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Everything posted by Asomodai

  1. Asomodai


    Make sure its the Gen 2 one!
  2. The latest SE Tour Review is now up! Red 1 The School. With special guest Battlebuddy @Albiscuit



    1. Albiscuit


      wohoo, im speshial!!

    2. clumpyedge


      As always a good read. You were lucky to get all three floors as I usually see it being restricted to just the top two!

    3. Albiscuit


      I have added my points to the review :)

  3. I think it's time to start culling some of my collection. Very rarely will I use something non bullpup, so gonna post a few things to the appraisals section. 😕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Skara if someone can give me a rough idea how much for them then you'll see!

    3. Asomodai


      @Skara. There you go. Selling my M4, my MP5 and one of my XM8s :(

    4. Skara


      I feel you.

      I have 4 guns and I already feel like they're enough, can't imagine having more than that.

  4. It uses a V6 gearbox. So although you will need to take the gearbox apart, it is one of the easiest gearboxes to work on as all of the wiring is external. Mosfet installation is a bit confusing on a V6 P90 which I have attempted before, but it is essentially the same as any other rifle. I am not a fan of the Gate NanoAAB as it would lock up my rifle fairly often if I spammed the trigger on semi. This happened on 3 of my rifs that had them installed. I switched them out for non AAB mosfets. Apparently the lock ups do not happen on other AAB mosfets but I couldn't confirm.
  5. I have had an M95 chrono at 360 FPS before, it depends how good your air seal is. My P90 has an incredible seal and I had to use a M90 to drop it to 335 FPS. I generally use standard SHS ones. I am unsure about the differences myself beyond FPS variance.
  6. If you want a cheap 1911, go with an Army Armanent one. They are TM Clones so will fit more aftermarket parts and crucially allows you to use the TM M45A1 Gas mags which are the best 1911 mags out there. I do not recommend a 1911 for a first pistol though, they are useless in the winter with the small gas capacity. If you like the 1911 aesthetic, look at some Hi Cappas.
  7. WOW. The Real Sword T97 has been found! Stuck in UK Border force. My UKARA number was either not written on it or covered up and the person who was dealing with it went on holiday so there was a long delay to get a letter out to me to prove my defense. 

    The guy comes back from holiday on Saturday, I have provided my UKARA number over the phone to PF who will pass it on to BF. 


    So.... hopefully I will receive it soon...


    Might need to cancel that S75 chargeback...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Just be thankful that it wasn't destroyed and I didn't have to deploy:



    3. L3wisD


      Liek dis if u cry evrytiem 😢

    4. Albiscuit


      If you dont copy and paste this message 100 children will die and Jesus will depart the earth. Retweet now or you dont love your family!!


      Seriously though, good news. This is why I try to order from the UK as much as possible, and dont sell abroad on ebay (been stung on that too)!

  8. Used my A&K MK43 LMG successfully today. Never used it before as it broke on the first trigger pull on the field last time.


    It's almost fully upgraded, got some reasonable range out of it and was a lovely spread. 


    I LOVED IT. The strap I had was a large wide guarder type which really helped with weight distribution. 


    The Box position is a bit awkward due to being on the left side but I got used to it. Suppressing is a hell of a lot of fun. Cant wait to use it again!


    1. Druid799


      And to give it a bit more fun when laying down the suppressing fire mix your ammo , 2’s/25’s/and even chuck in some 28’s if you have them .😈👍

  9. More eurotrash mishmash. French CCE kit with NUPROL rifleman vest and G36E with AG36 made launcher
  10. I was asked to do the test day, but haven't got a date for it yet. Still clearing out the Asbestos from what I understand. Hopefully they will remember me when they do have a date in stone!
  11. Going to be herding wife and mates girlfriend around their first skirmish this Sunday at Skirmish Billericay. Anyone else coming out? Would have been Plantation but they aren't playing this Sunday. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Asomodai


      @Albiscuit just a small chance. There will be some thunder and lightning though! 

    3. Battle_Buddy


      Does that mean i'm not invited?


      Going to be herding wife and mates girlfriend 


    4. Asomodai


      @Battle_Buddy well I'm not herding you around am I? You're a grown up and I'd hope you know what you're doing! 😉

  12. SE Tour: Erebor Black ops has now been given a full review. Go check it out!



  13. My first foray into launchers and shells etc.
  14. Bought a boneyard AG36 at a skirmish today. Works fine and fits fine, but I need to find a bolt and nut for the sight and JB weld the release mechanism catch so that it will fire straight. The thread that it screws into has been over tightened so it will not close at a tight setting and it's too loose if at the correct position.
  15. Things wot I broke today: My trusty TM Strike Warrior pistol is no longer trusty. Suspected nozzle spring or O-ring failure. Slide struggles to return to original position. 



  16. The A&K Hop unit is notoriously bad. Its like they have never seen a hop unit and have no idea how it works beyond what someone told them at a drunken dinner. It's why I replaced mine!
  17. Went back and exchanged this as the original broke. And picked up a Xcortech X301 Mini Tracer unit to replace my broken B&T one. Will be using it this weekend at Erebor!
  18. Things wot got broke today: Brand new Chrono, 2 days old and just got a blank backlit screen. Back it goes to the shop! 

    1. Rogerborg


      Darn.  What brand should we be avoiding?

    2. Asomodai


      @Rogerborg brand new genuine Xcortech X3200 MK3. Crazy really as I haven't seen much in the way of them being unreliable. 


      I just have the worst luck. 

    3. Rogerborg


      Darn, you must have gone one from the end of the 16 hour shift, when the 5 years olds are getting weak from lack of food. :(

  19. PSA: SRC have made a new run of gen 3 XM8's. Original style, PDW and new style. They are available to shops to order from the UK distributor now. 

    1. Druid799


      And please pray tell whom is th UK distributor  ?

      as I haven’t the foggiest!

    2. Asomodai
  20. First purchases in a while. P226 grip screws for my TM M9, same length thread just larger heads. I lost a grip screw at the GI weekender. Combat Union SVD/SVU hop unit and nozzle set. Didn't even know they made these! Very new product, stunning quality and it's going in my cheap and nasty Cyma SVU. Couldn't find a RS SVD nozzle either so it's a bonus! ASG Blaster Tracers in the new .28 weight. Tracer bbs have been scarce in the UK since the ASG changed bottle types so it's good to get these in. Lastly and most importantly... my own Xcortech x3200 MK3 Chrono. Have been borrowing my battlebudddys for over a year and has only just now started complaining! Bless him.
  21. Oi. Where is my patch ;):P... I need to shill the forum. 

  22. Finally a decent photo of me in full flight. Complete Eurotrash mishmash loadout. French CCE Camo, Famas belt and Harness. M9 U.S. FN F2000. After running around at 30 degrees decided to change into my Primark/SportsDirect PMC loadout.
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