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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i beleive there's meant to be some argument for it being better for snap shooting, although i can't say i agree. if the dot has good parallax then it feels like having the window as close to the eye as possible to give the largest field of view is superior. of course the other reason on the ak specifically is that the gas block mounts are deemed more stable than a hinged top cover and the fixed top covers/siderail mounts can make access for maintenance a pain.
  2. you can sell it on here, you just need to make sure whoever's buying it has a defence. the defence technically speaking is being an airsofter, but the most common/well recognised way of proving that is the UKARA scheme. there are other defences such as film/media or re-enacement although i'm not so up on the specifics of those. of course a lot of folks are going to be having expired ukara's at the minute thanks to COVID. a side option is just keep it, maybe think about going for a game when we get let out to play, it's a fun hobby.
  3. that's a red dot mounted to the rear sight block (the ad being for the mount that clamps onto the rear sight block on an aksu) whats odd as @alxndrhll correctly identified is the fact the front sight block is right against the trunnion. that's gotta be what, a 4" barrel tops?
  4. not remotely questioning the price on this, what i wanna know is what the fuck is going on with that ak?
  5. guys i literally said i was taking the mick aka joking
  6. i wanna say it was @Davegolf had the baller ass g36 build i remember seeing in the classifieds a while back, maybe he can point you in the right direction?
  7. yeah i know, i'm just taking the mick because it looks like an inverted eotech
  8. your eotech is on backwards.......
  9. yes in a state of full on civil war where there's enough divide that some or all of the military turns to the other side it's irrelevant. but in a situation where the divide isn't so strong and the military stays on the side of the majority of the population then it's a different story, like the whole storming the capitol thing or the rush area 51.
  10. agreed, tbh i'd be as much an advocate of staying green gas, no line and it's not like you'd expect this thing to be going toe to toe with everything on the field performance wise.
  11. hey we all had to start somewhere. if you sort the compression and it's good with the usual checks then there's also the possibility it's blow-by at the hop.
  12. i was thinking about something like that, afaik that's how the m14 does it (with a reversed "lockup" so it's the bolt actuating rather than the other way round) thing is it'd be effectively short stroked as with a fixed bolt protrusion like that it's gonna clip the reciever before the bolt has gone all the way back. maybe a livable option though, you wouldn't notice when shooting and it would only show when racking it.
  13. fair enough, i forget sometimes that i'm the one not in sync with the rest of the world's sleeping patterns lol.
  14. the hop unit itself should be fine, especially if it's original. maybe a couple of pics looking into the feedlips/down the barrel might help in case there's anything obvious?
  15. hmm this is an interesting challenge, damnit you've got me staring at pictures on forgotten weapons trying to figure out how to do it. i'm trying to think of ways to get gas routed into the external gas tube as that means building the cycling mechanism as-is. problem is i can't see a way of doing it that doesn't involve a very long travel time (which is gonna murder gas effeciency)
  16. you could try turning the hop all the way off then on a bit. sometimes hop off gives a misleading reading as the bb starts rolling too soon. it sounds similar to the issue i've had that was with ml rubbers and feedlips interfering with feeding, but iirc you said you'd pulled the ml rubber out for the stock one?
  17. oh for sure the stuff the yanks can get their mitts on is pretty serious ordinance, my point was that in the event of them needing to fight against a government deploying the us army then that's going to be a very one-sided fight.
  18. you're missing an opportunity here, you can be a middleman for folk wanting to order from shops that wont ship to the uk
  19. the day when the government wants to come take their guns away. because an ar-15 is gonna do a stellar job against the bradley they send round to stop people trying any funny business.
  20. that's the plan, the one on arnies goes into some decent detail, certainly enough for me to think the issues are manageable. always a case of context though, for example i don't mind if a pistol shits itself in winter so i'm happy with WE stuff but other folks would hate them for that.
  21. should be, although i don't know what customs are gonna be like with the new arrangement, in theory it should be fine but you know what civil servants are like.
  22. yeah, they mean one of those "any notes eg leave the package in the coal bunker" type boxes but it's further in the order process than you can get at the minute because they wont let you ship to the uk.
  23. y'know looking at that picture again, the gas tube looks a bit thin for my original plan of having the reservoire in there. so maybe we're back to square 1 in terms of thinking about something like an m14 action.
  24. Yeah maybe a dedicated project thread might be better. As for materials as with all airsoft guns "chinese pot metal" is the safest assumption so welding is probably gonna be tricky. Cant recall the charlton specifically but i thought it used the original bolt handle as a lug? Or am i thinking of one of the other conversions.
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