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Posts posted by gasman

  1. Spoiler

    I have played airsoft for many years having been introduced to the sport by my son in-law Les Greaves who I am sad to say passed away this morning. 

    I will miss him greatly as a friend and player and for his sense of Humour.

    He leaves behind a wife and several children the youngest only 2 He will be sorely missed.


    I will soon be 70 years old and have decided that now is the time to cease play and sell everything.

    in the coming weeks you will be able to purchase my excessively large collection of guns and other airsoft gear.



  2. On 28/10/2023 at 16:00, Mk46 Mod0 said:

    I know he's banned from most of the sites I play. When I first started watching his videos I found them funny but the more I watched the more I realised he was aiming for painful shots calling cheats raging when the tables turned on him all for YouTube. 

    I agree with you he is a nob end


  3. Had no problems before covid came but now so unfit. I have built a HPA kythera DMR and plan on using that at Wycombe but Saturday is Sentinel so Polarstar at 350 with Krytac as backup and for the indoor part. Do or die or you could say use it or loose it.

    5 hours ago, Lozart said:


    Funnily enough I always find that running about and getting some exercise actually helps the aches and pains but I think that's more down to the "why's" of my aches and pains!

    I always said it not the age but the mileage. My knees are shot after a life of plumbing and pipe fitting

  4. 15 hours ago, Shamal said:

    Why do you ask @gasman

    Is it because you are a young person and think older players should act their age and stay home or are you an older player who just wants validation for playing?


    I say play whatever your age if you get enjoyment out of it.🙂


    ( I'm late 60's)




    I am 67 and planning to play this Saturday but I am righting checks my body is finding hard to cash

  5. I have built two new HPA guns for the next time I make Wycombe one a DMR the other 350fps assault with super accuracy, stainless inner barrels and max hop ups with macaron hop rubbers based on salient arms guns. Just need to get fit enough to run with them.

  6. On 04/10/2021 at 09:06, NeatBeard said:

    Got to try out my new AK at Battle Stations Activity Centre, Thetford on Sunday afternoon and was gutted when I was told it was running a bit hot after chrono 😢.  They advised to speak to their gun tech and he said that I could play as long as I wasn't a dick with it as it wasn't over chrono by much and that it needed to get a few mags through it to bed in. Really happy with how it shot and arrow straight with the iron sites too, well happy. Pity that there were a few folks spoiling the games by not taking their hits though, having said that the marshals dealt with them and we had a great day. Although my son did want to mag dump on one of the dudes for not taking his hits! 😃

    Non hit taking spoils so many games and leaves a bad taste.

  7. On 08/09/2021 at 11:05, Adolf Hamster said:

    am i the only one thinking that's heavy looking paper for a sub 1j bb to be penetrating at that range.....




    some of the excel equivalent of back of a fag packet calculations suggest for a 0.48g bb we're talking ~0.07j of energy at 81m (assuming still air of ρ=1.225kg/m³ and constant drag coefficient of 0.45 for laminar flow (which iirc i remember checking and apparently it is for our energy levels))

    Sorry nodded off there

  8. I have had my rant here instead of on site LOL.

    Yes a good aeg with 28BBs or above will hit 60M maybe even 65 but a lot of the knobs out there do not set their guns up or get their hop to work as it should.

    Had to replace the hop rubber on the DMR after Sunday as it started to spray erratically towards the end.

    My son in law found it too much and just quit after shooting the opposition and then being shouted at to take his hits when the BBs they shot did not reach him.

  9. That is why I tried out a scope cam 4K and used my head cam at the weekend the scope cam is a piece of junk do not buy terrible images and sound. Every one get a gopro hero 8 black or spend a grand on a camera scope if you want to see a BB at long distance. I have very good scopes I used with full bore rifles but they would be wasted on airsoft.

    If someone made a good gun mounted zoom in camera BB proof for airsoft with good sound and video I WOULD BUY IT! Not if it is PLASTIC.

    A gopro is there to prove to people you are taking your hits as well as showing when they do not take theirs but as you say distance hides a bb and frequently a clear picture of the player you are trying to hit. I was surprised the first time I range tested with a friend how poor my (perfect hopped AEGs) were distance wise 350 FPS has its limits. A DMR on 450 FPS with the right weight BBs does help but people forget their engagement distances and always seem to try for head shots and that is when people get hurt. On Sunday at a distance of 5 or 6 feet I shot a player body shot as he came around a corner he was dead but he still fired at me after being shot, I took the hit and walked.

  10. One final thing airsoft is an enjoyable game played by people on an HONOUR based system, you get hit you call it you walk away.........

    I hate the idiots that wish to escalate everything IT IS A GAME!!!!

    You idiots out there yelling I hit you when the BBs are landing 10 or 20 feet short all the time get a friend with face pro and get him to walk towards you from 80m then you will see your true range and I tell you it is less than you think and less than it looks from behind the gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Think about that the next time you play.

  11. 7 hours ago, GeorgePlaysAirsoft said:


    Rather then letting individual players make their own, probably unique judgements on how far away the spawn is, how long it would take them to get there (I would suggest that someone who can't be bothered to walk what is probably a short distance should probably add on a few minutes to what they think their speed is!), or how realistic the enemy is advancing, i think we should just walk back to the designated spawn point. It may not be physically easier for some, but it is simpler, and almost certainly fairer.


    fwiw: couldn't care less about one's physical condition or whatever (seems more than ok that organisers would make exceptions for the sake of accessibility)  just think it's something that is best run past a marshall for "sign off" first, for the sake of fair play, or at least, the appearance of fair play. 



    I would say that at the start of the day : I did talk to the marshals and they were aware of what I intended to do:

    I would say when at the age of 58 I would have run rings round most of the unfit kids I meet at airsoft with a few exceptions.

    I always try not to get into slanging matches with even the worst cheaters and when possible start my day with a 350 fps AEG, if I encounter cheats I change to my DMR and heavy weight BBS.

    It is not easy to say you are not being hit when the pain is making you dance.

  12. The camera only records a half decent picture if it is tripod mounted or I suppose fitted to a gimbal it needs stabilization!.

    The sound volume even after firmware upgrade is very quiet and sounds quite choppy as if it is missing half the sound.

    I just wasted £130

  13. On 06/09/2020 at 22:34, snuff said:

    Not sure where to post this.I'm posting this as a warning for any budding youtubers and hobby filmers.I have a SJcam but I decided to opt for a slim/low profile Runcam,scopecam lite,with a 40mm lense.It arrived yesterday so I did the usual today,charge the battery,update the software and try settings.When it came to fit to my rail it never seemed to tighten or become solidly attached.When I investigated I found that the plastic mount had broken.I don't think I exerted any real pressure on it as I had read it can break,it never got any tighter so I removed it and investigated.

    As for the picture quality,it's not the 4K version but even the 1080 60FPS isn't too good,it doesn't match the SJcam so not Go-pro quality either.

    It is cited for airsofting use but I can't see that it will last long in the field.I'd expect better quality for £80 +tbh.I shall return it forthwith...


    No I had missed this. The original scope cam was an aluminium body the new ones are plastic crap with the worst video I have seen and I was expecting it to be so much better.

    I emailed runcam about the lousy volume and recording and got a crap reply asking me to send a video of it. Mine was the expensive full scope cam what a piece of shit!

    If mine is a copy its the most exact I have seen. I no it is not a copy.

  14. Had its first outing yesterday and WOW it is a really good gun performed super great range hopped .28s easy.


    It is the only gun I have ever bought that performed perfectly without the need for some improvement apart from the change of stock spring.

    No more Specna guns for me, cost more than the price of the krytac in parts to get to the same standard.

  15. On 07/09/2020 at 11:14, Skara said:

    I guess I got used to this kind of behaviour so it doesn't bother me too much anymore.


    I used to really get angry at cheaters and general bad sportsmanship, but now I just shrug it off and try to have fun :D no point in spoiling your day because you're dealing with manchildren.

    it still winds me up yesterday at High Wycombe was a classic example two guys in chapel were shot close up by my son in law so they walked but then reappeared and shot him. He took the hit and complained to a Marshall. Nothing was done! A fall back game were they had only one life at each objective.

    i was attacking from another direction I shot them both well within my range and so did a chap in front of me no they did not take the hits! I have it all on camera including me attacking the same spot three times calling my hits when shot by them. I complained very gently to the lovely lady Marshall and eventually they seemed to vanish. I found out after that my son in law had left the game at this point in frustration as did I. Even their own teammates had told the Marshall they were cheating, the marshalls friends I believe!

  16. So used the scope cam in a game for the first time yesterday and I am so disappointed with the results!

    Yes when totally still you get nice footage but any movement and it is crap.

    I also ran a cheap head cam at the same resolution and that was far better at recording game play could clearly see the BBs flight and hits.

    The sound recording was better on the cheap camera as well!


    So a cheap head cam costing one fifth the price of the 4K scope cam was far superior!!!

    Have you got one and what do you think?

  17. On 10/10/2020 at 15:49, Trixxeo said:

    Check to see if your gearbox hasn't cracked causing play. My specna box lasted 1 days and about 500 shots. Was an orion box 

    Wow never had a specna box break on me yet and the Orion box is strengthened so they say. Having said that the later guns have the worst build quality I have seen!

    On 01/10/2020 at 08:58, Pewpewpetie said:

    Hi all, currently have a sa b03 which has been dmr'd. Problem is it dry fires randomly, could shoot 10 perfect shots then 11th won't come out, then 12th fires normal. Using Geoff's 0.4g bb. Everything is seated correctly. Just strange that it fires then for one shot (could be after 15) stops firing untill then next one. I've tried all mags and still happens

    Just thought have you upgraded the hop unit at all?

  18. 4 hours ago, FreeFrag.UK said:

    West Midlands Police News


    As far as I'm aware this hasn't hit the usual news rags but I'm sure it will sooner or later.


    The police don't specify whether or not it's an airsoft pistol but I think it's a fair conclusion based on the information given by the police.

    No the police don't say, they usually send the firearms response squad when its little kids with a cap gun!

    This whole country is scared of guns thanks to the actions of the few!

    Now the ones with real guns are the criminals who find no difficulty getting them and ammunition.

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