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Marc.RG1 last won the day on August 24 2017

Marc.RG1 had the most liked content!


Profile Information

  • Guns
    Got and had lot's of guns.
    My three favourites:
    Umarex colt saa
    TM gold match
    We scar l gbbr
  • Sites
    Sussex Pistol Club
  • Gender
  • Location
    UK, Brighton..
  • Interests
    Airsoft, Airguns, Real Steel Firearms, All Shooting Related Sports/Hobbies. RC Stuff And of course family..

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  1. Marc.RG1

    WE XDM 3.8 Gas Mags

    @L3wisD ta mate, I'm all gunned out this year for sure. 👍
  2. Question about classified sale adverts.. When it says expired does that mean sold now then? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. proffrink


      It's not perfect that's for sure. I promised some edits over the weekend but didn't manage to get the time to do so. Certainly on the books as I think it's one of the worst bits of the classifieds.

    3. Druid799


      How dare you have a life ! 😱

      You should be at the beck and call of the forum 23&1/2hrs a day (you can have a couple of toilet brakes , we’re not total slave masters) ! 😉

    4. Marc.RG1


      Yeah it's easy enough once we know and get used to it. 🙂

  3. Not sure, but the 120 - 150% work fine do I'm sure 180% would too.
  4. @L3wisD yeah it's nice mate and I'm sure fun to shoot, but no more fun then say the 1911 you see in my avatar, but yeah I would definitely not pay that kind of cash outright for a airsoft or airgun either, I'd rather go shoot the real thing lol.. Even my custom built guns did not cost that though, my limcat custom for example I think is hitting around £430 ish but that has been build in stages over time, around 1 year, so the money is spread out. And that price includes the TM hi-capa donar.
  5. Lol so true.. I'm not a fan of the evo in basic form but after a few accessories added and with a personalised touch they can look quite nice, although I do prefer a beefy scar all day long.. You guys! Have got some nice goodies though. I just bought some goodies but unfortunately can't show them here because they are not airsoft. But I'll tell ya they are sexy lol.. Happy shooting all. ATB Marc
  6. Wtf Christmas already? Lol. 

    Getting a new gun, could be today, could be tomorrow but 100%it's going to be this week.. :)

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Gepard


      That makes sense. Trying to keep this Airsoft forum an Airsoft forum and not stray too far off topic. Fair enough. 


      Oh well, at least I got to see it. :lol:



    3. Marc.RG1


      thats it mate, i dont blame them, its one of the best 'airsoft' forums around so nothing with with keeping it as that. :)

    4. proffrink


      Not usual to disclose the contents of warnings but I feel you're ok with it being somewhat public as it's been discussed here already mostly, but I think the details are a bit confused.


      There was an initial warning by Jedi to not post airgun-related stuff on the forums. Reading it back, I think it's fair to clarify that yes, off-topic for your air gun stuff would be fine. Anywhere else - including media, classifieds etc. - is not. However, the warning for the giveaway itself was specifically to do with making multiple threads for your media. All self-promoted media should be kept in the one designated thread. This has nothing to do with airguns, and I don't believe the giveaway was for airgun stuff anyway (was for accessories only). As far as I can tell, these two warnings were not related at all.


      Hopefully this clarifies a bit.

  7. Very nice indeed, love the engraving too.. Weather is getting perfect for clay shooting..
  8. Hmm could well be BBQ weather this weekend then lol :)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Marc.RG1


      Me to, not had one in ages so it will be very nice. :) have a good weekend everyone 

    3. xaphor


      Have a good weekend Marc!

    4. Marc.RG1


      Cheers mate, hope you had a good one.. we did have a good one, unfortunately no BBQ but went to donatellos for a big family birthday meal, was pretty dam nice :)

  9. Yeah I was not too impressed by their customer service either, but I might have been just one of the unlucky ones, and as for the forum I personally think it was quite poor, it was always getting hacked, and closing down, and the fact you could not mention other shops or sites was a joke, I get their a shop run forum but so are many others that allow you mention other places.. I've not checked to see if the forum is up and running again but even if it was I'm pretty sure I would not go back to it, this place is better in ALL areas..
  10. Hi capa in the sale section shooting 500fps? Lol I want to know how this is meant to be possible, I've built a few tm hi-capas but none have ever reached that kind of fps not even with 0.12g bbs.. 

    1. Aengus


      And £60 more than new. Minus one mag and with no stated upgrades 😂 🤦‍♂️ 

  11. Do you still have this for sale:rolleyes:

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proffrink
    3. Marc.RG1


       err yes I do. If you mean beretta but without sounding harsh would prefer to deal with an active member :)

    4. L3wisD


      With a valid UKARA number..


      ...not that I'm bitter ;)

  12. bye bye youtube channel, wtf youtube.. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marc.RG1


      cheers mate, its still early days i guess so we will see what the future holds. :) happy shooting bud



      Now that is concerning, was planning to start uploading airsoft on my channel but don't fancy losing it

    4. Marc.RG1


      right now mate i would not bother, so many channels are now being affected, but we are noticing a slight trend it being more towards airguns channels or airgun/airsoft/RS mixed channels, but its a computer generated system flagging channels so its pot luck a little to who will be affected, but its early its only going to get worse..

  13. Nope Instagram still not worked mate I've requested again and I'll restart stuff too, I could not private message you here either, maybe your pm box is full :)

    1. Georgeturner2001


      Don't have many DMs, it's my airsoft account so not many people message it! Not sure what's up with it not letting you follow me?! So strange:huh:

    2. Marc.RG1


      Hi mate yup I'm now following ya :)

    3. Georgeturner2001


      Thanks for the likes:P

  14. Lol oh yeah they do look cool don't they, not only can you skirmish with them but when you run out of ammo, you can bop people on the head with them.. Only joking kids, don't be bopping people on the head with guns on game days lol..
  15. Lol you guys make me want yo buy some new stuff, but I'm being very good this month, and only saving not spending, pff well gun wise anyway lol.. Happy shooting all. ATB Marc
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