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  1. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Very Low FPS   
    Pretty sure the tappet plate is not in the groove of the nozzle. 
    Should be like this 
  2. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Very Low FPS   
    Is the tappet plate slotted into the nozzle? I cant see it in the photo but I am pretty sure its not installed correctly which would cause the FPS loss. 
  3. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Keithlag in Very Low FPS   
    Pretty sure the tappet plate is not in the groove of the nozzle. 
    Should be like this 
  4. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from PureSilver in Se Tour Review: Gunman: Camp Bravo (Hampshire)   
    Site Name: Gunman Airsoft: Camp Bravo
    Contact details: 07546 426 310
    Website Address: https://www.gunmanairsoft.co.uk/
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gunmancampbravo
    Site Address: Eversley, Hampshire, RG27 0PY
    @Albiscuit and I were down to play the new Z-Mart, when the notice came through that it would not go ahead due to new government restrictions, we booked in for Gunman Camp Bravo. (Z-Mart then re-opened and we got a refund back). We were a little disappointed not to be able to play in a Debenhams but decided to make the best of it!
    Gunman is a well established name in Airsoft that needs no introduction. This would be my third encounter of a Gunman run day. We recently went to Tuddenham and had a reasonably good experience. 
    Camp Bravo is the secondary/backup site to Alpha just around the corner. Bravo is used for regular skirmishes where Alpha is used for Film, Mil and Battlesims. Based within a large section of mixed Hampshire woodland. Part of the site also hosts laser tag for the young'uns. I haven't much online reviews of Camp Bravo as it was a last minute backup plan, so was going into this blind. 
    The woodland has a mix of very high trees and low to ground ferns, the safe zone and building area is set upon a plateau, where from a track winds down a hill into far more dense and overgrown woodland with a stream and boggy ground, followed by a heavy fern opening in the tree cover and steep slopes climbing up towards Camp Alpha. 
    Medium distance engagement is predominant here. 
    Playing Area/Natural Features: The natural features of the site are top notch. You enter onto the site with very high trees and foliage and a large clearing that is used for the safe zone, camping and village areas. There village area is onto of a plateau that plunges through a track and into a thicker lower woodland section on the North side and a more open fern section on the South side. 
    I am a huge fan of hiding in ferns as the provide excellent camouflage, you see little of it in UK woodland and there plenty here. The ground can get a little boggy in the middle of the site, but further on it climbs back up to a drier area. It was quite a large site and most of the games were close to the Safe Zone and village so I didn't get a good look everywhere, but from what I saw was very good. 
    There was a small section to the North of the safe zone used at the end of the day for CQB action, there were plenty of low and medium height barriers, it wasn't particularly unique, but we weren't expecting it from a woodland site and it was a great way to end the day. You could stay at a distance as well if you aren't inclined to get hurt and still get a few kills. 
    Safe Zone(s): The Safe zone was fairly large and could easily accommodate the COVID 19 restricted numbers. There were a number of large tents to set up in with lighting, tables and chairs. There is also a camping section right next to it which seemed nice and level. The parking area was just a few steps away. Some of the tables could have done with a clean, but otherwise nothing wrong at all!
    Shop: An on-site shop with a small selection of pistols (Raven and WE), 3-4 AEGS and a selection of Tac gear, gas and BB's. 
    Food: A large selection available, There is a breakfast menu and even beans on toast! Burgers had to be pre-ordered ahead of time. Basically a really large selection available. I couldn't comment on the quality or taste as myself and Al brought our own food this time. 
    Safety Brief: Was pretty good and explained everything quite well. Would have been better if some of the regulars would shut up behind us, struggled to hear at times. 
    Clientele: Al And I were in a tent to ourselves so we didn't mingle much. However once on the field everyone stuck together, made plans and discussed tactics. Usual discussions about gear. Most players were in their 20's. Rentals were absolutely fine.
    Feeling Good: One of those rare days where both myself and Al had a fantastic day, we could have gone for at least two more games come the end due to the adrenaline. We both performed quite well on the day and left on a good (Clean and natural) high. 
    LMG fun: The site is semi-auto only unless you are using a heavyweight LMG. In which case there is a one second burst fire rule. I brought the only LMG of the day, I had a real blast, pretty sure I got into triple figures in kills and was a real asset to the team. Ran out of bb's and battery and had to switch to the AR for the last few rounds. If you have an LMG, this is the perfect site to maximise it's advantages. 
    Game Modes: Were pretty good. The first two games didnt involve armbands and as such and were quite confusing when working out who was on what team. We didn't think it worked well, but the rest of the day was excellent. Once the teams were picked out we had a blast, the best game of the day was the fallback games. Which used the border restriction which added much to the game. 
    Value: £25 for the day was perfectly fair. 
    Chrono: A mandatory chrono was in play. Guns were NOT marked. AEGS 350FPS, DMR's 400FPS and Bolties 500FPS. Chronoed with the BB's you brought. 
    Turn around time: Was reasonable at around 15 minutes between games.
    Marshalling: Marshalling was hands off in a good way. They stepped in when required and gave advice of good areas and angles to repel the other team. They did keep checking on hit taking. 
    Hit taking: I had no huge issues with hit taking, the marshals brought it up at least twice during mission briefs, so there must have been a problem at some point. 
    Toilets: 2 Portaloos that I saw. used one at the end of the day and it was in acceptable condition. Could be worse, though could be a fair bit better. 
    Site Utilisation: I would have liked to see the denser woodland parts of the site used, they seemed very optional considering most games happened in and around the plateau, though we did have a fantastic time around that area!
    Buildings: The buildings were of reasonable quality. With gaps between them so it's not "American" Killhouse style CQB. I used them as cover and didnt actually go inside one during the day. It had the right amount of buildings in the village area in my opinion. It would be nice to see more buildings out in the undergrowth though. 
    Louder Whistle: A bit nit picky, on one game myself and Al separated and went far into the woods in a game of hunter. Neither of us heard the whistle to call the end of the game and I hid for a further 15 minutes before coming out to see what was up, only to run into my team going to the start point of the next game. Al didn't realise until two short games had started and finished! A siren or klaxon would be good! 
    Al and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. We had low expectations being the Gunman "B Site", but we came away thinking, if this was the "B" site, imagine how good the "A" site would be! It's good classic woodland that is well run and fun to play. No unique selling point just good medium distance engagement fun. I think this would be a site that new players especially would appreciate as an introduction to Airsoft and good for experienced players who want to have a bit of exercise, but low risk and not serious. 
    The site has a bit of "The Zoo" about it with the woodland sections and ferns. 
    More utilisation of the entire site would be nice. It is clear the best sections are used most though so that utilisation will probably only come if those areas are opened up and improved on. 
    In conclusion, had a great day, it was fun, low stress and would come back again. Though a Camp Alpha visit is now on the cards to see if it deserves the Alpha moniker! 
    Bullpup Watch: Only my L85. Very disappointing. 
    The map below is absolute best guess as we didn't use the whole site. 

  5. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from GeorgePlaysAirsoft in Se Tour Review: Gunman: Camp Bravo (Hampshire)   
    Site Name: Gunman Airsoft: Camp Bravo
    Contact details: 07546 426 310
    Website Address: https://www.gunmanairsoft.co.uk/
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/gunmancampbravo
    Site Address: Eversley, Hampshire, RG27 0PY
    @Albiscuit and I were down to play the new Z-Mart, when the notice came through that it would not go ahead due to new government restrictions, we booked in for Gunman Camp Bravo. (Z-Mart then re-opened and we got a refund back). We were a little disappointed not to be able to play in a Debenhams but decided to make the best of it!
    Gunman is a well established name in Airsoft that needs no introduction. This would be my third encounter of a Gunman run day. We recently went to Tuddenham and had a reasonably good experience. 
    Camp Bravo is the secondary/backup site to Alpha just around the corner. Bravo is used for regular skirmishes where Alpha is used for Film, Mil and Battlesims. Based within a large section of mixed Hampshire woodland. Part of the site also hosts laser tag for the young'uns. I haven't much online reviews of Camp Bravo as it was a last minute backup plan, so was going into this blind. 
    The woodland has a mix of very high trees and low to ground ferns, the safe zone and building area is set upon a plateau, where from a track winds down a hill into far more dense and overgrown woodland with a stream and boggy ground, followed by a heavy fern opening in the tree cover and steep slopes climbing up towards Camp Alpha. 
    Medium distance engagement is predominant here. 
    Playing Area/Natural Features: The natural features of the site are top notch. You enter onto the site with very high trees and foliage and a large clearing that is used for the safe zone, camping and village areas. There village area is onto of a plateau that plunges through a track and into a thicker lower woodland section on the North side and a more open fern section on the South side. 
    I am a huge fan of hiding in ferns as the provide excellent camouflage, you see little of it in UK woodland and there plenty here. The ground can get a little boggy in the middle of the site, but further on it climbs back up to a drier area. It was quite a large site and most of the games were close to the Safe Zone and village so I didn't get a good look everywhere, but from what I saw was very good. 
    There was a small section to the North of the safe zone used at the end of the day for CQB action, there were plenty of low and medium height barriers, it wasn't particularly unique, but we weren't expecting it from a woodland site and it was a great way to end the day. You could stay at a distance as well if you aren't inclined to get hurt and still get a few kills. 
    Safe Zone(s): The Safe zone was fairly large and could easily accommodate the COVID 19 restricted numbers. There were a number of large tents to set up in with lighting, tables and chairs. There is also a camping section right next to it which seemed nice and level. The parking area was just a few steps away. Some of the tables could have done with a clean, but otherwise nothing wrong at all!
    Shop: An on-site shop with a small selection of pistols (Raven and WE), 3-4 AEGS and a selection of Tac gear, gas and BB's. 
    Food: A large selection available, There is a breakfast menu and even beans on toast! Burgers had to be pre-ordered ahead of time. Basically a really large selection available. I couldn't comment on the quality or taste as myself and Al brought our own food this time. 
    Safety Brief: Was pretty good and explained everything quite well. Would have been better if some of the regulars would shut up behind us, struggled to hear at times. 
    Clientele: Al And I were in a tent to ourselves so we didn't mingle much. However once on the field everyone stuck together, made plans and discussed tactics. Usual discussions about gear. Most players were in their 20's. Rentals were absolutely fine.
    Feeling Good: One of those rare days where both myself and Al had a fantastic day, we could have gone for at least two more games come the end due to the adrenaline. We both performed quite well on the day and left on a good (Clean and natural) high. 
    LMG fun: The site is semi-auto only unless you are using a heavyweight LMG. In which case there is a one second burst fire rule. I brought the only LMG of the day, I had a real blast, pretty sure I got into triple figures in kills and was a real asset to the team. Ran out of bb's and battery and had to switch to the AR for the last few rounds. If you have an LMG, this is the perfect site to maximise it's advantages. 
    Game Modes: Were pretty good. The first two games didnt involve armbands and as such and were quite confusing when working out who was on what team. We didn't think it worked well, but the rest of the day was excellent. Once the teams were picked out we had a blast, the best game of the day was the fallback games. Which used the border restriction which added much to the game. 
    Value: £25 for the day was perfectly fair. 
    Chrono: A mandatory chrono was in play. Guns were NOT marked. AEGS 350FPS, DMR's 400FPS and Bolties 500FPS. Chronoed with the BB's you brought. 
    Turn around time: Was reasonable at around 15 minutes between games.
    Marshalling: Marshalling was hands off in a good way. They stepped in when required and gave advice of good areas and angles to repel the other team. They did keep checking on hit taking. 
    Hit taking: I had no huge issues with hit taking, the marshals brought it up at least twice during mission briefs, so there must have been a problem at some point. 
    Toilets: 2 Portaloos that I saw. used one at the end of the day and it was in acceptable condition. Could be worse, though could be a fair bit better. 
    Site Utilisation: I would have liked to see the denser woodland parts of the site used, they seemed very optional considering most games happened in and around the plateau, though we did have a fantastic time around that area!
    Buildings: The buildings were of reasonable quality. With gaps between them so it's not "American" Killhouse style CQB. I used them as cover and didnt actually go inside one during the day. It had the right amount of buildings in the village area in my opinion. It would be nice to see more buildings out in the undergrowth though. 
    Louder Whistle: A bit nit picky, on one game myself and Al separated and went far into the woods in a game of hunter. Neither of us heard the whistle to call the end of the game and I hid for a further 15 minutes before coming out to see what was up, only to run into my team going to the start point of the next game. Al didn't realise until two short games had started and finished! A siren or klaxon would be good! 
    Al and I thoroughly enjoyed the day. We had low expectations being the Gunman "B Site", but we came away thinking, if this was the "B" site, imagine how good the "A" site would be! It's good classic woodland that is well run and fun to play. No unique selling point just good medium distance engagement fun. I think this would be a site that new players especially would appreciate as an introduction to Airsoft and good for experienced players who want to have a bit of exercise, but low risk and not serious. 
    The site has a bit of "The Zoo" about it with the woodland sections and ferns. 
    More utilisation of the entire site would be nice. It is clear the best sections are used most though so that utilisation will probably only come if those areas are opened up and improved on. 
    In conclusion, had a great day, it was fun, low stress and would come back again. Though a Camp Alpha visit is now on the cards to see if it deserves the Alpha moniker! 
    Bullpup Watch: Only my L85. Very disappointing. 
    The map below is absolute best guess as we didn't use the whole site. 

  6. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Spartan09 in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    well, i have ended up spending WAY too much the last few weeks...

    i bought the tag rounds and shells that @DanRunham listed in the classifieds a couple of weeks ago ready for RIFT airsofts milsim event...  but that has now been cancelled thanks to the latest from the government  😡

    i also went to my airsoft supplier (combatuk / onlyairsoft in stevenage) to stock up on grenades and bbs...   and i ended up buying a new gun....  

    ARES WA2000 plus nuprol scope...  and scope riser to get proper sight picture
  7. Like
    Asomodai reacted to L3wisD in New Zed Adventures CQB Site - 'Z-mart' in Newbury   
    Over the weekend I helped out with building (Translation: Holding bits of wood while someone drilled them) and clearing (Heaving bits of metal and wood out of the way) and Played on the Sunday.
    Here's the scoop:
    Once you're inside it feels much much bigger than you'd think from the floorplan. The upstairs shop floor has been made with a cool killhouse-style cqb feel. Escalator in the middle of the floor makes for a good point to sway the tide of a fight. 
    With cool corridors running around the outside going into seperate rooms to flank. Downstairs is a bit more open, but with good cover to dash between.  There's little rat-runs and nooks to hide in / use to flank. There's a good amount of what were once changing rooms to hide and get the drop on people. There's two main stairwells linking both floors, the main stairs by the site entrance are nice and wide and well lit, and then a 2nd stairwell is a lot darker and sneaky, which leads into a big dark room before you enter the downstairs shop floor. There's no grenades allowed at the moment. They've been told by the owners they're allowed, but they're choosing to wait for the neighbours to get used to them first after advise from Thames Valley Police.
    The stairwells make for some difficult choke points, but this was going to be the case on the first day - the team were great at responding to criticism on the day and moved barricades and objects between (and even during!) games to help the flow and avoid doorways etc being completely choked off.
    I'm quite proud to announce that I was the first ever death at the new site. I was the sole attacker against everyone else in the maiden game (when you're hit you join the attackers). This game was a struggle to get a kill with only my USP on me! Definitely taking an SMG next time!
    Overall it was great, it felt like being back on familiar soil. A return to form etc.
    It even smells like The Mall!  That damp, cold concrete and dust scent! 
    I'll upload photos in a second.
  8. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Alimcd in Info   
    Mine is a balanced build with a ZCI 16TPA Neo motor and 18:1 gears. On a fully charged 7.4v its fine. As soon as I go to a 9.9v life or 11.1v it starts skipping cycles. I dont recall the RPS at the moment. I also have the AP V2 unit with a shaved ML bucking. 
  9. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Sime in Info   
    The M249 box mag is too slow to feed anything on more then a 7.4v lipo on my upgraded one. 
  10. Sad
    Asomodai reacted to Rogerborg in Rip the Depot, Glasgow   
    Well, that's that then.
    "Formerly Scotland's largest indoor airsoft arena, 150,000 square feet of CQB action in the heart of Glasgow. Closed in September 2020."
    The building owner have just turfed them out, after years of them developing the site.
    Saddened, but not surprised, after looking up what the business rates alone are on that building.  I think it was simply too big and expensive for them to cover the costs.
    Good time were had, and will be had again, I'm sure, just maybe not on that scale.
  11. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Ffs What Has Happened to Airsoft With This Influx of Single Shot Only Sites. WTF ( Contains Potty Language )   
    Tech Brigade. It's not as bad as it sounds, but then again I didn't get shot in the arse by a bolty at 5 metres. 
  12. Like
    Asomodai reacted to Rogerborg in Biohazard Airsoft   
    An indoor CQB site In Stevenston on the West Coast of Scotland, in an Old Abandoned Chemical Factory.
    Cons first, to get them out of the way.
    Run via Facebook, with an almost complete lack of persistent, useful information about site rules, age limits, or even how the game is played. A sod to find. My satnav wanted nothing to do with the postcode, and then sent me off down a blocked off road.  Give yourself plenty of extra time to find it. 9am for a 10am start translated to hires still trailing in at 10:15, doubtless due to the above. A pretty perfunctory safety brief, not very clearly delivered, in a safe zone with poor acoustics. Combined with the lack of site info, rentals couldn't have had much of an idea what to actually do. Chronograph theatre. Voluntary, no tags, trusting players about their BB weights, and no chronoing in-game that I saw.  Basically just trusting us. The site isn't that big, and you could very nearly shoot down the whole length of it. Aggravatingly inadequate tagging: one red tag on one arm of one team, nothing on the other.  Why they don't tag both teams on both arms is beyond me - milliseconds matter in mixed-up CQB.  
    All that said, in game was a good experience. They know the site well and make good use of it.  There's a lane up each side with plenty of cover, and a maze of rooms in the middle, making it viable to both hang back and exchange fire, or go fighting room-to-room, as you prefer. I shot off a lot more BBs than I expected. A decent variety of games: deathmatch, fall back, find the $THINGs, hold the points, rush the objective. Good active friendly, calm but firm marshalling, and I was particularly pleased to see and hear them dealing with folk taking the piss with semi-auto ROF. Short walks to respawn, and fast paced games with little idle time. They're friendly, responsive and helpful on Facebook, but you do have to ask.  
    The actual airsofting was a pretty good experience, which is what matters.  Having much clearer site info available up front would address most of the other issues.  I'd like to see a lot more in-game chronoing, but that's an issue at most sites.
    At £20 for a day, or £30 with a hire, it's good value, and not run by or infested with nobbers.  I'll likely give it another go.
    Ho ho ho.

  13. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Scott80 in Https://Gpairsoft-uk.Com   
    Drop shipping company. Definitely not in the UK.
  14. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from EvilMonkee in Https://Gpairsoft-uk.Com   
    Drop shipping company. Definitely not in the UK.
  15. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from EvilMonkee in New Zed Adventures CQB Site - 'Z-mart' in Newbury   
    Are any of us part of the Multiglam crowd?!?
  16. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in Https://Gpairsoft-uk.Com   
    Drop shipping company. Definitely not in the UK.
  17. Like
    Asomodai reacted to L3wisD in New Zed Adventures CQB Site - 'Z-mart' in Newbury   
    We'll see what their booking system is like and what days etc first, but I think an AFUK Zed day is well overdue.
    Also, a group of us on facebook have decided to call this new site: Zedenhams 
  18. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Crazy_Crystal in New Zed Adventures CQB Site - 'Z-mart' in Newbury   
    The wonders of Google maps. 
    Area is 3764 M2 for the entire unit over two floors. Include your safe zone in there as well. Equivalent to .9 of an acre. 
  19. Thanks
    Asomodai got a reaction from Rogerborg in New Zed Adventures CQB Site - 'Z-mart' in Newbury   
    The wonders of Google maps. 
    Area is 3764 M2 for the entire unit over two floors. Include your safe zone in there as well. Equivalent to .9 of an acre. 
  20. CoolAF
    Asomodai reacted to Rogerborg in New Zed Adventures CQB Site - 'Z-mart' in Newbury   
    Good question, 550m2 difference is quite big.  Let's find out.
    The net internal area (NIA) method of measurement is generally applied to:
    offices shops other retail premises, such as banks, hairdressers, restaurants Net internal area
    The net internal area (NIA) is the total usable area of each floor within a building, measured to the inside face of the boundary walls (ignoring skirting boards).
    Areas measured include:
    kitchens any built-in cupboards or units that occupy usable areas perimeter skirting boards, mouldings and trunking open circulation areas such as atria, corridors and entrance halls Partition walls and other dividing elements Areas that are excluded are:
    internal structural walls walls (whether structural or not) enclosing excluded areas piers, columns, chimney breasts, ducts and other projections cleaner’s cupboards lifts, lift rooms, lift wells stairwells and landings stairwells, entrance halls, atria, landings and balconies used in common or for essential access corridors and other circulation areas used in common with other occupiers or of a permanent essential nature boiler rooms, fuel stores, plant rooms and tank rooms other than those of a trade process nature car parking areas spaces occupied by cooling and heating equipment, air conditioning systems and ducting which renders the space substantially unusable areas with a headroom of less than 1.5m toilets and associated lobbies, unless additional toilets have been installed areas under the control of service or other external authorities
  21. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from GeorgePlaysAirsoft in Load-Out / Loadout Picture topic   
    The new German Tropentarn Loadout. G36 specific Mag pouches, AG36 equipped G36E. Its a fairly heavyweight loadout, but I used it for most of the day without issue. 






  22. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from DerDer in Ak Pistol Grip Too Slim?   
    Putting a shim or O-ring inbetween the screw and grip didnt do much. 
    However I did sand the inside of the grip ever so slightly and I am pretty pleased with the results. Its less screechy. No worse then any other stock rifle. 
    Will stick with it until I can get a tech to look at it.
  23. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Sitting Duck in Ak Pistol Grip Too Slim?   
    Putting a shim or O-ring inbetween the screw and grip didnt do much. 
    However I did sand the inside of the grip ever so slightly and I am pretty pleased with the results. Its less screechy. No worse then any other stock rifle. 
    Will stick with it until I can get a tech to look at it.
  24. Like
    Asomodai got a reaction from Ben Savage in The "Share A Bargain" Thread   
    E&L ELAK 702. AK with PMC stock. 
    £215 from Wolf Armouries in London is a real bargain. 
    Only one in stock so grab it whilst you can! I grabbed the Side folding AKS74 myself! 
  25. CoolAF
    Asomodai got a reaction from FreeFrag.UK in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Bout time I get a proper AK! Wolf Armouries knocked this E&L out for £220. They have the PMC one for only £215 as well which is an absolute bargain for E&L spec. 
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