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Everything posted by sonofsammo

  1. Cool. Makes sense - I dont' suppose you could link me to one by any chance please? Because I'm starting to lose my sanity going through TM parts! And I'd probably end up ordering the wrong one 😞
  2. What's the benefit of the stiffer recoil buffer spring? Also - what sort of FPs variation do you all get? I switched the drum mag over to HPA and got crazy results - which made me think something was up with the NPAS. Took the NPAS out and replaced it with the original part. Retested. Pretty much the same. Tested with std mag and red gas and got these: 230.9 217.4 230.1 227.8 235.8 252.6 249.9 240.9 236.8 235 251.3 263.7 251.7 259.7 240 226.1 243.6 219.3 259.4 That's with .36s. Site limit with them is 260. That's a huge variation, which makes me think that there's something awry inside. I'm going to get a new piston head rubber and change out an o-ring on the firing pin (as they're both a bit slack). Other than that, I have no idea what it could be. Any helpful suggestions or guidance would be much appreciated! TIA 😄
  3. Either the WASP kit or the variable mass piston with an air brake can help with adjusting fps.
  4. Holy fuckballs Batman!! That's a frickin bargain!!!!
  5. I might be being dim here - but why useful? Is it so that the mag's not damaged when you drop it? Or is it so that you can do this:
  6. This is page 404. Yet I found it. How peculiar...
  7. This is entirely @rocketdogbert's fault. And it's lovely...
  8. I had the same problems until my current set up: CJ barrel / super bucking FAST hop chamber with the nub that came with the kit. Lifting .48s on setting 4 (ish) The standard hop unit I couldn't get to lift anything beyond .4's.
  9. This is a pic of the 60m target. Which the SRS was hitting straight and true 95/100. I also had a target set up at 90m, which the SRS was hitting, with a slight uptick and drop over the last 20m 90/100. I asked the team mate I was with to shoot me whilst stood at the 90m target. I wanted to get an idea of how hard the hit was and if it would be hard enough to be felt. The answer is an unequivocal yes - a nice sharp snap sound as it hit my jeans, combined with a little pain from the hit. It gives me confidence that even if I hit someone's PC they'll know they've been hit. Can't believe I don't get to skirmish it til weekend after this....But it'll be worth the wait! 😄
  10. Yesterday I cracked on and put the original barrel and bucking back. First shot jammed. Took it to bits and rebuilt it again. First shot jammed. Took it to bits and decided to video taking to bits to send to @rocketdogbert to see if he could tell me what I had done wrong. However, making the video, I realised.... well, you can listen to the penny drop here for yourselves: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1OV8e07r5o3jUdpRgKu4yj2QXxw-zKW4- Anyway - after that total cock up, I reinstalled the CJ barrel and Super nub (which is a bit worse for wear and need replacing) and changed the nub back to the original FAST nub. It was firing at a consistent 2.2J on .48s, giving 315fps with a 1-2 fps deviation per shot. Today is the real test though, as I'm taking it for range and accuracy testing. Fingers crossed!
  11. So, current set up is: WASP heavy collar and medium air brake with one power up ring CJ 510mm barrel ML Super bucking Prowler rubber nub M150 spring Now with that lot, I'm getting 2.09 on .48s, with the hop set to 1. And yet distance still sucks. It's effective at around 50m. And by effective, I mean, once you've figured out the bizarre trajectory. So I'm thinking of going back to the original barrel and bucking with the rubber prowler nub and see how I get on with that. It's so annoying not having a range to test it on 😞 I would love to be able to take all the bits and the rifle somewhere and just F about with all day til it was sorted.
  12. Can anyone recommend a Yorkshire woodland site that's running tomorrow?
    All my normal places are either shut or full.
    The only place I can find somewhere near is Camp Sparta at the mo...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. 12kbosworth
    3. Lokai


      How was Sparta? Tempted to try it myself. Is it a rolling game ala proving grounds?

    4. sonofsammo


      It was good, although not at its best.
      There were 65 players, so we were playing in restricted areas, so there would be more firefights. One thing they changed from the last time I played there was that they made the regen points closer to the action, so you spent more time playing and less time just walking - bonus!
      The games worked well, although I was only able to stick around for the morning games.
      Every time I've been there I've had fun, even when things haven't gone completely smoothly, so I'll definitely be back 😄 
      Have you been to HQ in Driffield? If you have, it's like a clean version lol.

  13. Admit it, it's cos there's no hammer. You need a hammer.
  14. Adventures in SRS land continue... WASP kit ready! Have fitted it and with the heavy sleeve and medium airbrake, I"m getting this: 2.02J / 311.3 fps on .45s The trajectory seems fairly flat, but I have no idea how far. It holds promise though! I'm getting some .48s and .5s later in the week, so I'll test them and see how I get on. Am also getting the Super bucking , so will give that a bash too. Decided to add the long BB follower to the magazine at last. And broke it. temporarily. It seems to add the BB follower, you don't just stuff it down the feed tube. Who would have thunk it? You have to take the mag to bits and it's very very toit! Anyway, after an hour, job rectified and all working properly - Hurrah!
  15. Yup, the hotshot - but doesn't work with the CJ barrel...
  16. WASP set arrived today, but haven't had chance to fit it yet. It's very pretty! I think I need to change the bucking. People seem to suggest the maple leaf super bucking for use with a CJ barrel, so I may try that. Onward and upward!
  17. Specs are in my OP. Just measuring on Google maps post game. This time was easy as I was in a doorway and they were on the corner of a building...
  18. This was my latest failed shot. 62m. Which is why I want to make it better. Nothing more frustrating than nearly being hit by any AEG at the same range you can't hit them with a sniper!
  19. Modified Prowler? I'm all ears! I'll check the nub and keep my fingers crossed! Not done any other mods yet. What ammo do you use?
  20. No idea how many of us have one on this forum, but thought I'd find out! I've got a gen 3 Sport, with DTSS suppressor. Started off with variable mass piston, air brake and m150 spring - came out at 2.29J. However, at my last game, was struggling to hit targets at 60m (thankyou google maps!). So today, I swapped the barrel for a 6.04 CJ (same length as original), the FAST hop unit and a prowler nub. Joules have dropped to 2.01 and the bugger hooks to the left, so I think I need to take it to bits again. With the hop set to zero, it's lifting .45's easily, so I think I need to get some heavier BB's and see how I get on with them. Just had notification that the WASP piston kit is on its way to me, so am looking forward to adding that too. Scope is a Vortex Diamondback 3.5-10 x 50, on a replica desertech mount. Lovely scope that works really well in low light woodland... I'm open to advice on my set up - I don't want much - I just want to splat the enemy at 80m...
  21. Saturday night I started obsessing about the HK45 again (thanks to Murtaugh's USP). Went to skirmish on Sunday, where they had a retailer stall. Lo and behold they had an HK45 ready to go. I asked how much and if they took card payments. Decent price and yes they did. I wandered off and went pewpew. At the end of the day, I'd packed all my kit up and was just about to get in the car. Got out again and brought this home with me: Some things are meant to be 😂😂
  22. You, Sir, are nearly as flighty as I am! 🤣😁😜
  23. Didn't you just buy (and sell) a TM M&P9?
  24. Have you got one in any of yours? What's it like?
  25. I'm not sure if I've done it right, but hopefully you have a message from me somewhere 😄
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