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Everything posted by Groot

  1. I just checked on mine and i only have share. I wanted to report some Weed spam
  2. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Who is going to be the first to try this? https://www.runinworkshop.com/product-page/t8-flat-hop-up-chamber-set
  3. Finally complete MWS M4A1 base Z-Parts rail Angry Gun flash hider Element PEQ Magpul MOE grip Airsoft Accessories
  4. I tried them for the first time last month and as yet I do not have a definitive answer. They are accurate but i did get some chopping in my PTW which I have never experienced before with Premium 0.32 BB's. I have cleaned out the hop and re-lubed. I will be trying it again soon.
  5. Ta da £12.44 17% Off | FERRO THE SLINGSTER Straps T.REX.ARMS Braces Suspenders SlingGI-3038MC https://a.aliexpress.com/_mOaar3b Please consider using my invite code if you order https://a.aliexpress.com/_mN5tr1X
  6. You can get a Slingster rep from Ali for £16 delivered and they are perfect. I have swapped out my real Magpul MS3 for one and prefer it in every way.
  7. I fell down a set of stairs in the dark at the Mall in Reading, hurting my leg. Hobbled up, using my PTW was a crutch and still got fucking shot. Then... Long ass time ago, I pulled a muscle while running around at Combat South Woodland. Too much kit, not enough warming up and some bad luck. Hurt for a while but meh.. All good other than that.
  8. Chance of this being found is as high as Ruin Johnson getting his Starwars trilogy. This is exactly why i stopped using my BFG's as much. I threw one into a room of people. Went to collect it and it was gone. Fuckers
  9. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    New Hop Arm available from Runinworkshop.com That and the nub could be a super combo.
  10. A tight bore barrel might.. but how much FPS do you want? You are already planning a 130 spring. The Vector is lousy sniper / DMR platform. Since you can easily get to 1.1J with just a spring and a better air-seal from a hop rubber. A longer barrel is well pointless if you are just chasing FPS. Not sure if you are new to Airsoft but FPS doesn't always equal range. As I said. My Vector was stock internals bar the hop rubber and a cut down 120 spring. It was at the UK limit for a full auto AEG. You want to hit stuff, invest in what matters. That isn't the barrel.
  11. 1) I wouldn't bother with a longer inner barrel. You will notice very little difference. Spend your money on a better grade of hop rubber and get the arm modded to accept a matching bucking. You will then reach out as far as an AEG's physics will allow it. My Vector was ranging both my Systema PTW and S-Hopped NGRS quite happily. 2) I ran that battery with an M120 with a few coils removed to give myself exactly 350fps on 0.2s. So unless you are going to get this made into a DMR ( Why would you? ) an M130 ( depending on brand obviously ) might be too much. Adding additional stress and speed to any AEG is going to increase the chance of damage, but mine was fine. It essentially pot luck. The AEG will take it. But for how long, no one can say. If you are wanting to run hot. It would be a good idea to get the entire gearbox looked at, nicely greased, correctly shimmed and rebuilt. Give it the best possible chance
  12. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Running Valkyrie .32s and they are very good. They have said they are working on heavier ammo too. I would like to try running 0.4s I was saying to a team mate about the number of BB's required in most cases to land a kill in woodland. Generally means at best you will get 3-5 kills a mag and I only have 4 mags. For my PTW i can carry the same ammo as 3 MWS mags in the single light as feather Pmag. Running a MWS feels like a self nerf in woodland. I think i just like winning too much. I think the ambient temp, being in the shade and my gas choice was not optimum. Other than my hop arm, the gun is entirely stock. RIGHT! I also had the fear of them rattling around in my dump pouch and getting damaged.
  13. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Short usage review. First outing with my MWS on Sat and I enjoyed it but it wasn't as good as my PTW. I think I need to spend a little more time getting the hop just perfect and zero it again. It was also only about 5-8'C when I was using it and it just felt a bit weak. I was using Predator Red Gas. I don't think I gave it a fair shake of the stick. Simply because of how good my PTW is. I point and that thing sends the shots accurately and at a known range and consistency. My MWS was in my head a 50/50 chance of hitting the player. Was also my first time running a short scope, rather than a dot sight. Which was very different. I really enjoyed being able to see the target and getting that extra bit of optics on them to follow the shot in. I found it slower to get on target. Which is obviously their negative vs a dot. But I will continue to practice. So from a historic full AEG convert. I think I will enjoy using the MWS but I don't think it is as suited to a woodland game as an AEG and that is mainly due to the low ammo count vs weight on the mags. I liked the realism but didn't like the weigh of having just 4 mags on me. Let along the 7 AEG, I usually carry. For Combat mission, heavy storyline milsim and probably for some CQB games. It will be the winner for smiles and realism. I just don't think if I had the option and wanted to win a game, i would pick it over my PTW or NGRS. That said. Lets see how I feel after my next game. Where it will be the only thing I take with me. Gunman US vs Russia at the end of May
  14. These https://www.tactical-kit.co.uk/esstac-kywi-pistol-triple-mag-pouch-15432-p.asp They also come in doubles and single. China soft versions are available but not AS snug. I use these because they fit the thin end of the AEG Mags perfectly. As they are basically Glock mag size They will not fall out. If mounted correctly, do not bounce around and are super high speed. Way faster than SMG pouches, because of how long the draw can be with the epically long Vector mags. If you have GAS, I have no idea if these would be as suitable.
  15. Groot


    Fair but it is more work to produce an AEG be able to spam the same as a HPA. Reassuringly an AEG of that spec will last a very short amount of time between gearbox explosions.
  16. Groot


    HPA is a piece of shit and should be banned. Most sites do not test for ROF at all and there is zero need for that sorta ability to spam a player with 20 bb in one burst. Even on single fire its an advantage. Since they can easily fit binary triggers and go crazy. Removing the whole point of the single shot rules in the first place. ( Which i still think are dumb ) If you need a back pack to run your gun and its not a minigun. It has no place in airsoft.
  17. Location to me is kind of unimportant. I am driving 2hrs to my first game back tomorrow and that sorta of distance is a non issue. For weekend games, I have often travelled from Portsmouth to Yorkshire. What matters to me is the quality and versatility of the site. Then equally important is the kind of games they want to run and how they are managed. Small sites tend to be very limited in what you can do and the flanking options. So you tend to have a game of attrition and often one side will entirely dominate the day. Large sites, if not run well. Just end up a bit boring, as everyone sort of wonders around looking for something to do and / or a reason to hold a building/area. Some of the Town Assault games at CHD are a good example of that. After 30mins of story, it was a case of .. Erm.. is this street at all important... why am i here... The best sites I have ever played in were Old army barracks with woodland around the outside. Crickel, Catterick, Longmoor. To me, the ideal site would be a mixed urban with woodland around the outside. Sadly most sites like this get snapped up super quickly by housing. If you cannot properly flank, then for me the site is a bust. Also fuck speedsoft sites in their Dye mask asses.
  18. What it says and the reality, is going to be very very different. That to me looks like just the total boundaries. The drops from the green sides into the moat looks around 2 stories. Sunset October is around 7pm. So that's unlikely to be usable. The chunk to the right is going to be parking and camping. You remove the open grass areas, which well are gonna be just that. Leaves you with about 20 very easy to lock down controlled buildings, that are designed to funnel people. Oh and a single bridge across of the bottom left part of the site is going to be so easy to lock down. For the first 20-30 or so people who get over it. No idea how accessible the higher ground is from the moat. So that might change things but this is going to feel a heck of a lot smaller with 200 people shooting you with hicaps. We went to the Gloucester prison and locked down that site with about 50 per site. I mean we have locked down woodlands sites with not many more. That site with 150 would be pretty epic but 400 from my experience of large games, its just going to be a cluster fuck of camping and ammo spamming. That after the first 20mins of any story will fall apart in to a skirmish. Maybe if they limit it to 400 rounds but that they have stated its not going to be milsim. Perhaps I am just jaded but large games usually tend to be pretty terrible mess after a couple of hours of marshalls trying to herd cats. Giving up, just standing back and lobbing the odd pyro for effect.
  19. Hello all, A post popped up today about a game Ai500 is going to be running at a prison site in Dover. Looks like a super site but it's going to be capped at 400 people. With the hunger of airsoft this year, I expect it will make it. This to me looking at the site size and realistically, what is going to be actual playing area. Seems to be way too many but this isn't apparently their first large game. Looking at the image, it looks big. But the actual playing area for safety, is going to be a lot smaller. Sheer drops into the moat are going to kill off a lot of the green mounds. Lots of wire fencing, which being a prison is going to channel game play. Lots of builds with limited entry point ( its a prison ) and with easy to control corridors and lots of small single entry rooms. I have played games at CHD and seen the site locked down with half that number of people. But open to experience. Has anyone done any previous events? Good / Bad / Clusterfuck?
  20. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    I have an Angrygun and a Zparts rail. The Zparts is nicer.
  21. Groot

    THE TM MWS thread

    Black Urgi build complete bar the magpul stock which may arrive from China in my lifetime
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