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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. ahh, yes i can see how this would be a popcorn moment. private page? only link on google is for italian facebook for some reason
  2. i'm guessing from the inference that's not the sort of group that takes kindly to this sort of thing?
  3. i'm assuming the name from the screenshot is who the conversation is with, so it's James O'Brien asking Jacob Taylor about the safety ratings. but it's entirely probable that i'm also muddling it up
  4. oh dear. has he not learned that these days you gotta be very careful how you respond to criticism on the internet? people in general seem to have forgotten that admitting you've made a mistake then taking steps to rectify it is something you can still do.
  5. i once had a king arms m4, by the time i sold it only the outer barrel was original, still didn't call it "fully upgraded"
  6. the one that gets me is saying "upgraded" without actually saying what parts are in it, or being vague about them (eg "upgraded barrel and hop rubber"), maybe it's just me but i can generally list all the parts in my guns from memory (exceptions being when i've done a build by raiding the parts box).
  7. the L86 HDT? heavy detrimental thing?
  8. welcome to the fun side of "compatible-ish" sadly all airsoft parts can be slightly different sizes, doesn't take much to cause something like this. worth checking it's not pushing up on the piston too.
  9. yeah i know that, it was just an example of how 2 otherwise perfectly good parts can have issues rather than being specifically addressed to the op's gun.
  10. well there's 2 ways of upgrading a gun: 1. buy the most expensive/premium part for each category, assemble them together, and have a gun that fires like crap because even good parts can perform like crap if they're not the right parts for that specific gun or if they've not been assembled correctly. 2. decide on a specific area you want to improve (range/accuracy, trigger response, rof etc) then select parts that are the right fit rather than necessarily the most premium option. lets take an example: the stock nozzle on an e&l ak is actually pretty damn good, maintains very good air seal and has a little o-ring to help it along. the combat union hop unit for an ak is very good, arguably the best out there. certainly better than the stock e&l hop neither of these 2 parts are bad parts, however try using a combat union hop with an e&l nozzle and your gun will shoot like shit, because the nozzle steps out a little and this is too large to fit the combat union chamber, making the nozzle jam open meaning you get fuck all air seal. now fortunately for that particular case combat union know this is a problem and include their own nozzle with their hop unit, but the point still stands that 2 nominally good parts can fail spectacularly when they're not a good match for each other. this is why so often when folk tinker with their guns it ends up worse. now the other problem is that of picking a specific area. the performance demands for a gun that's used in cqb are going to be different to those of a gun used outdoors. likewise a gun built to optimise accuracy has to accept at a certain point you're limiting the rate of fire potential. the reason i'm saying this is to point out that the question is too vague, there's no guaranteed recipe for the best gun and top of the range parts are not always the answer. where we can help is if you tell us what specific aspect of the current performance you're finding isn't good enough and we can help you focus on the areas that will improve that aspect.
  11. hmm, only thing i can think beyond it being broken is maybe there's a logjam of bb's in there? emptying and re-filling the hopper should confirm that. otherwise as @EDcase says new mag time perhaps. good opportunity to join the mid-cap master race if you ain't so fond of winding.
  12. Ammo weight wise, as heavy as you're prepared to pay for. Geoffs .48's out of a well dialled in fusion build is basically easy mode once you drown out the "ker ching" noise your inner accountant makes every time you pull the trigger.
  13. it's part of the nature of our pews being made from pot metal, out of date edam and hope wether you should or should not use it is up to you, if it were me, and especially for a gbbr i would, nothing lasts forever might as well enjoy using it rather than having to baby your gun every goddamn reload.
  14. if i have the orientation of that part right in my head then that's exactly the bit it'd be engaging.
  15. only other interface left then is to see if the col has enough movement to lift the trolley up and over the trigger. it looks like it's a decent amount, but the devil's in the details.
  16. this does seem worrying there's a few gaps it looks like from those pictures between the facemask and lens. whilst ordinarily i'd appreciate the entrepreneurship of such a thing, the eye pro side of things is a major concern. it's also concerning he considered point blank to be between 5 and 30 feet, that's a very vague number and as we discussed in a prior thread there is the slim (but still realistic) possibility that if you accidentally pop your head up at the wrong time you can catch a sniper round to the noggin at very short range. to me at least if someone says "point blank" in this scenario i'm talking less than 1" from the muzzle.
  17. still reckon the f2 is the better shout here. less money for a platform where for our limits the only real downside is slightly less rof potential (note than the 20rps considered decent for an aeg is the starting settings on both, so don't worry you can still run it fast enough to piss people off), and a slightly less positive trigger switch (with an aftermarket trigger though both are excellent) in exchange for something you can swap to a pretty wide array of platforms. it's not that the fusion is bad, just that the improvements are very much the product of being at the leading edge of the diminishing returns curve.
  18. are they full of ammo? it's normal for a hicap to unwind when there's not enough ammo left in the hopper to keep the stack of bb's in the feed tube all the way up to the chamber.
  19. A lot of the repro's are good too, although thats possibly more telling of comblock manufacture standards
  20. i have a distinct feeling this'll go down like a lead balloon but how about just surplus? not quick adjust but they're damn strong.
  21. i'm just not a fan of cities (well to be more correct densely populated areas) in general.
  22. you're talking to someone to whom london is this big grey blob on a map that i never want to go to again yeah, figured it's be something alone those lines as you say tends to be the case with a lot of them when it's not evolved from a previously distinct language.
  23. for some reason cockney rhyming slang really annoys me, it seems to serve no purpose than to make the speaker sound stupid. i mean i'm sure there's a rich history as to it's origins and cultural development etc. but it still annoys me. but then i'm sure the cockneys say the same thing about the west country.....
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