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Everything posted by BigStew

  1. I personally would say this is optimistic https://prefired.co.uk/ads/sa58-osw-classic-army/ £500.00 what's a new one £300 tops?
  2. I still say the best budget AEG is the CYMA M14 still can be got sub £150.00 posted some of the best out the box performance of any AEG i have owned.
  3. Thank you folks decisions to be made.
  4. Sorry the polymer ones for stanag style mags
  5. Anyone have any experience with the FMA speed mag pouches? Specifically do the fit Pmags ( TM recoil) and what's the build quality like they seem very cheap.
  6. They are useful for CQB but mainly it's cool factor. I carry at least 3 pistols in a game and I make sure I use them. If you want a pistol that won't be hot and reliable then get a Tokyo marui they make the best pistols by a mile. Other than it's size the mk23 is the best pistol but it's NBB so lose of fun factor. If you want a GBB pretty much any of the double stack TMs will run in single digit Temperature and the newer fn and hk pistols are generally regarded as the best.
  7. Bend offered a plastic TM slide for a project problem is its ex two tone with still green tints here and there. Other than painting it is there anything that will get it back to black?
  8. I have bought and sold about 10 guns since last march most of them saw no action. Mainly pistols the AEGs got used.
  9. they are all based off the TM design but tolerances are not the same so they are all slightly different for some parts doesn't matter for others it's case the part won't fit/ do the job they're meant to.
  10. Not quite there is a thread about this on the forum some where the specs are off on the cyma compared to the TM. So forum sales section eBay ever so often or Google might get you a hit.
  11. The range you are getting on aegs is better than most aegs out the box (are you sure about the distance?). Regarding the desert eagle is GBB, NBB, green gas, CO2, AEP? Metal, plastic construction? 50m is what I would expect for a GBB pistol. Your pictures are not much use can't tell what manufacturer they are and I personally don't recognize the markings on the guns so can't say whether they are any good. The AEGs are Most likely Chinese clones which will be hit or miss about quality. Desert Eagle with out more details unable to say
  12. For what manufacturer? Your best bet for OEM parts will be Asia retailers.
  13. Anyone want to pay full retail for a kwa Skorpion https://prefired.co.uk/ads/kwa-vz61-skorpion-gbb/
  14. should be a rebranded classic army plastic body so not bad for a 1st gun.
  15. You literarily stated in your opening post you had access to a 3d printer "So I have a whole bunch of aep parts and a friend with a 3d printer"
  16. https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/640920731/spartan-airsoft-smg-3d-print-files?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=halo+cosplay&ref=sr_gallery-1-21&organic_search_click=1
  17. There are a few things it could be possible mag catch is worn/sticking or mag followers. Most likely it's just not cycling fully. That could be something is out of alignment and catching. It's light striking or there is something up with the gas router. Would start with field stripping it checking on Google image and see if everything looks right
  18. anyone have experience of AG branded 1911 parts? they make a few parts aI need for a TM based 1911 build are thy up to scratch?
  19. As Adolf said if you are planning to sell don't bother getting new batteries they add nothing to the value of the gun
  20. I am glad you got your money but it depresses me how much these go for. just like the real thing they are terrible to shoot and only good if you are an Aliens, resident evil fan. I am also slightly bitter i had a full set 15/16 years ago that i sold for i think £110.00 and then the last one i had (just pistol) i sold for mates rates when i got rid of my Colonial Marine gear. £50 to man i am no longer friends with .
  21. 1911s are not ugly! I use Swiss arms adapt x holster can e adjusted to fit most pistols
  22. Craig is just doing what Dalton did 20 years earlier. not saying thats a bad thing but Dalton does get the credit he deserves his bond was too soon for the time.
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