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Everything posted by Jedi_Master

  1. By using neon lights you could even colour code your gun to the team colour of the day, and that would stop all those friendly fire incidents in the dark Although, I do remember playing laser quest years ago and all the guns were lit up, so you could see players in the dark and smoke, and when you were hit and out of the game the gun lights were extinguished.
  2. UK Tactical have 20% off all Warrior Assault Systems until midnight Wednesday 04 November - code WARRIOR20
  3. I have always liked De Walt power tools, mainly because of their yellow and black colour as well as quality. Sometimes think I should put together a DIY load out with a yellow and black gun, and in an urban environment would not look too out of place. MP5K power tool
  4. I have yet to be hurt with a pistol hit, even at point blank range. A few weeks ago at The Mall in Reading a member of the other team and I had our pistols out and were clearing a corridor and both went through the same doorway. We shot each other simultaneously, or close enough, that we were both hit. So we said "hit, good shot" and high fived each other before walking back to our respective regen points. Moments like that make the game.
  5. The ambidextrous one is useful for when you transition from right shoulder / hand to left shoulder / hand. Although most times I am on semi-auto so once the selector is set there is not mush need to move it.
  6. The TM HK416 has proprietary magazines, for the bolt stop to function. I have only used TM mags but believe some other brands can be used with an adaptor, but will not have the bolt stop function. Always good to look around and expands your M4 horizons.
  7. Ever the fan of Tokyo Marui I would recommend their HK416D, upper limit of your budget but no spare for batteries, extra magazines, etc. The German take on the AR15 platform, M4 equivalent, and has lots for rails for adding tactical kit. Good for CQB and woodland. Good straight from the box, solid build, quality parts, reliable, accurate, and not too much needs doing to it (there have been several threads regarding internal upgrades). The low fps means you can take it anywhere to play.
  8. No, I still have not sent the UKARA form off to UACP to get it stamped (they do not have the stamp at their sites on game days) and then submitted to a retailer. I will get around to it eventually. On the plus side it stops me being tempted with buying guns from abroad, although on the downside it stops me buying guns from abroad.
  9. Do you mean having the German lettering, S (sicher), E (einzelfeuer), and F (feuerstoss) on the fire selector for safe, semi auto and full auto instead of the icons of bullets?
  10. Find a site you like, play your 3 games there in no less than 2 months to get membership (or whatever their rules are) - defence sorted. You can then apply for UKARA if you want.
  11. Now a real n00b is noremac on the Z1 forum - http://www.forums.zeroin.co.uk/showthread.php.?264945-which-stock-spring-sniper-to-get
  12. If you follow the hyperlink in my earlier post (#15 above), then under heading Locations select CQB Blitz London, and scroll down to games dates, you will see they are only being run every Sunday in November.
  13. It also looks bloody horrible, makes me think of a slightly less garish two-tone rifle. I love H&K guns but it is a limited addition abomination.
  14. Depends when you made your order with UK Tactical, they have been giving away various coyote brown pouches for the last few weeks on spends over £30, so probably a free one on their part.
  15. You can post site reviews in the section called 'Other Airsoft Stuff' under title 'Skirmish Sites, Stories & Reviews'. Some sites are already listed, if not hen just create a new thread.
  16. Welcome to the forum. You have some good sites to play in your neck of the woods, so any review of your experience at them would be useful.
  17. There are at least 3 other US based sites (i.e. www.airsoftmegastore.com) selling the C Mag, with stock, all around same price. I have imported airsoft items (not RIF) from the US and had no issues with customs, although you may need to email the store to check on international shipping to the UK. As an aside, while searching I came across this http://www.airsoftforum.com/board/topic/167513-drum-mag-for-mp5-suggestions-please/
  18. I would not recommend taking a RIF out in public. Hypothetically - a concerned member of the public sees you carrying a gun and phones the police, armed response is deployed, you are detained, waste police time. A journalist picks up the story, airsoft is brought into disrepute, pressure to have more restrictions on the sport, everyone suffers. It is not worth the risk for a bit of posing. Of course the YouTube video of the police takedown could be good to watch, and 15 minutes of fame
  19. UKARA is a retailer database, a way that they (the retailer) can verify that the person they are selling a RIF to is legal (within definition of the VCRA) over 18 and with a valid defence. By law only a person over 18 may purchase a RIF. Parents are not always responsible for their children, or the children themselves are irresponsible and their parent(s) cannot manage them. A gift of a RIF can be made by an adult to a child. Even if there was an under 18's register, the kids would still not be allowed to buy a RIF. The rules protect the sport, and allow airsoft to continue, and I would not want to change the under 18 ruling. An advantage of being classed as an adult is that you can buy alcohol or vote, and with defence buy a RIF.
  20. Having goggles fog up is a recurring problem experienced by most of us at some time, and frequently asked here, so type the word 'fogging' into the search box and read through those threads. Mesh often popular as they have good air flow and heats dissipates but like you I am not keen on them as the mesh plays havoc with my vision. Randymanpipe has a good point about wearing helmets, they do cause more fogging as they make heat harder to escape, not so bad outside but indoors can be a pain. Nothing worse than not seeing what you are doing or where you are. I started off with the face mask and goggle combo with Fast helmet but still fogged using Bolle X1000. I now use the Dye I4 facemask which is best solution for me so far. The mask is shaped to keep breath away from eyes/lens but can still fog under a fast helmet as the top vents do not work as efficiently. No issues over a balaclava and beanie hat, where the mask is outside and the top vents are clear. Fans can help with airflow, and the best goggles will be £100+ but worth it in the long run.
  21. The Mk23 is a great gun, and as DEF says, they are large guns which means that options for holsters are more limited. On the plus side, an adjustable Viper holster is sub £15. Being non blow back, they are gas efficient and quiet.
  22. UCAP Bunker on Wed 28 Oct - time to see how many sneeky hits I get with the TM Mk23

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Esoterick


      Those TM MK23s are pretty tidy. Got shot at close range by one on Sunday and barely heard more than a tapping sound.

    3. Jedi_Master


      Yes, they are so quiet. Advantage of non blowback and a quality suppressor. I have always been impressed when shot by one as I have never heard the shots just felt the hits. One of the reasons why I wanted to get one over the great looking TM HK45

    4. Esoterick


      I think the interesting thing is a lot of players don't seem to pay attention to where sounds are coming from. However when they are the MK23 changes it from "he's on the right round the next corner" to "I think someone fired somewhere ahead of us"

      Most of the time though when I use my pistol it's more about that speed of moving it over the noise it makes. Although quiet guns are definitely good if you know or a site or are just generally a sneaky bugger.

  23. I appreciate that you are only 14 years old, hence the gentle responses and less sarcasm than usual. However, you really need to think about what you are asking. Members here are answering your questions and offering help so will get frustrated when it appears that you are just not paying any attention and their advice is ignored. Use the search function, read old threads, make some effort to research before just jumping in.
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