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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Air pockets can make the flight path all wobbly because there's no way to ensure the air pocket will be in the exact same spot every time. I've found Z1 BBs to be far less accurate than Blasters and I'd bet money that it's down to the air pocket being in a non-uniform place in each BB. Despite them being perfectly spherical, I could see them tumbling instead of flying true.
  2. Work starts again next week! HURRAY! Time to start re-cooping some of that £1250 that I owe the bank...
  3. I've won £25 to spend on ICS or G&G guns at FireSupport. I have no need for it. Expires October 31st, let me know if you want it.

  4. I play significantly more woodland, Skirmish has a max full auto limit of 368. The Stan is 350 full auto limit as my most frequented CQB site, and Skirmish have yet to set a limit for their CQB site, but I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't 350 + 5% as per their woodland site as well.
  5. Death. I think if I lived in Australia I'd probably either do paintball or move to another country.
  6. I might just ban everyone who posts in this thread. It's a new rule haha.
  7. I don't mind people adding RIS to an M16A3, people can do that, it's fine. If anyone wants me to genuinely murder them, then you need to get an AR57 and then stick a P90 M4 mag adaptor on it. It shall be slow, and it shall be painful, and you will fully deserve every second of it.
  8. A short video from Skirmish's new CQB site: Also, before I get into another 5 hour row, be aware that I'd never throw a BFG through a window like that in any other circumstances, it was a private day for site regulars and we're all friends, trust was implied in the brief and people were there to test the site. There was no formal brief as it were, we were there to give our feedback, invent rules and work out what games work and which ones don't.
  9. Skirmish Airsoft's new CQB site was fucking epic.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Oh, 10x10m would be almost as CQB as opposite ends of a caravan...

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      It would, yeah. Especially since there were about 30 people on site.

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      That would be the best thing ever. Put 30 people in a 10x10m room with an airsoft pistol each and tell them it's free for all. When they've taken enough pain, they can just leave.

  10. Heathen. I saw a post on the Australian Airsoft Association Facebook page where they were asking people if they'd play with guns like that if they could count it on a first step to get airsoft legalised lol. I was amazed how many said they would.
  11. Nerf guns have proper magazines and shit? That's badass
  12. L85 was double feeding because of the hop rubber. Now it's too late to get a new one before the weekend! D=

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed
    3. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      So maybe run the noob/Rhodesian SAS loadout?

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      My brother's coming this time, so one of us will have to use the L85 either way. I've got it working well enough for CQB with the G&G rubber I had knocking about now, just need to make sure I don't forget to sort it before I go to any woodland games.

  13. Last YouTube video has over 250 views and it's not even been live for 12 hours yet, I didn't even share it around much. Well chuffed.

    1. Suzuki Yamamoto

      Suzuki Yamamoto

      Your channel and video's are coming along nicely mate, well done!

    2. hprentice


      i am definitely a few of them ;)

    3. Ian_Gere
  14. New video. Holding off the attackers on the right flank of the village, more or less on my own. Like a baus.
  15. If you'd gone way back on my Facebook page, then there might be a photo of me that would suit the whole head, including the hair lol.
  16. May change my forum name to Thor. My arm's getting tired. Give me a break you spam bot wankers.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. proffrink


      Admins, it's literally 2 free plugins/modules you need to enable you need for IPB to stop spamming. PM me if you want a tutorial on how to do it.

    3. two_zero


      > ???


      > Profit



      gonna be strange ed not being ed thou

    4. two_zero


      *realised what Thor refereed to as I hit submit damn it!!

  17. Just discovered the Poptart Tragedy on YouTube and now my sides have torn open and I'm going to die.

    1. Esoterick
    2. murph


      EVERTIM :'C

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      A BOOARTIFUL diarmond ring was insyd haha, man, just thinking about it is making me crey evertim.

  18. I used Final Cut to make mine haha, I don't even have photoshop, I'm so pro I used a video editor for a picture. Fuck yeah.
  19. My first attempt at a meme, made out of what some imbecile put on Reddit.
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