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    John_W reacted to Druid799 in Looking for the next step up in AEGs. Beginner to Intermediate   
    Having been playing for over 20+yrs and owning an awful lot of different guns and platforms in that time , I will more than happily say bar a TM recoil the new DE mosfet guns(if all the same)are among the best performing guns I’ve ever owned , I picked up a 2nd hand 904G as a “it’s the end of the day and I’m bolloxed ! I need a lightweight gun !” Gun and first time I used it I ended up using it the entire day I think it’s THAT good ! 😱
    so yea I’d say go for a totally different platform , and if not yet also change to mid caps from hi-caps so you need to do reloads in game to step up your game . 👍
  2. Like
    John_W reacted to Tackle in Looking for the next step up in AEGs. Beginner to Intermediate   
    As the others members above have pointed out:
    1. Your M904e is an excellent bit of kit that does all you ask of it.
    2. Deep down, all airsoft guns are the same, they fling bb's, some marginally better than others but throwing cash at them doesn't always guarantee improvement.
    I agree you should have a backup gun, & yes it makes sense that it should have magazine compatibility with your 904, especially if your loadout limits the size of mags you can carry.
    the obvious plus to this is if one plays up mid game,  it's a two minute job to leg it to the safezone to grab the spare, no fuss or time lost 😊.
    Your 904 is a stubby gun, why not consider one of the longer variants, 907h for example, set it up as a dmr, pretty it up with magnified sights etc, gives you another style of play on a platform that your familiar with, it's what I'd do, especially if my LCE restricted what mags I could carry.
    alternatively, if that's not the case, get what you like the look of (subject to positive reviews), me, I'm a sucker for the longer battle rifles, m14/G3/SLR, whatever floats your boat 🤔 
    PS @Rogerborg I'm nicking that picture, awesome, the truth will set them free lol 👍
  3. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Looking for the next step up in AEGs. Beginner to Intermediate   
    Yes, that, especially another M4.  Is that the DE with the fire control system?  Bursts, binary trigger for speedy-boi shenanigans?  That's about all you can really ask from an AEG other than pre-cock, and that's down to the mosfet, not the brand.
    Time to drop this truth-frag again.

    I'd be looking at getting something different, even if it's another AEG.  A recoil system, a different platform, even raw degeneracy like a P90.
  4. Like
    John_W reacted to Fatboy40 in Looking for the next step up in AEGs. Beginner to Intermediate   
    I'm very intrigued (genuinely) as to what you believe you'll gain from an ICS or Krytac over the M904E?
  5. Like
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in Fps vs joules and the law   
    that was my point, fps on 0.2j is a joule measurement, just in confusing units that make it seem like it isn't.
    the reason it's taken so long is because there's not much agreement in chrono standards, for example hop on or off, player weight or site weight, quote limits in fps or j, and sites generally can't be bothered putting too much effort into it, much easier to just remember a number.
    i've lost count of the number of times i've had to explain that no, my gun is not shooting low, it's heavy ammo, especially when they've set the weight on the chrono and are reading the fps figure (which is always a raw figure of the velocity measurement) rather than the calculated joule figure.
  6. Like
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in Fps vs joules and the law   
    you know fps is a measurement of velocity not energy right?
    when we use the term fps in airsoft what's actually meant is fps on a 0.2g bb and that latter part is what makes it a convoluted way of stating energy, who's SI unit is joules......
    the reason velocity is the thing people use is because that's what chronographs measure/display, and the reason it's feet per second rather than metres per second is the same (read: dumb) reasons we buy petrol in litres, milk in pints, sugar in kilos and steak in oz because the uk is stuck in measurement system purgatory.
  7. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Fps vs joules and the law   
    Reality is a harsh mistress.
    The only "problem" here is that there are still sites out there who are chronoing like it's 1999.
    Can you please tell us which sites didn't spot that your toys were shooting hot, so that I can make a note to avoid them?
  8. Haha
    John_W reacted to Niktimes3 in Fps vs joules and the law   
    Hi all I recently played a game at a different site from my normal one. all my guns were firing way under the FPS. but now I’ve been told that they were all too hot due to the joules. At that site the max J for a rif that has full auto is 1.14J ( uk law is 1.3) The site told me this is due to their insurance. but in the five years I’ve been playing Airsoft I never have been to a site that request you to measure in Joules. The law came out in 2017 and has taken them till 2021 to enforce it on this site. so my question is how does everyone feel about this and is everyone finding this problem across the UK?
  9. Like
    John_W reacted to Cannonfodder in airsoft things you don't understand   
    People who turn up to a site week in week only to spend every minute whinning and bitching. If the site is that bad then why come in the first place? 
  10. Haha
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in airsoft things you don't understand   
    see i can understand that, you see the reverse with folk in black outdoors, it's just the crossover between majority indoor/outdoor players having a dabble at the other side but can't be bothered buying new kit just to play indoors/outdoors.
    cmon man, moaning about things we don't like is a national institution
  11. Like
    John_W reacted to Adolf Hamster in airsoft things you don't understand   
    so premise of this is what things in airsoft do you not "get", and why?
    i'll start off with a couple-
    patches- i really don't get it, especially people who seem to collect them and get properly excited when they see a new patch. doubly so when you see people using the patches you get with bits of kit like airsoft innovations or gate products or from sites.
    painting desert camo- i'm not a fan of painting stuff in general, but i can get why folk would want to paint camo to make a gun more concealable, or painting crazy designs as an artistic expression, but painting desert camo just confuses me because you're not really getting any artistic benefit (no more than painting it an appropriate woodland camo) but you are making the gun stand out. note i'm not counting people doing it as part of a specific impression loadout, that's understandable.
    the kriss vector- not the gun in general or why people would use it, but why they're all so unreasonably heavy, seriously are they making those things out of depleted uranium or something?
    revolvers- or more correctly how anyone can fire one and not be immediately dissapointed......
  12. Like
    John_W reacted to MadMole in Another RIF incident in the news... Its only a matter of time now   
    it wasnt a rif, it was a firearm (airgun). Important difference
  13. Like
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in Another RIF incident in the news... Its only a matter of time now   
    Maybe whoever sold a RIF to that obvious mental case should be prosecuted, convicted and sentenced.
    The law-abiding majority are not the problem, and nothing that we do will stop mentalists from abusing the law.
  14. Like
    John_W reacted to Ad_ in Another RIF incident in the news... Its only a matter of time now   
    If a criminal wants a fake gun that looks real enough to commit a crime with then they don't need anything that looks even close to what we use. They could easily make something that looks realistic enough (or even easier than that they could simply buy an airgun that's just as realistic-looking as any of our RIFs), so imposing any further restrictions would be utterly pointless.
  15. Like
    John_W reacted to MadMole in Another RIF incident in the news... Its only a matter of time now   
    That was a BB air pistol by looks, not Airsoft
  16. Haha
    John_W reacted to Oneshotscott in Another RIF incident in the news... Its only a matter of time now   
    Like.. Ermmm.. TWO TONE..... yikes 
  17. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Skullchewer in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit.
  18. Haha
    John_W reacted to Rogerborg in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    Fixed that for you.  
  19. Like
    John_W reacted to hunter511 in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    Coming next Licking Mustard being Guiness Certified as the world record holder for "most obnoxious airsoft personality"
  20. CoolAF
    John_W got a reaction from Archer in Handgun primary, does anybody do it?   
    I remember Matt Dean/Mobius Strip used to run a pair of tuned  Infinities at a woodland site and he was lethal with them.
  21. Haha
    John_W got a reaction from Tommikka in guinness world record longest airsoft shot   
    I hear Kicking Mustang beat the record. Guiness disputes it but his scope cam clearly shows the hit.
  22. Like
    John_W reacted to Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies in New Airsoft team : Spartan Wolfz : NE of england : NEwcastle   
    I think it's better,with a lower amount of experience like yourself to join an already existing team,I'd say there are plenty of already established teams out there that would accept someone like you,being part of a team will get you better experience then diving in blind head first too.
  23. Like
    John_W reacted to L3wisD in The TM AKM thread   
    Mate, will you just let it drop.
    Your behaviour is doing you no flavours, and you've already received a warning from Jedi for your actions, so knock it on the head and leave it now please.
  24. Like
    John_W reacted to Cromulon1994 in The TM AKM thread   
    Ive no idea which brand GP25 it is but it fits properly.

  25. Haha
    John_W reacted to EvilMonkee in The TM AKM thread   
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