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Everything posted by BigStew

  1. Tokyo Marui only cares about the Japanese market
  2. WE 1911s are garbage and only sort of TM compatible. Kjw are also only sort of compatible. For all metal you have KWA but hard to find in the UK (fire support might have a few in stock) or kwc CO2 range. KWA have reasonable parts support. Don't know about kwc parts availablity but the 1911 I owned had a nice finished and decent shooter with a nice kick.
  3. Can't say the prospect of inhaling fiberglass if the mask breaks up under impacts appeals. Also chances of a customer taking a good mold in the frist place and then it not deforming or breaking during delivery are not high. I could see this being a serious money loser.
  4. We are not going to get something new. sites are going under left right and centre. 1 from the lock down 2 airsoft sites are a pocket money to landlords and with the price of timber wood land sites are getting harvested and CQB site is always under threat from redeveloped. As I said Airsoft rent for landlords is pocket money and site owners have no power or leverage so cannot be more trouble than they are worth or loss their site. Current green fees are around £25 quid most sites i know are lucky if they get 80 player regularly 26 weeks a year. so 25*80*26 =52,000 year add maybe 30 hires at £30 on top of green fees so another £23,400 a year then maybe £300/£400 a game day in piro, bbs, snacks so another £10400 all together a relatively busy site will taken in £85,800. that sounds like alot it's not( your local comer shop probable has a half million a year turn over) . take off rent, insurance, hire gun maintance/replacement, site maintance, taxes maybe chucking your marshals petrol money there maybe enough for the site owner to pay themselves and alright wage. unless people are willing to club together and buy land for site and pay dues, airsoft will be at the bottom of the ladder and the player base aren't really in any positions to demand standards.
  5. No airsofter would pay the green fee required to fund this.
  6. the op posted on Arnies with same thing with his location as Afghanistan.
  7. All that matters is it has the appropriate thread for your gun and that it's not heavy as that will effect the gun cycling. other than that go for which ever one you like the look of.
  8. VFC look beautiful externals, internals are generally garbage.
  9. To be honest you'd get more money putting the gun back to stock and selling the parts.
  10. Maybe £200 custom built guns don't really retain value. Who built it?
  11. That's just a marushin rebrand again not been in production for a while Yeah you are probably looking at the better part of £250 to £300 for a shell ejectors. Hi capa wise go TM fire support have the in stock from £117.00.
  12. Marushin made a cz75, Glock 19 and 1911 but haven't been in production of years. Octagon Airsoft might have used ones
  13. If the mags are holding gas and it's cycling fine at decent FPS don't bother. Just field strip it and lube it with some silicon oil(actually do that before you test fire it)
  14. Just had a check you can get a UK legal vector in .22LR for £850. A semi auto version in the USA is$1900.00. that is seriously taking the piss.
  15. There are several brands but they all appear to be the same OEM.
  16. Gas wise you'll be fine with 144a that was what the TM pistols are designed to use. Switch to green gas when it gets colder. You can use green gas all year round but it will shorten the life span of the gun.
  17. I personally run Swiss arms universal holster it can be adapted to pretty much any pistol I have run 1911s in them which has pretty much the same upper frame as a hi capa https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=ghost+dog+the+way+of+the+samurai+mini+14&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjgxM2j96fvAhVSZhQKHR7XBoEQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=ghost+dog+the+way+of+the+samurai+mini+14&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzoECCMQJzoCCAA6BggAEAgQHjoECB4QClC4EFi4NWCdP2gAcAB4AIABlQGIAd8JkgEDMC45mAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=jeNJYKDKNNLMUZ6um4gI&bih=727&biw=393&prmd=ivsn&hl=en#imgrc=6gIGW7RcDjdXMM
  18. No experience with the specna. WE hi capas are garbage don't bother with it also Metal slides are detrimental to performance in the UK. You don't really need a pistol but if you want s reliable hi capa fire support have Tokyo marui hi capas from like £120.00 Extras wise carry case for Rif is essential get a good balance charger (don't cheap out) couple of spare mags, sling, if you get a pistol you need a holster don't get a we or neuprol they fall apart ( I have spent far too much time as a Marshall helping some one ook for their brand new gun that fell out of a duff holster) couple of spare pistol mags( good pouch preferably with a flap)
  19. I personally would say this is optimistic https://prefired.co.uk/ads/sa58-osw-classic-army/ £500.00 what's a new one £300 tops?
  20. I still say the best budget AEG is the CYMA M14 still can be got sub £150.00 posted some of the best out the box performance of any AEG i have owned.
  21. Thank you folks decisions to be made.
  22. Sorry the polymer ones for stanag style mags
  23. Anyone have any experience with the FMA speed mag pouches? Specifically do the fit Pmags ( TM recoil) and what's the build quality like they seem very cheap.
  24. They are useful for CQB but mainly it's cool factor. I carry at least 3 pistols in a game and I make sure I use them. If you want a pistol that won't be hot and reliable then get a Tokyo marui they make the best pistols by a mile. Other than it's size the mk23 is the best pistol but it's NBB so lose of fun factor. If you want a GBB pretty much any of the double stack TMs will run in single digit Temperature and the newer fn and hk pistols are generally regarded as the best.
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