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Jacob Wright

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  1. Thanks
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Hotweeweejef in TM MP5 NGRS Owners   
    I’ve been using Geoffs Bio BB’s for a couple of years in my NGRS, can’t fault them 👍🏼
  2. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from EDcase in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    First day out in a couple of months today, got to Combat Airsoft in Thetford. 
    Not a bad day at all, was on my own but bumped into an old work colleague. Didn’t hear a single complaint from anyone all day, the games didn’t stagnate, and everything seemed to work!
  3. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Skullchewer in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    First day out in a couple of months today, got to Combat Airsoft in Thetford. 
    Not a bad day at all, was on my own but bumped into an old work colleague. Didn’t hear a single complaint from anyone all day, the games didn’t stagnate, and everything seemed to work!
  4. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to JimFromHorsham in Gun picture thread   
    Another H&K recently added into the mix  

  5. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Egon_247 in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    First day out in a couple of months today, got to Combat Airsoft in Thetford. 
    Not a bad day at all, was on my own but bumped into an old work colleague. Didn’t hear a single complaint from anyone all day, the games didn’t stagnate, and everything seemed to work!
  6. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Rogerborg in How to get permission to play airsoft in derelict/unused buildings?   
    Somewhat redundantly. If there's no negligence, there's little prospect of a claim succeeding.
    The waiver doesn't do that, the informed acceptance of specific unavoidable risks does.  These are two different things.  The usual waffle about unconditionally absolving the site of any liability is just wasted words.  I'd rather they used that space be more specific about risks, and who is responsible for mitigating them, phrased as "We will" and "You will".  Passive voice introduces ambiguity.
    For example: Before entering the safe zone, you will remove the magazine from all your guns including pistols, fire shots into the ground until they are clear, and present them for inspection if asked.
    If this sounds unnecessarily pedantic, it's because it doesn't matter, until it really matters, and suddenly what's plain as a pikestaff to the plaintiff's lawyer is utter balderdash to the defendant's.
    For an example of getting it wrong, one of my locals says "If you show up in trainers or unacceptable footwear, you will not be permitted to play."
    Daft thing to say, as it creates a duty of care on the site that didn't previously exist. 🤦‍♂️
  7. Haha
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Gryph in Fjallraven Vidda Pro Trousers   
    If you’ve got the shirts then you know what the quality is like 👍🏼 I’m trying to hold off buying a pair of their shorts for the summer 😂
  8. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Gryph in Fjallraven Vidda Pro Trousers   
    Well that's me sold then... I've got a few Fjallraven shirts and they are unbelievably comfortable for camping etc... Cheers gents!
  9. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Gryph in Fjallraven Vidda Pro Trousers   
    Echoing the above comments - look after them and they’ll last ages. 
    I bought a pair 4 years ago and apart for one tiny mark where I caught them on barbed wire they look like new. 
    Pricey but well worth it in my opinion 👍🏼
  10. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Asomodai in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    This will be the first rifle I have bought since the Ares RDB on first release. (Maybe 2 and a half years ago?)
    As you may know, I went from having 36 rifles and pistols, now down to just 5 rifles and 3 pistols (With one of those rifles and one pistols for sale) in preparation for a potential move to Spain. But a chance to get a brand new one of these, which has been a rifle that eluded me for a long time. Now I finally have one!
    LCT AKMSU. It's teh sxe. 

    I know it's very marmite, but I have always loved the Glory Hole Foregrip and the underfolder look. 

    Gearbox is shimmed nicely from the factory. It's one of the more recent LCT Quick Change spring ones. Changed over motor to XT Neo High torque. Slightly louder than the stock motor but still pretty damn quiet. Front sight post was pissed so hit it with a mallet to get it more in line, hopefully it will stay in that position. Firing at 327fps at the mo. Most I will do with it now is put a steel barrel and new hop rubber in it. If I get this and my others overseas when the time comes, I might have to turn this into an angel build and just stick a tonne of unnecessary and ridiculous upgrades into it. 
    The underfolder has the typical up and down wobble once fully unfolded. But it's not that bad at all. 
    Cant wait to field this! 

  11. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Impulse in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    I was also at Redcon-2 for Shift Your RIFTs, but was there for the whole weekend; a very warm Saturday followed by a very warm, then very wet Sunday! I packed my m700, AAP-01 and p226 as a backup pistol in case I had issues with the AAP.
    We booked in on the Friday and it was incredibly smooth. Plenty of staff were around to direct people who were camping and those of us who were just there to sign in. Got my wristband and goodie bag and then hung out with my friends for a while as there were quite a few of us there. Gates closed at 8pm, so we left at about 7pm to go get dinner at the pub a few of us were staying at and got a good night's sleep for the next day... or at least it would've if my heart didn't decide to act up that night. Anxiety around it made it worse too, but it wasn't so bad I had to take myself off to a hospital, so I popped one of my pills and powered through it.
    Anyway, next day was glorious. Weather on Saturday was incredibly warm at around 20 celcius pretty much all day! I had a similar experience to @Galvatron; chrono was really efficient with 4 marshalls on them and then another 3 or 4 marshalls after them with cable ties to tag guns that had passed. There was a long queue when I got there, but it moved very quickly and I got through very easily. I did have an issue crop up here though, as I noticed two of my AAP magazines had lost the o-rings in the fill valves, so I decided to use my p226 that I brought as a backup pistol. Everything passed chrono nice and easy and so that was that.
    We then hung about until the legendary brief and it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be. It was long, probably clocking in at about 1 hour in length, but it covered everything that the players needed to know. Also, I heard last year that people on the weekend had to listen to the brief on both Saturday and Sunday, but this weekend we only had to attend the Saturday and could just chill on the Sunday in the safe / camping zone during the briefing, so that was nice.
    I decided to try and play as much as possible while the weather was good, as the forecast was bad for Sunday. The site itself was a breath of fresh air for me; where Worthing Airsoft is fairly small and quite close-up, basically woodland CQB during the summer, Redcon-2 was huge with a lot of very open areas, though there were also plenty of close-up areas and dedicated CQB areas so when the marshalls said "any gun you have will find a use out there", they weren't lying. I went out with my new under £100 ghillie setup and my m700, p226 and my belt kit; no chest rig as I packed light. We were on blue in the morning and for the first hour I was a bit useless. I had no idea where anything was and bumbled about the site as I tried to work out how I wanted to play it. Fortunately I quickly got into my groove after we took a respawn on the far side of the map and started pushing along the boundary. I managed to tuck into a bush to cover the advance and had a great time plinking at the reds, though some of them were really well dug in! I eventually got taken out, so I went back to the respawn we captured, but as I was returning I saw the other blues who were with me also walking back, so I opted to set up in a position to intercept the reds if they pushed up after us. I took a few out that did, but then I saw some reds coming from the other direction as they must've captured the respawn from the other side, so I laid low and waited for them to pass, before shooting them both in the back. I love moments like that  
    It was then lunch that I was about 10 mins late to, because none of the marshalls called that it was lunch over where I was and I had recently taken out a red from my position; I only went back because I heard one of the vehicles and poked out to ask if it was lunch yet. They had said that they couldn't have tap water to drink due to MoD regulations (as it's an MoD site), so I was expecting some extortionate food and drink prices, but I was pleasantly surprised. I spent £7 on a massive double jumbo chilli dog that was very welcome after the morning games, as well as two bottles of water.
    After lunch our entire group got balanced onto red team as apparently the morning was pretty one-sided in blue team's favour. This time, I decided to just stick to the massive runway area that the teams spawned at (one at each end, it was really quite long!). There were a number of bushes and some lovely tall grass that worked wonders for concealment, though due to how airsoft guns worked I had to poke my rifle barrel through the grass, which made it a little bit visible, but oh well. I managed to rack up an impressive number of kills from here and completely denied a fairly strong position at a corner as I had it totally dialed in with my bolt action. During quiet moments I found myself hand-loading my magazines as otherwise I would've run out of ammo pretty fast and I was very pleased to discover that my magazines will easily shoot three full magazines on a single fill of gas if it's a warm day. Photographers got some great shots of me too, so that was a nice bonus as I rarely get caught on camera! Towards the end, most people had given up it seemed as I ended up getting hit from behind and having to respawn in to hold the flank pretty much by myself, however due to the tall grass I was able to easily get into a concealed position to do so.
    The Sunday I wanted to play in the morning as while the forecast said it would pour with rain all day the sun was out and it was nice and warm (a bit windy though!), but most of my kit was locked in the car and the guy with the key was out in the gameplay area. Most of my kit included my hat, so I have a bit of sunburn on my head, and also my armband so I couldn't go and play. I instead opted to have a good wander around to see what people were selling and I picked up the exact TM hi-capa 5.1 that I wanted for £80 and I had a long chat with the guys at Empire Airsoft, so it was nice to put a face to a name there as I order from them quite a lot and have asked Kenny to get me some niche m700 parts from Europe a few times! I also had a long chat with Big Steve Builds about my AAP build and picked up a bunch of parts for that too; only bit I'm missing now is the hammer set as that sold out on the Saturday, but I have a really good idea what I want to do with mine now. Also going to experiment with the flamingo buckings as I hadn't used them yet and he seemed to be very impressed with them in his builds.
    Went out in the afternoon after lunch and the heavens opened up. It absolutely chucked it down and I got really wet. Didn't play for as long here, playing around the runway again. I managed to crawl into a very forward position and started sniping blues in the tank graveyard from the side; the m700 is so quiet I managed to basically burn through all of my ammo doing this before I was finally taken out by a stray shot just as I was going to shoot someone colour checking me. I was soaking wet and out of ammo and I didn't want to open my ammo bags in this weather as water + bio BBs is not the best combination. Emptied the rest of my pistol mags as I wasn't putting those BBs back in the bag either for the same reason and headed in.
    All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend and will be going back next year. I will, however, bring a DMR next time. I was planning on doing so this year, but my MWS was not happy at all lifting heavy BBs, so more tinkering is needed there. The site itself with all the long distance areas combined with the 2.32J DMR limit makes the site very, very good for DMRs. Usually I use my pistol a lot when using a bolt action rifle or a DMR, but I think this weekend I only got 2 - 3 pistol kills and burned though about a single magazine in total, whereas I got dozens and dozens across the weekend with my bolt action and went though many mags. Being able to engage at long distance is a definite advantage at Redcon-2 (as long as you avoid the CQB areas!). If someone is locking down an area with a DMR, it's very strong, but it's also possible to counter because the site itself is so damn big; you can simply go around them. I think the marshalling was top notch and I didn't come up against any issues all weekend with the singular exception of one guy who was blatantly not taking his hits as I took out the people around him, but then every time I hit him he'd look in my general direction and step back behind the bushes and every time he peeked out the same would happen. Everyone else without fail took their hits from what I saw and I didn't hear any complaints about it.
    Going to be bold and say that Shift Your RIFTs is the best weekend event in the UK at the moment. The airsoft quality is better than AI500 and definitely better than the NAF, and for £85 you get a really solid weekend of airsoft at a great site with great marshalls. Food and drink isn't extortionately priced and there were lots of different retailers about who were more than happy to chat and cut deals you wouldn't get when you buy online. The whole atmosphere was really great across the entire weekend and I'll definitely be going back next year as I loved it!
  12. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Darkmikey22 in Gun picture thread   
    So 2 more additions to the British collection. 
    And thanks to Ed for this the pistol.  
    WE Browning MK3 L9A1 DS 
    And also a L119A1 CQB  finally put together, painted and weathered. 

  13. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to gavinkempsell in Gun picture thread   
    Took a bit of fetling and still a little bit of work to finish it off (barrel extension & need to cut a couple of grooves in the barrel to fix the front sight(a few mm's off)).

  14. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Kls77 in Gun picture thread   
    My KWA erg ak74 converted to 105 alpha style .
    Full recoil with last rd cut off and charging handle remag. 

  15. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to ghostwalker in The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread   
    Made the hour and a bit trip down to gunman airsoft for a change of scene as the local site staff had all upped and buggered off to ibiza.
    It was only my second visit in a year to gunman and as usual it was a well run day and they made sure to take breaks, encourage people to drink and provide water if necessary.
    From my own point of view it was a great day. we played the woodland side in the morning and switched to the buildings/open area side for the afternoon. games flowed well and for a change i was on a team not getting rolled into oblivion. We had a guy named Nel (firefighter) who was trying to organise and encourage some great team play and that makes a huge difference, especially on a regular skirmish day. Add in finally my wolverine mtw decided to perform as i hoped it would and the combination off ess crossbows, valhalla gasket and ex fog unit provided a rare fog free day (may they continue).
    So a happy airsoft sunday for a change.
  16. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Darkmikey22 in Gun picture thread   
    Another 1 for the British Forces Collection. 
    A colt model 603. 
    Pictured here in use during SAS jungle training. 
    Also made a second upper for my Colt 715. 
    Making it a colt model 701. (Export M16A2, with full auto function, not 3rd burst like usgi A2s). 
    Pictured here during OP BARRAS. 

  17. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to Darkmikey22 in Gun picture thread   
    That was the Model 715/C7 that was also issued. 
    Had a M16A2 export lower, but with an A1 upper and A2 brass deflector. 
    The upper type is called the M16A1E1. 
    Here's a pic of my C7 showing that upper. 
    But was also on the 715 issued in GW1 and the model 723/725 carbine also issued. 

  18. Haha
    Jacob Wright reacted to Cannonfodder in Possible New indoor site   
    Surely they should be "industrial", "medieval", "furure" and "aztec"? Especially if the head marshal is a bald thespian with eccentric taste in clothing
  19. CoolAF
    Jacob Wright reacted to TheFull9 in The 'What have you just bought' Thread   
    Whoring myself to PTS/Magpul continues, courtesy of Land Warrior this time (one of the better places for RS bits I'm finding).

    Not bought, but a buddy that worked at Spiritus for a few years in their earlier days was moving house and having a clear out; sent me these prototypes of what ended up as the LV-119 (oldest on the left, newest on the right).

  20. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Cocha in Case layout   
    This is my Peli Case, Shadow Foam inside and will carry 2 rifles and my pistol quite easily.

  21. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to DanBow in Case layout   
    Funnily enough i got my first one off Facebook marketplace for £30 because it had been left ourside and was a bit wet and dirty. Second one was £58 off ebay but £20 postage. Still a bit of a bargain though.
  22. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from DanBow in Case layout   
    I lucked out with my case - £50 from someone who was just about to put it in a skip...
    Glad I've got it though, makes it easy to carry my rifles and I can sling it in the boot of the car without worrying. Plus it has doubled up as a nice table on events!
  23. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from Skullchewer in Case layout   
    This is my Peli Case, Shadow Foam inside and will carry 2 rifles and my pistol quite easily.

  24. Like
    Jacob Wright got a reaction from DanBow in Case layout   
    This is my Peli Case, Shadow Foam inside and will carry 2 rifles and my pistol quite easily.

  25. Like
    Jacob Wright reacted to Enid_Puceflange in Case layout   
    I run a hard case when visiting sites, as I take a couple of different rifs, I haven’t bothered cutting foam to allow one case to be used for several pewpews
    I got a 5.11 Cams which I put Shadow Foam into
    Used it once
    Its just too damn big 😂

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