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Posts posted by LightningCh

  1. Just now, Gepard said:


    Ah, I gotcha. How's the ventilation like? I've always found ghillie suits rather hot and uncomfortable after a few minutes. 


    Oh it will definitely get hot in there lol. It's quite thick, Something to get used to though. Proabably wont be too bad for me as I don't usually overheat (will in Summer, but will probs just wear a basic camo BDU for that)

  2. So I bought a few things today, and collected my sniper and mk23 and other things from @Alpha Sniper today.

    I can't do photos of everything so here are the 3 main things.

    TM VSR10 Laylax internals with Action army hop up,
    TM MK23 has the same stuff (LAM has never been used)
    And an XCORTECH X3200 MK3 chronograph (this was bought from Defcon Airsoft)



    Amongst the bundle I bought off Alpha Sniper, I got 
    A Foxeer Legend 2 camera + Zenith mount

    Combat Belt and H harness plus pouches
    Jack Pyke Ghillie suit
    Kryptec Mandrake Leafy
    Kryptec Mandrake BDU
    4 VSR mags
    2 MK23 mags
    Got a case for the sniper and a case for the pistol
    Oakley gloves
    Anti fog spray
    Anti fog stuff called "Cat Crap"

    Custom MK23 Kydex holster


    Spare Parts, extra bag,

    etc. This was a huge bundle of stuff I've probably missed something lol
    Thanks again Alpha Sniper!

  3. Yeah defcon's blue is darker as well, think its the only colour they do for two tone. The guns I've seen in two tone are always missing a small piece of paint, usually near the edges of holes unsure if this is like a hanging mark or what. But Ah well, its two tone, and in its current state, nobody will really be able to tell you that its 51% or not lol. 


    Be careful though if you are put on red team! Some people wont check your arm Lol.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Arwen said:


    I am so glad I don't need to book on for specific roles on my local site. Not that I have a sniper or DMR (I don't trust myself to measure min engagement distances right!), but if I did I like having the choice to go back and forth between guns :D


    You have a mk23, if you are unsure use that... (Thats what i plan on doing at least). Heck, ditch everything and pistol only, you will out range most people lol.

  5. Just now, Wo1f said:

    What site is that? Never seen one with a regulation on sniper numbers 


    It's literally unlimited walk ons (like I think the most they had 1 day is 230 players), but they only allow 10 players with 400+fps snipers. More down to the fact that there isn't really much room for snipers I think, I mean the entire site is 45 acres and it's valleys. If there was loads of snipers there would be no gameplay lol.

  6. 17 minutes ago, Arwen said:

    It is very nice! Fits the Mk23 like it should and so easy to draw! Sadly my next game day isn't untill the 4th :mellow:



    Oh don't worry, I've got 1 CQB game on the 25th, then I wont have another one until the 25th of March :(  will probably be woodland for that, so hopefully ill get to use the mk23 then. (I have to book on as a 400+fps sniper and the slots for snipers go too quick at my site lol)... One day I'll get round to using everything lol.

  7. 39 minutes ago, Arwen said:

    Seeing it in the flesh made me realise it was worth the money. I do like the quick draw style holsters!


    Guess I'll have to cough up the cash for my own lol, picking up my new (well preowned and upgraded but shh) vsr10 and tm mk23 on Saturday. Not too sure I'll like the holster it will be coming with, so DTD will probably be the best option for me.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Creepy Panda said:


    i dislike the weight balance it causes on my mk23 but thats it, 


    I have the same thing with my Hi Capa. Although with the metal lower rail it's a little more balanced, but still definitely heavier at the back. You get used to it soon enough :)

  9. oh god this sounds like what happens at my work when we get loads of scrapped copper lol. Chop it up, distribute it amongst workers, sell it to the recycling companies who melt it and and remake it as new bars... Granted with copper you hit the weight very easily lol. CO2 cartridges would take a lot longer. (Unless you have lots of co2 users i guess)

  10. All the hate for drum mags but hey, it's not like I'm a drum mag purist lol. I still have my midcaps for when i can use my rig.

    I'm not gonna use it to rain bbs down, I'm a 3 shot burst kind of guy... Just I physically cannot get all my kit into a backpack for train travel if i take my rig... and that's only a condor recon which is tiny... 
    as for this 

    9 hours ago, djben9 said:

    and hear them as they hit the mags....you'll need red and green lights now as well on the sides!! :lol::lol::lol:


    remember just jealous! !!!!

    I do plan on adding the lights :P

    and hits on the mags still count in my eyes so audible hits on the mags is a plus lol.

  11. Just now, Codenamebald said:

    I thought it was just the KWA GBB that had the differing mags but not 100% sure. Plungers are a crap method if this is the only method currently. Further investigation needed I think.

    You may be right... I can't really say I've looked too hard at vectors lol. Plungers definitely are a poor way of doing it though... Getting thumb cramps just thinking about it! Lol.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Codenamebald said:

    Quick question.

    Is there such a thing as a speed loader for the Kryrac vector mags? I assume a normal plunger loader works? But is there a faster auto loader or a wind loader?




    Normal plungers always work lol. I personally have no idea on if adapters have been made yet for other types of speedloaders as (from what i can gather) the vectors all have different mags depending on their brand lol. Could be wrong there though.

  13. 7 minutes ago, Codenamebald said:

    Evening one amd all.  So my Krytac has arrived at the shop and the stock spring is firing at 355. So have agreed to have a coil removed to bring it down by 15 to 20 fps as changing the spring will reduce it further. Good shout DaveGolf.




    Yeah i think i need to remove a coil on mine tbh lol.

    Considering my CRB was preowned and a bit abused... I had an o ring replaced, and at my last chrono it fired 350 on the dot with my hop up set to 8... I was told to dump a full hi cap mag through it which I did, this bought the fps down to 342... But it started creeping up again with each shot... Really surprised at how hot these fire out the box even when its UK spec lol

  14. I know Trig wont be happy to see this but erm... May have bought a dual drum mag lol.

    Wont actually use it with my.krytac though for weight reasons... But my G&G is at the techs still and will be all week... I mainly bought the mag in order to cut out wearing my rig and dump pouch for CQB and it also means its less weight overall to carry in a backpack when travelling by train and such. So I can justify this expense...




    Just waiting on my magpul ms4 sling... Which should be tomorrow when my mate visits... If he has remembered it lol.

  15. 1 hour ago, sniperslucky said:

     I'll ask him if he has left BB's in them, Thanks what about the use of thee 11.1v lipo??


    Odds are it's recommended to use 7.4s by UK sites but that's more down to warranty than anything else.


    11.1s can be used on Krytacs if they have a MOSFET and ETU, just keep the C rating lower (15-25C is normally used) I'm pretty sure the Vector does have both.

    Personally I use 11.1V 15-25C on my Krytac MK2 CRB (completely different gun style, I know, but same brand, and contains MOSFET and ETU), but if you really aren't sure/worried about the battery killing your gun, 7.4s will give you no problems. :)

  16. So I'm home alone and like any airsofter, I wanted to take a picture of my gear... Phone only has a 3 second timer though so this was a couple of rushed attempts, narrowed to 1 half decent photo lol.


    My CQB kit. Ignore the MOLLE nuprol holster clip on my chest, could not be bothered to take it off for the sake of the photo lol. Wish I did take it off now though...
    Nice and lightweight although the hoodie can make me stupidly hot, but it's the only black long sleeves I have at the moment.
    The cargo pants are actually black. Despite looking blue here... Will get a better photo eventually lol

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