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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Buy a G&G, best of both worlds you get a new gun and experience on fixing and upgrading everytime it breaks. ☺
  2. True but if you buy one then I reckon you will probably end up looking at the HK's and Scars and wish you had spent a bit more. Did you really consider them when you bought your recce?
  3. TM recoil is nice but your looking at £500 add on a £100 for the spectre (if you can get hold of one).
  4. Scrap the other one then and just build from scratch. Buy a receiver and just start there. If your technically minded an aeg is a piece of p*ss. V2 gearboxes can be a tosser to put back together though.
  5. Send Sittingduck a message hes a good one to go to on parts without spending a fortune.
  6. Firesupport Eagle6 Tiger111 They are the main 3 I would use but there are others that are just as good.
  7. Not a 100% sure because I wouldnt buy ares anything so never really look. If I had to guess I would say its probably proprietary and only runs with the ares amoeba guns.
  8. Motor= Lonex titan Hop up= Prowin Mosfet=Gate nano asr Barrel=Prommy or Pdi Gearbox= lonex prebuilt gearbox. But that will cost almost as much as a new gun. You can build on a budget but I am not the best person to ask about that as I always go straight for the higher end stuff.
  9. Buy this http://www.patrolbase.co.uk/airsoft-m4-m15-m16-variants/krytac-trident-crb-black.htm#.VckSQHpwbfs Its not recoil but its a probably the best put together Aeg on the market at the moment. Nothing to do internally and its really solidly built. Just slap some accessories on it and have fun.
  10. Buy a Krytac,spare mag, 2x lipos and a imax b6 charger. Then use it to shoot that jbbguns useless crap to pieces.
  11. Krytac crb or spr, look on Patrolbases website.
  12. Like this one. http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/black-bear-rampage-black-mesh--mask
  13. It does happen everywhere but I do think the mall sometimes attracts the idiots more than most.I think the chavs are attracted to it because its running round a shopping centre which is their natural habitat. Just be glad theres not a McDonald's in there or it would be over ran by people wearing airmax trainers. You also get the odd visiting blowhards that take things a bit too serious for how the mall runs. Most of the more regular players are usually a good bunch of people though.
  14. Have you ever considered it might be easier in the long run to take your dremel to your nose instead of your kit. 😃
  15. Use a riser mount for your scope, dont get any issues with using a mesh mask then and you dont end giving the dentist £500.
  16. Always happens, never figured out why some people would want to pay £35 to stand in a corridor to tell the people with some nuts that the enemy is down the other end of the corridor.Dont believe in dying for the greater good but I am a firm believer in making the enemy die for the greater good.
  17. Its not bad when there is a full crowd. Some people complain about choke points and such but I reckon they are just not trying hard enough.
  18. Should try it when there is only about 25 people in there, thats really good because you can explore easier.
  19. Glad you enjoyed it. Will be there on either 23rd or 30th, haven't played since the start of July because of commitments so really feeling the need to stretch my legs. Marshalls there are top notch and the sites great.
  20. Removing the barrel and hop unit comes under general maintenance. You need to remove the barrel from the hop chamber to clean it properly because you dont want silicone oil or gun cleaner on your hop bucking. Any retailer who claims adjusting the bucking or even changing it is breaking the sale of goods act and in the wrong. As long as you dont mess with the gearbox,motor or wiring your ok.
  21. Adjusting the hop bucking shouldnt invalidate the warranty. Its a removable part for cleaning and maintenance. Just take the barrel out with the hop unit still attached. Wind the hop all the way off drop a bb into the hop unit and you will probably see the bucking nub touching the left side first. You will need to adjust the bucking so it hits evenly. There are plenty of vids on youtube on how to do it if you are unsure.
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