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Everything posted by Impulse

  1. Most stock guns don't need anything swapping out anyway. Most can benefit from a Maple Leaf rubber / omega nub combination, but other than that guns generally come pretty great out of the box as long as it's from a reputable brand (G&G, ICS, Cyma, JG, TM etc.) Unless you're chasing performance, I'm generally of the opinion of "use it stock until it breaks" as then you'll get a good feeling for what you want to do with it, as well as making the most efficient use of the parts. Unless it's a BASR. Those typically require tweaking and fine tuning as they're pretty underwhelming out of the box. I wasted a bunch of money throwing parts at making my TM m14 an AEG-based DMR and I hated it. Literally wasted about £200 on parts because I ended up HPAing it instead and stripping all the parts out, since that was far more useful to how I play and I only really discovered the world of HPA about a year later.
  2. A sweatband is a lot cheaper than an Exfog. I'd say if you're unsure of what the right solution is, I'd try the sweatband first and see how that does. Alternatively, you could try mesh. @heroshark makes some pretty fantastic mesh goggles and glasses and I use a pair when I'm playing if it's a particularly humid or sweaty day. I've still got prescription inserts, so there's only so much I can do to combat the fogging as I need those to see, but even with my inserts I get a lot less fogging when I use mesh because there's a lot more air-flow. Fogging is always a hurdle to overcome and it may take you a bit of time to find a solution that works well for you.
  3. As long as you set it so the mag release isn't inside the fabric part of the holster then it works great, but yeah, if you set it up where the mag release falls below the fabric, you will lose mags. I just love my HK pistols though, so this isn't a problem I suffer from any more
  4. This is pretty good, as long as you adjust it properly for the pistol: https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/8fields-tactical-modular-universal-holster Finding them in stock is hard, but I've got two, one molle one and one drop leg that i've shortened to a thigh holster, and they're great.
  5. I see what you mean on that; it's like beating up an old man! Worthing's facilities aren't great, let's be totally honest with everyone, however when it comes to actually organising and playing airsoft games (which is why we're there), I have yet to go to a site that does it as well as Worthing. It's why we make jokes about heated toilets After all, the site has been around for almost 20 years (I started there 16 years ago back when it was Elite Action Games Worthing) and the guys who run it now I knew back then as players and marshalls, so they definitely know their stuff. Also, they've had the unfortunate fate of the site shrinking over time due to public footpaths and complaints of the general public.
  6. My lovely airsoft relic is now mostly done. I'll do some fine tuning when I've got access to the range at my local site, but I'm really happy with this. Don't see many of these around these days, much less with a real-steel Remington m700 wooden stock. Now I have the perfect bad-guy sniper rifle for filmsim events as I can dress up as a civilian dissident with a sporting rifle now. Only thing I need to get now is a leather rifle sling to finish that sporting rifle vibe.
  7. Got some new mags for the m700 and they're chronoing at different energy than the other mags.


    I'll love this platform once I've sorted all these issues, but my god is this annoying to sort :P

  8. Final Fantasy 14. As a vanilla WoW veteran (seriously, been playing since 2004), I was expecting a trash weeb game with a furry agenda (though on that last point I gave it some wiggle room since WoW is pretty bad with that and we all know it...) I found a great game with a pretty vibrant and loving community, as well as devs who seem to genuinely care and take player feedback on board. It's hard watching a grown man break down into tears because he has to announce that he's delaying the launch of an expansion by 2 weeks because he felt it didn't have enough QC time, where Blizzard by comparison would just release unfinished expansion after unfinished expansion with the general feeling of "we've heard your feedback and it doesn't align with how we want to make the game, so you can stick your opinions where the sun don't shine. You whales will keep paying for it anyway". I have now embraced the fact that I am, in fact, a bunny girl and I expect you all to treat me as such.
  9. In short, no. 13ci is great for guns that don't shoot many shots, like HPA DMRs or sniper rifles. I run a 10ci tank (it's so tiny, I love it) in a stock pouch for both of my HPA builds, but one is a bolt action sniper rifle and the other is a semi-auto sniper rifle (at 1.1J because something-something-DMR-power-and-MED-sucks), so I'm not taking enough shots to burn through that much air. I found my 10ci tank does around 450 - 500 shots through my m21 and that does me fine. However, if you're running an MTW and will be playing it normally, you will run out of air if you move to a 13ci tank faster than you realise, especially if you ever use the fun-switch. if I do run my 48ci tank (larger and longer games than your typical skirmish or filmsim day), I put mine in a Warrior Assault Systems backpack, the absolutely tiny cargo pack: https://www.uktactical.com/p-8706-warrior-cargo-pack-olive-drab.aspx Fits it, plus any other supplies I need for the day like water bottles, BBs, gas etc. I put the tank in the internal hydration bladder section and run the line out and through the strap to keep it tight to me. I don't run a plate carrier (because crawling around like a sneaky sniper while wearing a plate carrier is uncomfortable!), so I run the cargo pack as a stand-alone backpack (it comes with the straps to do so), but it could just as easily be attached to the back of a plate carrier.
  10. I was considering jumping to .36s in my 1.1J builds as I don't fire that often and my hop ups could easily handle them, then I looked at the price jump and said "hell no!" .36s are where ammo starts getting pricey.
  11. The unfortunate truth is that BB weight is a very empirical thing. You need to experiment with what works for you. That said, these are my two cents: I generally run .32s in all my 1.1J builds. However, a normal rifle to me is a GBBR or a 1.1J sniper build, so I'm not exactly spamming the trigger with my 35rd magazines. I think I usually go through maybe 400 - 500 BBs in a game day if I'm using my m21, which has the largest magazines of my guns at a whopping 70rds! I'd echo .28s as the overall best value for regular AEG usage and all-around usefulness. Will you gain a tiny bit more range and consistency with heavier BBs? Sure, but you can also just take two steps forward or arc the gun slightly. It's generally not worth the cost to upgrade to .32s or heavier if you're going through a lot of them each game day.
  12. Tested my m700 on my chrono and pretty pleased with the results. it's not as consistent as a spring or HPA rifle, and it varies from mag to mag, but 1.9J - 2.1J is acceptable deviation between magazines.


    Although one mag is chronoing at 4.1J so that mag isn't being used...

    1. strykerles


      section 5 anyone? 😁

    2. Impulse


      @strykerlesYeah, that was my concern. No idea why it's doing it, since it's the same brand as one of the other mags which was fine. I fettled both mags to fit into the gun (they were both tight and one was pressing the gas valve slightly causing it to leak if I tilted the gun). I've managed to bring it back down to legal limits through further fettling, but the mag is a tiny bit loose now.

    3. strykerles


      my Vss had a section 5 scare tooo


      brought it, gutted it and changed all the internals to make a DMR, fitted a "supposed" M130 spring which should have given it around the 450fps mark


      on testing....................... 562fps 😂

  13. Not that bit. We do play down the bottom by bridge island, yes, but it was nice to finally play 3 base domination down there instead of up by tower. It's usually some sort of rolling assault if we're down that neck of the woods, so it was nice to play something different. I really want us to play more paradise too, but I think it needs a bit of TLC first.
  14. Today was an absolutely fantastic day with many successes at Worthing Airsoft. We played part of the site that is often neglected and it was super fun. I went with the 1.1J spring VSR so I had no MED (I was called out in the safety brief so people wouldn't whine too much when I shot them up close) and it was a really satisfying day. So many great shots and stealthy moments. Our small sniper element of 3 snipers and one AEG guy managed to hold one of the three bases with the help of a group of rental kids who held their ground against large numbers of way more experienced airsofters for the whole game. Never underestimate rental kiddies! Even though we fell at the end because they just overwhelmed us by pushing us with way more people than we could take out, it was an absolutely cracking game. Made me wonder what the rest of our team was doing Not only that, but one of my good friends at the site has recently picked up a TM VSR project gun (it was broken) for himself and got a local gun tech to upgrade and fix it. Took it out last skirmish day and didn't see much success, so he switched back to an AEG. Today he took it out again and asked if he could follow me around the site to learn how to do the sniper role properly and I said of course he could. He said he'd probably just run it in the morning and then switch out to his AEG again at lunch, but as lunch came and went, he took the VSR out for the afternoon as well as he had so much fun with it in the morning. Said that it felt great to play and was super satisfying to use a BASR, despite less "action". The only detractor for the day was that there was absolutely rampant non-hit taking. Marshalls had to pull up a lot of people on it and I had a lot of instances where I hit someone, they react to the shot and then run away or go to ground. I never understand people who get hit by a single BB out of nowhere with no audible sound queue, and then try and brush it off as "nah, that didn't hit me." If that happens, it's probably a sniper who is watching you through a scope and can see their BB bouncing off your love handles.
  15. In all it's crap-camera glory. I had another offer I couldn't refuse with this little beast. Tanaka m700 with a real steel Remington m700 wood stock. £400 all in for an upgraded, out of production rifle. The KJW m700 was the one on my list, so when I got this offer I was like "yeah, I can't say no to that, as much as I really should as I've already spent way too much" One of the mags needs fettling, but it shoots nicely and is nice and quiet! I wanted one of these when I was a teenager, way back in 2006 when one of my team mates had one. 15 years later and I finally have one.
  16. It's the advice I always give people who want to get into sniping: get a solid sidearm first! You'll need it. I often joke that I get 1 kill with the rifle and about 10 kills with the pistol each game. It's also part of the reason I kept my m21 and spring VSR to 1.1J, as I'll generally run the HPA VSR if I want 2.3J and an MED, though even when using my 1.1J BASR, I still get more pistol kills even without an MED! I'm currently in the process of upping my game and improving my trigger discipline. Transferring completely away from AEGs in favour of GBBRs (because they're so fun to shoot, I can't go back...), so getting used to 35rd magazines there, but I also may be buying a Tanaka m700 this weekend (another "I don't want to buy anything, but I can't pass up the opportunity" situation, since Tanaka rifles are loooooong out of production) and those gas sniper rifles only run a whopping 10rd magazine, 28rd if you get the extended ones, though I'll be keeping to the short ones. Yeah, you get less "kills" playing like this, but it's so much more satisfying. As a German dude told a teenage me back in Spain when I used to play there: it's not how many you hit, but how you hit them.
  17. As a totally unbiased onlooker, I believe you have reached peak airsoft. No, don't look at how I play, that has nothing to do with it!
  18. Managed to connect all my AEP lipos to my fancy balance charger and storage charge all of them. I am no longer living in fear of burning my house down or blowing up my mp7

    1. Shamal


      Wot all at once?


    2. Impulse


      Oh dear god no. I think my smart charger would be smart enough to slap me in the face if I tried.

  19. I've heard the TM NiMH i pretty good and will definitely be getting some as a backup for my mp7. I don't have any experience with the Well MP7, but I have the TM MP7 and I use that same adapter with lipos, so I imagine it should work, as long as the Well is built like the TM? I have no idea on that so I can't confirm unfortunately. The batteries I use are these (with that same adapter above. The TM MP7 comes with it as standard): https://www.airsoftworld.net/world-exclusive-lithium-polymer-aep-battery-li-po-lipo-7-4v-550mah.html https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/nuprol-7-4v-550mah-lipo-aep-battery The benefit is the trigger response is snappy and the full auto ROF is pretty nice. The issue with these lipos, however, is you cannot storage charge them without something like this adapter, as the good quality chargers require both the balance lead and main lead to be connected to charge them, but AEP lipos don't have a main lead, only a balance lead. https://www.taiwangun.com/battery-chargers/adapter-for-li-po-aep-batteries-ipower Honestly, I'd just get the TM NiMH battery that you linked, plus the adapter. if the battery doesn't fit the charger (I imagine it should?) then you can buy the TM charger, but no need to shell out when it could very easily work out. EDIT: This got me thinking and I can't believe I didn't try using the adapter to storage charge as well. I have just plugged my AEP lipo into my fancy-pants charger using the TM adapter plus this attachment: https://www.socomtactical.net/jg-aep-battery-charger-adapter/ If I'm about to burn my house down, somebody let me know, but from my rudimentary understanding of electronics, I believe this should work as my charger is a lipo charger and this is merely an adapter to get it to plug into my smart charger.
  20. Yeah, I'd look at the air seal too, as well as making sure the piston is lubed up to make sure it's not suffering too much friction inside the cylinder (allow me to place your mind firmly in the gutter with that imagery). m140 giving 1.2J is horrific! I got 2.4J on a m130 in my old build because my air seal was "too good". Air seal is king as it will generally give you much better consistency and longevity, as you can get away with using lighter springs which put less strain on the sears. If you're going for a 1.1J no MED build, which I advocate because they're really fun, you want to be using a muuuuuuch lighter spring for a muuuuuuuch easier bolt pull; also a 60 degree rubber makes sense for that level of power. I changed out my spring build for a 1.1J build and I'm using a m90, so my sears are going to last a while! However, if you're going for 2.3J like most people, you will want a 70 or 80 degree rubber and use the heaviest BBs possible.
  21. I've looked around and never really got any definitive answer to the question of H-plate or FANG plate. I can see how they're different in their construction, but I have no idea what the mechanical difference or performance impact would be between them. I'm just curious why everyone goes for the H-plate over the FANG plate, myself included; don't fix it if it ain't broken, and the H-plate seems to work. So anyone got the details on what the real applicable difference between these two products is? They both seem to do the same job, so I'm not sure why they're both needed.
  22. It was a great day for sure. I really enjoyed it too, despite being on the losing team and even though I basically just held two positions through the whole day. I was covering a flanking route through the whole morning (path by the field that heads to Paradise) and then covering another flanking route for the whole afternoon after lunch (ferns on the border of dark woods, near to #8 tree). I wasn't really feeling the VSR though, so next game day I'll be bringing the m21 along again. MED comes up way too often and I'm rarely making those 70m+ shots that my VSR can do with its 2.3J with ease that my m21 struggles to with it's 1.1J. Were you on yellow team? Yellow team definitely turned up and definitely deserved the win; they played hard and played as a team. Blue team just didn't show up as much. The team Beans group and the Defiant group were propping the team up, but there was only so much we could do That all said, I actually really enjoy being on the losing team, as long as it isn't a complete stompest.
  23. After the MP7 and the HK45, I said I wasn't buying anything else. I would've stuck to it, but I was given an offer I couldn't refuse. £280 for this beast, now I just need the mags to come back in stock somewhere so I can get a bunch of spares, because 35 BBs isn't enough. Come on, Tokyo Marui, get some more mags out! 🤣 Fired it on the range today and I'm never going back to AEGs. It was so much fun to shoot!
  24. There's basically like... a million pics online showing poor trigger discipline, both for real steel and airsoft shooting. I see a LOT of poor weapons handling in airsoft though. Some of it can be put down to them being toy guns as at the end of the day we're massive nerds running around the woods shooting each other with toy guns. Milsim "special" operators are generally insufferable so I won't take their side on it when they're like "always treat it like a real firearm!". My gripe is poor weapons handling in the safe zone as that's when it can be dangerous and people can lose an eye. Treat it like a real firearm while you're not in game is my mentality (and "don't be a spanner" in general is good life advice)
  25. Finally got a natural picture at a game of me, which is a rarity since I'm always hiding in bushes so the photographers never see me, but AI500 didn't have enough bushes! This has been my go-to loadout during the summer. I'm the one on the right, doing as much of the sniper business as I could since no "sniper rifles" were allowed at the event. Totally would've taken my VSR otherwise since the sight lines were massive.
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