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Everything posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I might have to close this thread just to save my own eyes from gouging themselves out...
  2. Debating whether or not to sell my L85 in order to replace it with a gas one...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Hubert


      The one problem you'll have at the moment is finding improved bolts; I haven't seen any in stock (literally anywhere) since July.


      (But if you'd consider selling me the barrel & hop-up from your ICS, let me know... since mine is still shooting round corners...)

    3. Airsoft-Ed


      I have 2 spare hop units if you want one of those? The barrel and hop that are fitted will remain in there though. Not going to be doing any awkward splits or anything.

    4. CES_williamson


      Well if your already used to the 30 rd mags, you are gaining realism and recoil! sounds pretty good to me!!

  3. Point noted. Next time it's appropriate to add the map I'll put a "last known enemy position" marker in the legend/key.
  4. New video, made a little mini-map kinda thing for this one.
  5. Just noticed I no longer have the most forum likes. =[ I guess it's because I've not been all that active over the last few months... Damn you Ian! D=

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Airsoft-Ed


      Quite possibly.

    3. Deva


      He'll overtake you in post count soon too.


      I accept bribes ;)

    4. AK47frizzle


      PPpPPpSSSsssSttttTTtt!!! Will you accept my shyte AK in exchange for +5000 likes for me? It seems of lovely cheap polymer and is very fluorescent! Good for strapping it around your bike and scary the shyte out of locals!

  6. Need money so insanely badly... Might make a sale thread later.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AK47frizzle


      £1400?! jeez, you need to manage your money better instead of going "MONEY SPENDIN' SPREE" 24/7

    3. Moose87


      yer Ed, no sell all your shiz to us for cheap!!

    4. Airsoft-Ed


      I was relying on student loans to get me out of it, but then I decided Uni was a heap of shit and dropped out... So yeah. No loans. Stuck in overdraft. Lame.


      Think I might list my sniper and I'm actually tempted to sell the L85, but that'd be so I could use the money to get a gas one, not survive until January, so that can wait.

  7. Last few videos, I seem to have forgotten to keep this up to date:
  8. But they're not very curvy at all. Look at an AK74 mag compared to a 47 one. I'll give it a Google to be sure though, 'cos I do think they look awesome.
  9. See, I would, but then I'd be putting 5.45x39mm mags into a 7.62x39mm rifle, and that is the WORST kind of heresy. I might get an MS2 sling though :3 Talbert, I've found these: http://ant-supplies....ckAdapters.aspx Which I think will fit with some minor modifications, maybe just some drilling, dremmelling and sawing. I'll be getting on there someway, somehow. You're right in how it fits on though, those two tong thingies.
  10. Don't even care lol, all the others I've seen have been £80 or more.
  11. BARGAIN! I hope there isn't a catch... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Magpul-Airsoft-PTS-CTR-Stock-For-AEG-Black-/301034345640?pt=UK_Toys_Games_Outdoor_Toys_ET&hash=item46170b94a8
  12. I'm looking into getting a Magpul CTR stock on it, as well as an ergo type pistol grip, so once I've done that I'll probably just get a single point sling... But I agree, the sling colour is a bit on the pooy side...
  13. Nope lol Gas M4 and a Polarstar Fusion Engine for my L129 are the next guns I'll be getting. Apart from LMGs and snipers I'm explored everything else I want to I think.
  14. Yeah, those mags in the photos are them, came this morning. Fit in there more solidly than the mag that came with the gun, feed flawlessly too, and the look baus!
  15. Just occurred to me that I don't think I've added a single photo of my AK to this thread since I got it. Since getting it I've added a CYMA RIS, an AK RIS side mount, an EOTech, an AFG and my Contour on a bodged RIS mount.
  16. Haha, glad it was some help to you. I think I ought to get a special forum reward that amounts to something along the lines of; "Caused the most new members to join off the back of reviews" *Cough* Dev? *Cough* This and my Ares AW .338 spring review must've easily got about 10 people to join up just to have a say in the debates, or to show thanks
  17. What the hell, Geoff? Who let you out of the incinerator?
  18. I remember once putting my grip pod on my old Sig before I sold it, and it made it completely recoilless. Looked totally gay, but there was something immensely satisfying about being able to hold it completely stock-still.
  19. Oh and here are two brief videos I suck up over the week:
  20. Someone else told me about that, yeah, no idea how to go about doing it though. I've not even seen the show yet as I don't have Sky, but from what people have said the first two episodes have been pilots and sucked particularly large donkey balls, so I'm kind of in two minds about it.
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