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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Seems that G-hop is the much more workable, easy solution, with similar if not better results. I'll have to pick up some glue and give it a go.
  2. I don't know the first thing about joining up or what would count as a good regiment lol, just gonna follow the steps, stick my name on the lists and see what happens.
  3. Yeah, gonna look at the TA whilst I find a more long term job I think.
  4. Yeah, I hated every second of it so I just stopped going lol. It was fun living with the free money, but now I've got about £10k of debt and no degree, so it could've gone better lol. Reason I'm not doing a lot is 'cos I'm trying to get out of my overdraft before it gets recalled and I start getting charged to be in it.
  5. Yeah, not been airsofting since the last video. I've dropped out of Uni so I've got to watch the wallet a bit more closely. I've also started tinkering with my sniper a bit more, so it's all a bit of a balancing act. I'll try and get to a site next weekend to get some new content out.
  6. Anyone recommend a good sniper hop rubber? My stock one lasted about 60 shots at 500fps... Has to be a VSR type.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Ah,that would be Ghop,check out this video.

    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I got my R-Hop patches from AirLab, would have thought they'd be the same from everywhere though?


      About the barrel, there's so much debating on whether the tightest you can find is better, wider is better or whether somewhere in the middle is. From what I've read, the general thoughts are that 6.01 for closer ranges, giving a higher FPS increase, and wider barrels (6.05+) for long range rifles, as they create a more stable flight with a cushion of air around the BB.

    4. M_P


      Madbull recently released a vsr bucking- will be worth a try.

  7. I don't fancy my chances modding one of those triggers to fit, if I'm honest. Anyway though, I have some news. I fitted an M150 VSR spring just now, unfortunately my chrono is being a bellend so I've no idea what the hell the fps is, but using .43s, the stock hop parts + a biro ink tube nub, stock barrel, stock trigger components, an ASPUK piston and spring guide, I was able to hit a metal drain pipe at approx 80m, measured with Google maps. Most other shots came within about 1.5m to it as well, from what I could see. Though I'm by no means experienced when it comes to judging the flight path of BBs at that range, my back drop was the sky so I could see the black BBs, so it's quite hard to gauge at what point along their flight they were deviating. I have almost no faith that the stock spring guide stopper will hold up much longer though, it was visibly bent before I even fitted the M150 spring, so I dread to think what it looks like now. The rest of the trigger parts seemed to perform fine, I've not looked at them yet either, but I have confidence they'll still be fit for hard use. On the down side of things, my range dropped off substantially after about 60 shots, and although I've not looked into it yet, I suspect the hop rubber is going to be in tatters. Also, I bought a VSR10 metal hop arm from ASPUK, the B type one and it's massive. A good cm too long to fit in, as well as being too fat and too high as well. Just far too chunky in every dimension to fit into the gun. I might give R-hop another go and buy a spring guide stopper that fits. I have a PDI one but it won't go in because the arm you pull it out with hits on the gun chassis when closing it, so you can't get the gun together. Once those parts are sorted though, I actually think it could be made a rather decent gun, everything seems to be holding up really well and I'm astounded I hit 80m with mostly stock parts and without the accuracy being too terrible either. In fact I was so surprised with the performance that I'm starting to worry I might be firing massively over the 500fps marker, 'cos if I can get 80m from the stock rubber and barrel with this spring fitted, an R-hop ought to put me well into the 100m zone, the shots seem to carry a ridiculous amount of momentum as well, I could see this covering more than 150m if I angled the barrel. Actually properly excited about getting it up and running effectively, 'cos it's going to be a beast. I'm still having feeding issues though... Pain in the posterior to say the least.
  8. I don't care if the chrono doesn't work! ...Well actually I do... The range on my sniper now... Holy hell. S'got to be at least 90m. Starting to wonder what the point in R-hop is, since I had to use the stock bucking... Only conclusion is that it's got to be waaaaayyy over 500fps! Any ideas?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      I'm not using a patch... Didn't you read my first post?

    3. Unrustle_Thine_Jimmies


      Man I feel dumb,sorry about that. I thought you were still battling with R hop,so I'm guessing you have a dead rubber.

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Yeah... Though on the plus side, that ought to make it easier to try the R-hop patches again, as you said lol. I just need to get some high grain sand paper to make it fit better, upgrade the spring guide stopper and I think I'm golden.

  9. Nearly reported one of my own comments on a PM thread because the button's in the same place as "Back to top" on regular threads... Fail lol.

  10. Nearly reported one of my own comments on a PM thread because it's in the same play as "Back to top" on regular threads... Fail lol.

  11. I want a GBB M4 to use in CQB =[ Someone buy me one?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bottledtorment


      Do I have too?


    3. Airsoft-Ed


      Yes. Get saving.

    4. Bottledtorment


      Okay sir , just please don't make me sweep the chimney .*Victorian orphan style cough*

  12. Just written my first blog post for UK Airsoft. Anyone want to read it ahead of it being added to their website? It could do with being proof read by someone who isn't me, if nothing else... Yay o' nay?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Basil Henriques

      Basil Henriques

      Typo's are:-

      <I’d advise you not to get a gas rifle as yourfirst gun though>= your first ..

      <A USNavy Seal maybe>= A US Navy Seal..


      Also consider revising the phrase <"I was a month 18 when I discovered airsoft">= maybe < a month over 18 > ?

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I wrote it in Word and then pasted it over to Facebook, where the lines ended on Word and dropped to a new line, they didn't start a new line on Facebook, which for some reason means it had to not leave a space... I added a ton of spaces back in but must've missed some.

      As for the phrase, I think it's clear enough what I mean.

    4. Basil Henriques

      Basil Henriques

      As for the phrase, you are the writer, as the reader I see Ellipsis !


  13. Confused.com... Sniper's firing at 175ish fps with .43s, which means that according to our fps calculation app, it ought to be firing .20s at around 250. But it's not, it's firing them at about 320. It used to fire at around 400 with .20s, so it seems that fitting an R-hop has reduced my fps by about 80... Not good. Methinks it might not be in right... It's overhopping .30s ridiculously, but isn't lifting .43s. Snipers can honestly just fuck off. Waaaaaayyy too much hassle.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Finius


      Step 1: Chuck out your bag of shite.

      Step 2: Buy a VSR.

      Step 3: Inner peace.

    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      If the hop is blocking the barrel too much and it's an RHop, then it's wrong. It should go into the barrel by less than half a mm, if you look down my barrel, you can't even see the RHop, it's flush with the barrel.

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      Yeah, I know Liam. Gonna have to take another look at it sometime. Need to get some sandpaper methinks...

  14. I'm currently fitting an R-hop patch. I shall test it once I have time, and the sun isn't hiding around the other side of the Earth... It'd better be an improvement... Turns out the hop rubber I had installed had been butchered through use anyway, so it can't be any shitter than it was!
  15. I wish all the advertising report stuff on YouTube actually made sense... I have no idea what any of the figures mean, what kind of money I'm making, what portion of it I actually get... Nothing like making life easy, eh?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. adam bussey

      adam bussey

      I use adblocker because I listen to music on youtube and don't like being interrupted when I am playing a playlist

    3. Airsoft-Ed
    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      I don't use AdBlock because I haven't downloaded it. That is literally the only reason, ads don't annoy me enough to make me want to.

  16. Awesome, so now there's a 90° on the market, as well as two upgrade cylinder sets. What's up with the difference in length of the pistons in the two photos above, Fiddich? Also, $216 is about £140, so that's actually not that bad, especially considering it comes with a new cylinder, piston, spring and spring guide... In fact, it makes me wonder if the parts are low quality... But, so long as the exchange rate works out properly on checkout, and customs doesn't anally rape the buyer once it enters the UK, I think that's pretty affordable. Hop and barrel parts can be sourced easily, so the only thing that can't be improved are the magazines, which squirt ammo everywhere if you touch them, and the feeding mech, which is still shit... Any hope of seeing the trigger on a better known website, do you reckon? I might see if my regular site can order me one in... Once I've got out of my overdraft anyway...
  17. Yeah... The village game's brief was conducted during a brief monsoon.
  18. Kill reel from last Saturday as all my footage was depressingly lame The after-massacre welt footage wasn't really any good either, so I had to leave it out.
  19. 11 kills + full auto firing squad:

  20. Airsoft blog, what would people like to read? Hit me with suggestions.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Yeah (Y)

      Website's going to be the most advanced E-Commerce site ever made, what they've got so far looks amazing.

    3. Mike636


      I was tempted to write one as a person getting into the sport, even saw an advert in Airsoft Action to write for them, never got round to sending it :(

    4. Kaza66


      Nice ed. Sounds really good. Been looking forward to the site for ages now. - It's my local site I'm down pretty regular - be down again in July :)

  21. Haha yeah, did you notice the BB inside his goggles? Fuck knows how that got in there. I have a brief piece of footage showing the welts all over him, so I'll put the footage on YouTube and add that part in too... Probably.
  22. A mate today did a run of death for his 22nd birthday, with a load of balloons strapped to him, turns out balloons are insanely fun to shoot. I'm also joined by one of the newer members of the forums, BottledTorment - runs up on my left at the start. I put the unedited video up on my site's Facebook page, so until I make some edits before sticking it on the 'Tube, take a look here, don't forget to make it HD! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151509644817913&set=o.260168627365020&type=2&theater
  23. Sweet, cheers. Ought to be some new videos up next week, heading back to Skirmish tomorrow.
  24. I know someone who uses a Tachyon that they clip onto the peak of their cap, which is a pretty cool mounting point, but my Contour definitely has a nicer picture quality. The Contour also has a wider angle lens and can record in 1080p, whereas the Tachyon's are limited to 720p with a narrower field of view. Not sure what the price on them is, but if they're more than £80 (which looking at the quality of the footage and using my Contour as a base marker, is what I'd value them at) then I'd just get a Contour instead. Only thing I don't like about the Contour is that if the lens cover gets shot, it breaks, and getting a replacement is the most massive pain in the balls ever, because Contour don't ship the lens kits outside the US.
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