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Everything posted by Skara

  1. The usual San Marino shop. They have their own laws and usually customer support from there is non existent. I was tempted to order a few things from there, decided I'm gonna pay more but order from a decent Italian shop instead. Bunch of assholes, they only care about the money and nothing else. Btw just ordered a steel cylinder for my striker for €64.
  2. Wrap Still need to add the suppressor, wrapped as well, waiting for the adapter
  3. Be careful with the barrel disassembly!! The hop chamber is weird and you risk snapping the feeding tube! Had it happen to a guy, he had to replace the whole lower receiver.. Which shop did you get it from? Yeah, that'd be nice!
  4. The brass cylinder is bad quality, mine has a bit of play after 200 rounds. Will replace it with a steel one asap..
  5. I have an exam in 4 hours.


    And I am here, watching videos on YT.


    Time to think about life choices 🤣

    1. Solly4568


      well what else are you going to do 🤣 don't worry you are not alone in  wasting time before an exam 😀

  6. Mine will get a HPA cylinder soon(tm) bank balances are always grumpy, don't listen to them.
  7. You did the right thing now please get rid of that crap and get a decent optic
  8. Hand sewing scrims onto a bdu is boring -.-


    Let's use some zip ties :P

    1. clumpyedge


      Consider using shoe glue. I did this with my home made half ghillie, worked a treat. Strong and stays put and don't in half the time.

  9. Just picked up 3 scrim scarfs, one in OD and 2 in Vegetata, for my ghillie project
  10. Tell us how it is once it arrives! Kinda tempted to buy one, once i get my hands on a TM Mk23
  11. Quick question.

    Let's pretend I want to buy a gun from a UK shop while living in another country. Not a UK citizen, just a Europoor.

    Do I need a UKARA or anything like a defence?

    Asking for a person who raised the question.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Rogerborg


      VCRA 2006 doesn't prohibit export, but it's still a "sale".  It's entirely up to the individual seller whether they want to take the risk.

  12. Brand new AS02 in FDE. Still stock, clocks in at 1.46J (too powerful for muh shithole country). Optic is a 4x32 with a mini dot and a one piece qd mount. Shoots fine with .30s, will have to see once I change the spring and get a nice flat/r-hop.
  13. Although I'm not a fan of that type of knife (4" scandi ftw) it looks great!
  14. As Samurai said get an AUG.. I found they're the best in muffling the gearbox noise (the box sits between your arm and body and there's a lot of empty space between the box and the body that you can fill with foam).. As an alternative, using the mp5 body, you can HPA it and make it deadly quiet, along with a decent suppressor..
  15. Sniper rifle slings. Which ones are worth looking at? What makes a good "sniper" sling? I'm thinking about creating one myself with a crap load of paracord, using the same weaving used in bracelets. Tips? Advices? Insults? I may as well attempt something like this to use with my plate carrier/backpack
  16. I'm pretty sure most motors can stand a 7.4v LiPo. Change them only if you plan on using heavy springs + high voltage batteries, 11.1v and high discharge ratings (the "c" number)
  17. Just finished my daily dose of ebola (study), turned on the tv to watch a movie..

    There's this "Doomsday" movie going on, sounds ok to watch.


    20 minutes in and I already regret my life choices..

  18. Will tell you once I actually get it mine is just a feather under 1J so I expect it to reach 50m with some heavy BBs, but as I said, I need to get me dirty hands on it and have a go at my "homemade" range (roof in front of my window, 40m dead on)
  19. It doesn't look right because of the short barrel but somehow I like it, it's short enough for me to be strapped to a backpack and not get stuck in branches/bushes Still have to see someone here in Italy with that gun. Due to our 1J limit I say the best you can get is still the TM VSR.. The only gripe I have with the Ares is the lack of a follower in the magazine.. You load 20 bbs and fire only 16, cuz the last 4 won't make their way into the hop chamber.. Pretty bad design flaw imo. Will mod the mag to accept a follower when I have time.
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