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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Love the 97b when its done up a bit. Stands a fair chance it could be my next toy.
  2. There lots of nice custom guns on sale but was thinking more of ones you have just come across on a skirmish. Honey badger is a bit like marmite. Me personally not a huge fan but at least it stands out.
  3. After getting quite a few comments about how my gun looks at the weekend I got to thinking about what guns look the best. So two questions What is the best looking stock gun Have you ever come across a gun that someone else is using that has really caught your attention. Just going on looks not performance.
  4. Noticed the mistake in your post, fixed it for you ☺
  5. Thats the thing I like about airsoft it really shows you what a person is like.Its all based on how decent a person you are, honesty, teamwork, friendliness and whether you actually have an ounce of bravery. Play with someone for the day and you can learn more about their character than some people you have known for years.
  6. Bloody hell another one. Go and join Snakeeyes in the naughty corner.
  7. Depends if you know where its been. More to the point what is your concern on holding another mans weapon? Its really only a question you can answer and a bit personal for here. I know its general discussion but somethings are a bit much. I am sure there is some sort of lifestyle forum that could help you more.
  8. By the sounds of it he likes to find a camping spot as well. So I reckon we should get a team fluffy unicorn flag made up then I can spend all day waving it over him. At least then he will have a reason to so miserable. Sounds like Victor Meldrew took up airsoft.
  9. Maybe should point out I was being sarcastic on the above post.
  10. Trigger switch assemblies are usually about 10 to 20 pound, not sure exact cost or best place to get G&G spares from as I dont like G&G so never look. Google it should be easy enough to find.
  11. Just buy a new switch assembly. If that doesnt work buy an Ics mp5.
  12. You can import from the US but its not worth the hassle. A lot of US shops stopped importing because guns kept getting destroyed by customs. Also it will come with an orange flash hider and will probably be firing hot. So by the time you have paid shipping,import tax, replaced the flash hider and had it down graded you will probably have saved nothing. If you get the gbb down grading is not a big issue but everything else is. You have no defence so it will need to be two toned. Just a word of warning customs have been known to destroy mags because they can be classed as a pressurised container. Also are you over 18 because if not then its illegal for you to buy an airsoft gun. Seriously listen to the good advice you have been given and rent first. You might hate it and just waste your money a lot of people find this out. Researching it on the internet is not the same as playing.
  13. Be careful with that depending on the shape of your lid you might end up looking like a nob, by that I mean literally a camouflaged penis.
  14. Could get two one fluffy unicorn and one care bear medic. Thinking a care bear with medic symbol, ww2 helmet rushing in with a bottle of bbs.
  15. Not fluffy enough.Needs to be lilac or pink unicorn with a rainbow horn, just think as camp as possible.
  16. Tm mp7 gbb Ics Mp5 Krytac PDW Not necessarily SMGs exactly but best cqb guns in my opinion.
  17. We will have to get the patches now. Do you know anywhere?
  18. You miserable barsteward where's your humanity and sense of camaraderie. Should hang your head in shame. 😔
  19. If its got a rainbow coloured horn I am in.
  20. Not just the sport but life its self. Far too many selfish people around.
  21. Cant believe this is really a question. I have given bbs, tracer bbs, various batteries, pyro and I even gave a kid my back up aeg because I felt sorry for him even chucked in two batteries and charger. Maybe I am too generous but one day it might come back around.
  22. Any of the main stores will have a decent tech on site. Ring around and go for the best deal. Go for the sr25.
  23. Its not a licence its a membership that can be used for defence.
  24. How can you be selling bb guns when you dont know the laws. There is no licence only a defence. The main one is UKARA which as a retailer you should be a member of. Obviously you know nothing about Airsoft or airsoft guns so please find out what your talking about before posting. By the way heres a saying for you; All airsoft guns are bb guns But Not all bb guns are airsoft guns. What your trying to sell are not suitable bb guns for airsoft.
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