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    Steveocee got a reaction from Rogerborg in 2 tightbore or 2 not?   
    Wider generally offers more stable flight, tighter gives higher FPS. As you're running a mancraft you'll have volume for days so go wide. Orga 6.23?
    I personally run a PDI 6.05 in everything I have.
  2. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Groot in Am I the ass hole?   
    I am highly overpaid, under worked and bored. 
    I am also a highly efficient multitasker and this is but one of about 20 tabs open for various projects and time sinks. 

    First World IT Problems. 
  3. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Musica in Am I the ass hole?   
    When I sell something, I advertise it for what I want it to sell for. Fees are cost of sale. You want them covered, ask for £32 and then knock it down for non-PP buyers.
  4. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Rogerborg in Am I the ass hole?   
    When I sell something, I advertise it for what I want it to sell for. Fees are cost of sale. You want them covered, ask for £32 and then knock it down for non-PP buyers.
  5. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Tackle in Am I the ass hole?   
    Should have split the difference and gone 60p each.
  6. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Shamal in Am I the ass hole?   
    Should have split the difference and gone 60p each.
  7. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Musica in Am I the ass hole?   
    Should have split the difference and gone 60p each.
  8. Thanks
    Steveocee reacted to sonofsammo in Worst injury from airsoft   
    Absolutely gutted bud - -and on opposing teams to boot!
    I still haven't gathered the courage to properly check the SRS over. I think the scope is fucked, but that's alright cos it's a vortex lol.
    And there he is! The man himself! Thanks to this chap I wasn't pissing blood all over the game area making a mess 😄
    Thanks again dude. 
  9. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from sonofsammo in Worst injury from airsoft   
    I'd been wanting to play with you for so long. I've seen you've played proving grounds a few times and we are both SRS owners so was looking forward to this. Little did I know it was you. 
    So much damage in our sport although I'm glad you are on your feet and at least reflecting on the incident, the ribs will be a bummer but hopefully you're not out of action for too long dude.
    When we pulled up in the car park as well you were the first person I saw, beaming smile and a "Good morning".
  10. Sad
    Steveocee reacted to sonofsammo in Worst injury from airsoft   
    Well, I've just had mine!
    I was playing at YTA Borderlands, near Huddersfield,. It's a really nice site (from what I got to play) and the marshals are excellent (very professional, thank God!). It's a sniper's paradise, but not at the expense of everyone else.
    I was working with two other snipers as part of a pincer movement on an objective, but I got slotted by a counter sniper. All good, I went to a respawn point - but the respawn point was very close to an enemy held objective. I had seen two leave and rather than retreat to a safe distance, I took a shot. To be met by a barage of return automatic fire. They couldn't range me, so I spun on my heels and ran, just as their team members were piling out of the objective to join in.
    There's me and running and never the twain should meet.
    The safety brief told us to watch out for the rocky terrain and that things were unstable underfoot. I'd even listened to the safety briefing, as I'd never been there before. However, this information eluded me whilst "running for my life". I was at full tilt, tripped on a rock and went flying. As  I was flying through the air I had one thought "Must. Protect. Rifle." And so I twisted to angle the rifle away from the ground. Stupidest fucking thing I've ever done. Instead of twisting it away from me, I ended up landing on it and as my head went down it cracked a rock. I lay there, unmoving, staring at the tree canopy and blue sky beyond and watched as it swirled. I was still being shot. Which was nice. But didn't have the air in my lungs to shout anything. And I couldn't raise my arm. It felt like they were adding insult to injury, so I managed to stick one middle finger up. Unfortunately, rather than thinking something was wrong, or accepting my arm was in the air, they took it as a taunt and continued to fire 🤣 
    Eventually, I think I heard someone say "is he actually alright?" and they came over to check on me. The first person to arrive was a cracking player called Alan, who just happened to be a first aider. He checked me over and between them they got me sat up. Alan removed my cap, as I'd said I'd hit my head, so that he could just check if everything was ok. His reaction was dramatic and something along the lines of "OH MY GOD, someone get a med kit!". To be honest, I thought he was just taking the piss to make me feel better and was expecting the next line "only joking". But it never came. I had a hole in my head and it was leaking lots of blood and scalp tissue.
    The marshals had already called ceasefire, and the players all responded immediately - I felt terrible I'd ruined the game and lost them playing time.
    I was carted off the field and I have to say, the YTA team (and Alan and Andy, two very kind players) did a cracking job looking after me. After waiting 3 hours for an ambulance that never came, the manager of YTA, Paul arrived and decided it would be quicker to just drive me to A&E. So my heartfelt thanks to him for that, otherwise I might still be waiting!
    Sum total of damage - hole in head, sewn up with four stitches, two broken ribs and severe bruising.
    Damage to my SRS and MK23 is currently unknown as I haven't dared look.
    The irony of doing that much damage to myself in an effort to not get shot a lot and then getting shot a lot as well is not lost on me.
    They're certainly my worst injuries from airsoft, how about you guys and gals?
  11. Thanks
    Steveocee got a reaction from lilredmachine in Lilredmachines' Shots Fired Airsoft Channel.   
    Awesome vid dude. Keep them coming like that!
  12. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Tackle in Kit for the Ukraine .   
    Extreme far right politics have always been the mainstay in most of the countries in the region, even their "lefties" would be considered right wing in most of Western Europe, so citing that as an excuse for what's gone on isn't valid.
    You can't get away from the fact that a massive & extremely paranoid war machine, controlled by an equally paranoid dictatorship is committing wholesale murder on its neighbour, literally because it can, in the knowledge that the size of its nuclear arsenal is a deterrent preventing the west getting involved. 
    The best hope for all involved is if an internal coup deposes Putin & those around him. 
    Given the military losses coming to light, might be enough to initiate it ? 
    Fingers crossed 🤞
  13. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Rogerborg in Kit for the Ukraine .   
    This thread is what the internet was made for. Some over compensated moron bearing the cross of righteousness belittling an entire community into doing something they believe is right because it has the best of intentions and then getting super salty when people don't share the same belief.
    Where's closest? I'll send my hi capas as well and that way the enemy will run away as they won't want to get speedy boi'd.
  14. Haha
    Steveocee reacted to MagpieTactical in Kit for the Ukraine .   
    Lol, I am sure the Russian soldiers will turn around in fear once they see someone in some Viper chest rigs. 
  15. Like
    Steveocee reacted to lilredmachine in Lilredmachines' Shots Fired Airsoft Channel.   
    Back from a disaster induced hiatus, cracking on with some very trick 3d printed parts from makeit3d for the TM hi-capa 4.3. Good to be back.
  16. Sad
    Steveocee got a reaction from leadly in New aap01 cowcow BBU   
    They look pretty amazing and transferable experience on a capa going lightweight BBU, you'll get a lot lower recoil as well as faster return to battery. I think the remaining insides of these being made of chocolate will always be a sticking point though. You're out of the box upgrading the hammer and I'm seeing more people needing to replace the knocker lock now as well (cough @leadly cough).
  17. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Tactical Pith Helmet in what zoom magnifier should i use?   
    Depends is the answer. Some sites near me have normal battle rifle - full auto limit at 350 (0.2 obvs) and DMR at 400, at which point I'd say red dot is fine but then the more spread out sites tend to have the DMR limits at 420 or 450 where I feel disadvantaged with a red dot (hence investing in a short dot with adjustable 1-6). Even with my BASR I never tend to go past 5 times so yeah, maybe a 3 times magnifier or just grab an adjustable and have a single unit?
  18. Thanks
    Steveocee got a reaction from Noobsrus in Looking to buy an ssg10   
    UKFOB and Ammodrop are due a big Novi order imminently although they are having some issues getting it through customs I hear. They won't sell anything too powerful either however you will struggle as Novi rifles don't come in 2 tone which you would nee dot buy as you won't have a UKARA to buy a realistic coloured rifle.
  19. Like
    Steveocee reacted to Alimcd in Building My First HPA DMR (Surprise, It's a Kc02)   
    @SteveoceeOne of the KC02’s may have taken a slightly wankery turn
  20. Like
    Steveocee got a reaction from Airsoft_Mr B in Acetech Bifrost   
    Played with a guy who had one. He said tracers you "only" get about 3 of the colours, if you use white BB's then you get "all" of the colours.
    I dunno. I just use a normal tracer.
  21. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Paul72 in New John Wick film: What guns do you want/think will feature?   
    5.56 DMR and I don't care what pistol it is but it needs an M4 mag mangled onto the bottom of it.
    Would properly legitimise the bulk of the Airsoft community.
  22. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from John_W in New John Wick film: What guns do you want/think will feature?   
    5.56 DMR and I don't care what pistol it is but it needs an M4 mag mangled onto the bottom of it.
    Would properly legitimise the bulk of the Airsoft community.
  23. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Rogerborg in New John Wick film: What guns do you want/think will feature?   
    5.56 DMR and I don't care what pistol it is but it needs an M4 mag mangled onto the bottom of it.
    Would properly legitimise the bulk of the Airsoft community.
  24. Like
    Steveocee reacted to lilredmachine in Lilredmachines' Shots Fired Airsoft Channel.   
    nice pop, and okay accuracy out of the box...
  25. Haha
    Steveocee got a reaction from Steel Rain in Profile badges and rank progress   
    It's easy to tell the regulars, they're the ones not asking about ways of getting around 2tone every school holiday.
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