. I mean how are you supposed to improve your game if every game is a cake walk? Having said that, if the teams were so mismatched then surely the marshals should've swapped people around to make things more balanced? Hopefully some of the rentals would've seen that Mr and Mrs toxic were a small minority and will be back
  4. I don't know if they fixed it with the kneecapper, but the bigger AS02 will need the cylinder replacing with a one piece one as the pins on the stock one have a habit of coming out
  5. Really trying not make a Mussolini joke there
  6. Welcome. Don't worry about not being in the UK, as I think it's always good to hear how the game differs around the world. Good choice of gun, I've always liked the MC51
  7. Oh for fucks sake. The last thing this hobby needs is attention seeking thots
  8. It should be dropped as imo throwing a pyro after being hit is no different to someone who keeps shooting after being hit, it's cheating and cuntish. The argument that "I paid for it so I want a kill from it" is quite frankly rediculous. I pay for my bbs so by the same logic I should be able to ignore hits till I've got someone
  9. I can see that for something collectable being mint in box would add value, however when we're talking about second hand rifs then to me they add nothing of value. Especially when said rif looks like it's been kicked around the car park a few times. I agree they can be useful, but not enough to justify wanting more for it
  10. Do people really think that the cardboard box adds value?
  11. Not sure how that's worth £250 considering both the long mags are leaking
  12. This. Those things have a rep for being dodgy as fook. If you were trying to charge a NiCad battery with a LiPo charger then tbh I'm not surprised you buggered up the batteries
  13. Are you going to use it for travelling to and from the site on public transport? If so I'd suggest sticking with a soft bag as I found a hard box attracted more attention
  14. @Mad-Althat's a nice paint job on the SMG 8. I managed to pick up a pair of mechanix fast fit gloves for £12 posted from amazon
  15. If you've been teaming up with other randoms then why not see if any of them fancy forming a team?
  16. Don't underestimate just how stupid people can be
  17. The Azov battalion have been known about since the fighting started and only make up a small percentage of the civilian militia As for Putin being removed, it wouldn't surprise me as, according to the Ukrainian government, the intel on the chetchen commandos sent to kill the president came from the FSB.
  18. German para boots. Well under your budget, comfortable and waterproof. I got mine here, I paid a bit less for the supergrade ones but they looked new https://forcesuniformandkit.co.uk/products/2000-issue-german-para-boots-new?variant=29385364308062&currency=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google+shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjwlcaRBhBYEiwAK341jdDclwqosbGnLT4WXutgPwsHmyKal_IrUavwezxHtMW8iMUHLrTO3xoCB1sQAvD_BwE
  19. My usual site is £25 or & 20 for site members, which is a fair price imo. For woodland sites I'd probably go as far as £30, but it would have to have decent facilities or something special to justify the extra cost. For urban sites I'd be happy to pay a bit more as running costs are generally higher. I also take travel costs into account as I don't drive and public transport gets expensive, for example the couple of times I played at Echilon in Gravesend it cost me more to get there on the train than the green fees
  20. I wouldn't fully discharge lipos as this fucks up the cells
  21. IIRC the whole RFD thing was done by some shops as the status of high powered sniper rifles wasn't 100% clear. Or maybe they just wanted to sell air guns too
  22. Where did you hear that? UKARA are a retailers association, not a governing body. The closest thing to a licence is the site membership us players use to buy new pews Edit. As a retailer you would need to join UKARA to access their database, however it's not a legal requirement for selling rifs
  23. Unfortunately it's a case of it being so prevalent that with the sheer amount of cases there isn't the time or manpower to go after every single one.
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