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Everything posted by Impulse

  1. HK gang! Got some new sidearms and going to test them this weekend alongside my VSR. I'd usually use the m21 at this time of year since the site is still heavily overgrown and it has no MED, but want to test these thoroughly so I'll use the gun with an MED. The HK45 goes nicely into my Warrior Assault Systems universal holster, and I bought a thigh holster for the MP7 which works a treat. Don't step on this sniper 😈
  2. Yeah, it looks incredibly simple, but I neither have a soldering iron or any experience with electronics beyond building my PC. I'll see if anyone at my local site has experience with electronics and get some help with it.
  3. Ugh, I can't afford £140 on an order right now, but this is totally something I'll look at getting in the future when I can justify the order.
  4. Reassuring to hear. Thanks guys, I'll stop worrying then. TM MP7 is the first "AEP" I've bought, so it's all new territory for me. I was starting to feel like I should've just bought some TM nimhs instead
  5. Do you not find your lipos get damaged? I can only get out to play every fortnight, so I'm concerned I may just have to run a couple hundred BBs through my mp7 if I have a fully charged battery.
  6. Hey gang, just wondering how people discharge AEP lipo batteries? My fancy-pants Turnigy 6 Accucel charger hates them, since they charge via the balance lead which my charger dislikes (my charger requires you to plug in the balance lead AND the normal lead). However, storing lipos at full charge is bad and will burn my house down and explode and make the frogs gay and it seems like the chargers that will charge my AEP batteries will not discharge them. How can I make sure I can discharge and store my AEP lipos at the safe voltage levels, since I can't just stick my Turnigy on "storage mode" like I can with my other lipos. Plz halp am scured 😢
  7. I'm going to go with any TM recoil under £500, which I think is almost all of them.
  8. You could try asking this guy: https://www.facebook.com/R3DAirsoft He 3d prints stuff and has done a lot of AAP-01 designs. I think he has done rails, but not 100%.
  9. Both places I looked are out of stock, but I'd either contact them or set up a stock alert: https://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/1577/s/tokyo-marui-motor-for-mp7-electric-compact-machine-gun-series/ https://impulse101.jp/en/mp7a1-aeg-parts/tokyo-marui-spare-parts-mp7a1-aeg-no-part-code-electric-motor-2371 Generally if I need any TM parts, these are the two places I look immediately.
  10. Haha, maybe, but also because most of the guys I went with have been going to AI500 for over a decade and said it's usually better than this one. So, forgiving and optimistic, perhaps foolish Plus, I still had a lot of fun with my friends (there was a big group of us on cartel side. I think we were about 21 players, so almost half a syndicate), but my way of playing is less impacted by a lot of the issues. I mostly crept around the outside of the buildings and picked people off with the m21.
  11. Apparently there are a bunch of tunnels underneath it too. If they opened that up for gameplay, as well as expanded the boundary a little more, it'd be great for 400 players. The area we played was not enough and it just devolved into line battles around choke points, with dozens of players stacking up at each. I think they probably should've opened earlier on the Friday and had a dedicated couple of hours to chrono everyone's guns. Seeing some of the hits my team took, there were definitely hot guns. They needed more marshalls. 6 for 400 players is nowhere near enough. At Worthing, we typically have 3 marshalls on a skirmish day, but that's for like... 60 players. I'm not saying they should have 20 marshalls, but 6 wasn't enough to keep it going. Some of the rules were ambiguous or confusing. The rules said 600 BBs per weapon per life, but this was clarified as just 600 per life. Then I was told it was 600 for primary and then a pistol and some mags. Then DMRs were 300 BBs, but was that 300BBs for the DMR, then 300 for secondary for a total of 600, or was it 300 total? What about "DMRs" that were operating at normal limits like my m21?Realistically, who's going to check ammo limits, as long as you're not taking the piss. Then there was the whole "support guns only fired from fixed positions" which I thought was silly anyway, but where were these fixed positions? How were they marked, as I was told there were specific positions they had to be used from? Also, I had a guy swing a corner with a minigun and light up the air over my head. I didn't care that much (might've if he hit me, but that's neither here nor there ), but that wasn't a fixed position for sure. I also thought allowing DMRs, but not bolt actions was a bit weird, especially considering just how long a lot of the outdoor sight lines were. Having my VSR would've been incredibly useful, so I'm probably biased there. More dynamic objectives were needed for sure. Something like "oh, this cartel leader is about and you need to take him out and take some documents off him" would've worked, then they make sure to give that particular commander some documents back at CP and ensure they don't just camp by their spawn. As cartel, I lost count of how many extractions we did, but it never felt that impactful. It was a bit like "why are we doing this?" Similarly, the Viper's Nest should've been the middle building (you know, the big U shaped one). I heard there was a bunch of gear in the Viper's Nest, but never laid eyes on it as the only people from our team who touched it all Saturday were a bunch of speedyboi speedsofters who got there at the start of Saturday, but were promptly pushed back from it as there were only 3 of them; nobody on cartel saw that building for the rest of the day. It was too close to the tan spawn and too far from the cartel spawn. I'll be heading to the next one. We've given a lot of feedback, so fingers crossed they listen to it.
  12. Reason they did that was to cut down how much of the site was in play, since there were only about 50 greens left at that point.
  13. This one is a tough one to police with the number of marshalls they had and I'm old school. I like to imagine we can be trusted, since when I first started airsoft 16 years ago, nobody chronoed anything, but nobody came away bleeding either. Maybe I just need to stop being such an old fogey (even though I'm only 30!) and accept that now airsoft is more popular and gets certain YouTube attention, we're going to have absolute morons who spoil it for the rest of us. I do think they should've chronoed more, as I didn't see anyone getting chronoed either, not even me when I said to the marshalls that my m21 was 1.1J. I agreed I wouldn't use it in buildings, but I also was shooting with no MED outside since while I was playing the DMR role, I was playing with normal AEG power limits since I specifically designed it not to have an MED (since that's usually what my VSR is for). I was more than happy for a marshall to chrono my gun because I'm not a dickhead, but nobody did. I can only go on what I experienced and literally every death I had on Saturday was due to grenades, even though I rarely was in "cover", since I focus on concealment over hard cover. Every time I was grenaded, it would've been easier to just spray the bush I was hiding in, but nah, instead I just got a barrage of grenades. Though, I imagine it was on both sides, like the non-hit taking as I did see that on both sides. I did have to tap a green on the shoulder I was standing next to after I saw some BBs bouncing off his rig. I medic-ed him back in, but I shouldn't have had to tell him he had been hit for him to take it.
  14. The issue with large events is that a sour apple spoils the bunch. A perfect example was where I lit up an entire row of tans with the m21 when they pushed forward. Looking through the scope, I tagged them all, working my way up the line and beyond. Of the 9 or so people I shot, 8 called the hit, but 1 continued playing and then shot me while hiding among the dead players. I think chronoing 400 players is always going to be an issue. It can be done, but would require time and organisation that I don't think the AI team have. At the end of the day, they're magazine editors, not site owners. There were definitely hot guns though, as while I didn't experience any of them since I was on DMR role outside the buildings, one guy on my team was absolutely covered in welts and blood by the end of the Sunday. My main gripes were the amount of pyro being hurled by the tans, which basically meant there were no gun fights, it was just an artillery barrage of grenades, and also the forward respawn on the Sunday. That was a really, really dumb idea that basically meant green team couldn't get out of our spawn for half a day, since the tan spawn was about 200m away from ours. Sapped the fun out of it, especially since we were outnumbered 4 to 1 at that point because so many greens either didn't show up or left early. That being said, the second half of Sunday was an absolute blast.
  15. Just got home from ai500 and had a cracking weekend! Definitely some hiccups and hurdles that will need to be smoothed out going forward. The good: Finally getting to play alongside the staff from Worthing for the first time in about 13 years, since skirmish weekends they are busy marshalling and running the site. Also, we were all staying in the same hotel, so the out of game social was amazing fun too. The site itself. The Citadel has some amazing potential for future ai500s. Out-ranging other AEGs with my 1.1J m21. Put a lot of effort into that build, so it's nice to see it paying off. Haha, AAP-01 go brrrr. No, seriously, I was only allowed to fire it semi-auto, but it was the first time I was using it and it was also out-ranging AEGs. Quality gun, that. Met some fantastic players on green team. Yeah, there were some absolute spanners, but the majority I spoke to seemed to be some really great guys and gals. Good arm workout. Carting that m21 around, then also having to pump up my tiny little HPA bottle not once, but twice! On that, I also worked out how many shots it's good for. The answer is around 500 BBs. More than enough for a normal game day, but when there are 200 targets and some gale force winds to deal with, I shoot a lot more shots The bad: The weather. I've never played in such piss poor weather before. 70+ mph winds and a torrential downpour for most of Saturday. Made it worse that the wind was blowing in our faces, so we couldn't see anything (and one guy in my team reported one of his BBs flew back at him after he fired it 🤣) Teething issues. Some stuff they did just... didn't work. I think they'll iron these out for future events, but as the maiden voyage for this site there were some definite issues with the gameplay. Some sketchy play. I'm looking down a scope, I can see my BBs bouncing off people and them just continuing like nothing is wrong. Too much pyro. I have no idea how many pyros the tans were throwing, but on Saturday I only died 6 times and they were all to grenades. I'd hazard a guess that multiple hundreds of grenades were thrown on Saturday alone People gave up early. At one point on Sunday we were outnumbered 4 - 1. Not allowing bolt action sniper rifles. There were so many looooooooooooooong sight lines that a 2.3J bolt action would've been incredibly useful. 1.48J DMRs isn't enough for those sight lines. Ol' reliable TM mk23 fell out of its holster and something snapped in the trigger unit when it hit the ground, so that's going to be a fun tech job to repair. Airsoft is a social hobby, so while the bad technically outnumbers the good, the good points were far more impactful than the bad.
  16. Welcome! If you're a sussex local and head down to Worthing, you'll find me there pretty much every game day. I'm the tall guy with the HPA m21 Messaging sellers does require some interaction with the forum at large, I'm guessing as a way to combat spam or fraud. Got to be a part of the community to buy/sell.
  17. Ready for ai500. Taskforce beware the mercenary sniper working for the cartel 😈
  18. This is something that actually confused me when I got back into the hobby. I started 16 years ago and back then people would wear patches to complete their loadouts. People would do accurate impression kits for the SAS, Navy Seals etc, patches and all, but never claimed to be part of the units. It was all about authenticity and creating the perfect look, as we can all agree that dress-up is a large part of the hobby for a lot of people. When I got back into the hobby 2 years ago, the feeling I got from a lot of people was "oh, you can't wear those patches because you haven't earned them." Now, it didn't really affect me since I prefered doing contractor and mercenary loadouts, or intelligence agency stuff which was all designed to be anonymous anyway (CIA agents don't exactly wear patches saying "hey, I'm your local CIA agent"), but I still found it strange. I get the stolen valour argument. Stolen valour sucks, and people who engage in it are disrespectful idiots. However, people who just wear patches for dress-up, I just don't see the issue. If someone wants to dress up like a certain unit because they like that unit, I say go for it.
  19. [Internally screams in HPA VSR build] I will also echo what has already been said, as someone who plays the sniper role all the time; sniping isn't what everyone thinks it is. In truth, it's a lot of doing nothing. It's a lot of lying in stinging nettles. It's a lot of trigger discipline, not taking shots at people either because they're within your MED or you don't have a clear shot and can't risk letting them know you're there. It's a lot of pistol kills. It's a lot of radio chatter. It's a lot of watching a stray leaf or mild breeze knock your shot off course. You can't take gunfights because you will lose to the 13 year old rental with an m4 and a high cap magazine. Every shot you will take has to be at people who don't know where you are, as if they know where you are they can literally dodge your shots at range and suppress you with full auto fire. At the end of the day, we're firing air powered muskets with projectiles that weight less than a gram. Also, depending on your site, a 2.3J bolt action rifle can be more of a hindrance than a help. I've totally moved away from using my 2.3J VSR at my local site at the moment because during the summer it gets super overgrown, so that 30m MED just hinders me with no benefit as there simply aren't long enough sight lines. Sniping is more of a role than a rifle, much like designated marksman is a role, not a rifle, we just use those terms as an easy way to differentiate power limits. I would call my HPA m21 a "sniper rifle" but it's kept at 1.1J like any AEG so I have no MED with it. You can fulfill the "sniper" role with an AEG for the most part, and if you're playing it properly having someone out of range isn't an issue because you just wait for them to take a few steps forward as they should have no idea you're watching them. I will always advise people play the sniper role with their AEG first (hypocritcally because my first RIF was a bolt action rifle) and see if they enjoy it before investing, as it's typically quite expensive. It's a very rewarding way to play, but it's a very different way to play. It's very much not for everyone.
  20. I've got another that's probably unpopular... I don't understand the allure of DMR power levels. I just don't see how 1.64J (or lower at some sites!) justifies a 30m MED. The difference in range over 1.1J is miniscule, but the lack of flexibility just hurts. I can justify 2.3J for bolt actions, because the difference in effective range is worth the trade off (most of the time), but 1.64J just isn't enough in my eyes.
  21. For guns around 1J, I've found .32s to be the ideal weight. Maple leaf rubbers will hop them and they seem to work well with the power.
  22. Accurate to 200ft isn't outlandish for an AEG if you spend time, money and effort tuning them. I typically aim for around that for all of my 1J builds and I can proudly say I've achieved it on all of my 1J guns so far, including pistols. And when I say accurate to 200ft, I mean hitting a torso sized target 9/10 times. Apart from my two stock Cyma guns, the mp5k and the spring shotty which are accurate to about 45m.
  23. What don't I understand... Ghillies in the summer. Like, it's hot, and wearing a full suit makes it even hotter. Plus, they're not entirely necessary in airsoft anyway. I take the hot weather as an opportunity to practice my camo and concealment fieldcraft, because IT'S HOT ALREADY. Also people who yell at me to push up. With a boltie. In a ghillie if it's cooler weather. Because clearly I've designed my loadout for fast, aggressive pushes at the front of the team. What do they think I'm going to achieve with my mk23?
  24. I also feel the need to also bring to the fore that running a bolt action rifle often feels like pistol primary, rifle secondary. So many game days where I get like 5 kills with the BASR, but 20+ with the pistol 🤣
  25. I've done it before in woodland with my TM mk23 and played stealthy, since it fires as far as an AEG no problem, but is also very quiet. It was great fun, channeling my inner Solid Snake! I imagine it'd work in CQB pretty darn well, since engagement distances are a lot closer, and having such a small gun will help your mobility when navigating and clearing rooms.
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