We are not going to get something new. sites are going under left right and centre. 1 from the lock down 2 airsoft sites are a pocket money to landlords and with the price of timber wood land sites are getting harvested and CQB site is always under threat from redeveloped. As I said Airsoft rent for landlords is pocket money and site owners have no power or leverage so cannot be more trouble than they are worth or loss their site. Current green fees are around £25 quid most sites i know are lucky if they get 80 player regularly 26 weeks a year. so 25*80*26 =52,000 year add maybe 30 hires at £30 on top of green fees so another £23,400 a year then maybe £300/£400 a game day in piro, bbs, snacks so another £10400 all together a relatively busy site will taken in £85,800. that sounds like alot it's not( your local comer shop probable has a half million a year turn over) . take off rent, insurance, hire gun maintance/replacement, site maintance, taxes maybe chucking your marshals petrol money there maybe enough for the site owner to pay themselves and alright wage. unless people are willing to club together and buy land for site and pay dues, airsoft will be at the bottom of the ladder and the player base aren't really in any positions to demand standards.