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Sico last won the day on October 19 2016

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    • For sale
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    Tokyo Marui Hi-Capa 4.3 stop FPS 3 TM mags (just noticed one is leaking) NulPro quick holster 1 full Gas can + 1 half full. Transport at extra cost. Check my other items for sale. Willing to sell the whole lot for £500


    London, London - GB

  2. Anyone heading to The Mall this Sunday ? 

  3. Anyone going on the 2nd of April to the Mall in Reading. I'm thinking of booking a place...

    1. Albiscuit


      nah giving Mall a break till our forum game, heading outdoors to dragons lair in april!

  4. Any pouch recommendations for TM Hi-Capa mags ? Was looking at FMA fast pistol mag

  5. Looking to get a TM Hi-Capa 4.3. Few questions:

    - What gas to use ? Green gas I presume. Any brands ?

    - Go for TM mags or something else ?

    - Anyone knows a good holster that wouldn't break the bank account ? (Was looking at Fobus type on Ebay)

    Tried the search tool but it's being doggy. 



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mattyjay98


      Hi there, can you link me the nuprol holster for the 5.1 please?

    3. Sico


      Nuprol Hi-Capa this is the one I've ordered with my 4.3 and fits like a glove.cheers to memphis for recommendation.

    4. mattyjay98


      Thanks mate, I need one for the left side though :(

  6. Account settings...somewhere there.
  7. I'm thinking of getting a pistol and 2,3 mags. Don't know yet if I should go toward a gas one or electric, new or second hand. What do people use ? Glock's? 1911's ?   

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. sniperslucky


      Glock 18c AEP, we have 2 of them there great all year round and do the job. around £70. Easy to do  a lipo conversion as well.

    3. djben9


      my brother just bought the TM Hi-capa 4.3 after spending what should have been 5mins in Firesupport instead turned into 90mins!. He is using it today for the first time so i'll find out tomorrow when i go for the 2nd day to see what its like, but again have heard good things about it.......may get one myself later in the year....

    4. Sico


      I did ask almighty google lastnight about airsoft pistol and so far I'm looking at Hi-capa 4.3, Px4, P9, M&P9, USP and HK45. Now it's just a matter of trying them out and reading reviews.

  8. Who's going at The Mall this weekend ? Playing both the 3rd and 4th.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sico


      Drop by and say Hi then. I'll be wearing multicam black and a Dye I4 mask, unless I'll be stuck in a gimp outfit from the night before.

    3. CarloBear


      Sorry Pal, completely missed your comment, would have said hello. We yellows got destroyed :'(

    4. Sico


      Green here. Yes indeed, yellow team got dominated and definitely the team weren't balanced.

  9. Mannequin challenge video from the Mall this Saturday is on YouTube. Link on Media section

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cheeserush


      Be a mannequin, the end.

    3. Jedi_Master


      All seems a bit pointless. Prefer to shoot BBs when airsofting. Now trying to clear C&A if full of mannequins as well as real players would be fun.

    4. Cheeserush


      That would be really cool if you could do something like that, however... I have a feeling there would be so many complaints about dummys not taking their hits (pun intended).

  10. That MP9 is killer, great job on it.
  11. The Mall on 20.11 anyone ?

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Sico


      I'm not experienced enough to take this bet....give me few more games and its on :))

    3. ImTriggerHappy


      Get as much experience as you want. I honestly dont think it makes much difference though I reckon I am on the same level as when I started.

    4. Sico


      I for sure am more experienced now then when I've started. More confident in the dark (especially at the Mall), started using my both eyes when aiming (was tempted to close one at first), more confident on shooting with left hand now also. Plus now I'm thinking of getting a pistol for those tight corners.

  12. Want to hear more from this, looking forward for you to reply on how it behaves after 5~6 games. 90 quid right ?
  13. Well I haven't done anything to it yet, as I need a screw and a nut, so for now being that tight is more than fine. I can easily charge it while its connected to the gun and can easily transfer the content from the SD card to the phone while sitting in the safe zone if I ran out of space. SJ = SJ4000, that cheap alternative to GoPro.
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