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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Its a £100 mosfet and ecu combo.Its the best you can get but most people dont use them to their full effect and might as well get a standard £30 programmable fet.
  2. Never had that problem I just machine the bars at work. You could hold the bar in a set of mole grips if you need to. Might be easier just to file out the window on the unit if you haven't got the tools though. If your using the bar on a 350fps gun then you can always remove it, its really only necessary on high fps builds and then your better off using the prommy black nub I find. Edit. You will also benefit from the bar if using anything heavier than 0.3g bbs.
  3. Had the same issue, ended up sanding down the sides of the nub because they were catching on the hop window. I know you said you have used the nub before but it is worth checking. Namazu had a crap batch a while ago and there are still some kicking around. Its why I have gone over to the prommy flat nub. What bucking is it?
  4. Dont say stuff like this to any players more like and definitely not in the open world of social media.
  5. Take it apart and take pictures as you go on the positioning of everything. All airsoft guns are very simple and pretty logical.
  6. Sounds like a bad contact somewhere.Take it apart clean all contacts and check all wiring for loose connections or damage.
  7. Not every company will do that. Easiest option is just to grab 3 games at your local site which is what most of us did and also recommend others to do.
  8. Your 3 games need to be at the same site so you can get site membership and be put on the UKARA database. You need 3 visits in a time of no less than 2 months and no more than a year.
  9. Prommy bridged nub with a flat hopped bucking works better.
  10. Jesus mate if you like hanging around at schools keep it to yourself. Operation yewtree is still in effect you know!
  11. Anybody who shouts COD references should be cock punched.Unless they are a chav then they should be throat punched.
  12. Disagree with that statement I always call my hits its part of being the best. 😎
  13. I think whether gun hits count should depend on the type of site. Like lozart said at the mall gun hits dont count and thats right for there and other cqb places. If gun hits counted then all some people would do is hide in places and shoot at every gun that started to appear round the corner because the gun comes round first. Also a lot of people like minimal loadouts for cqb and dont always want to carry a side arm. In other sites like woodland which are not a maze of corridors then the gun being disabled works well. Anywhere else counts Ricochets shouldnt, all the in the real world ricochets would count is crap its not the real world and bullets dont ricochet like bbs do off breeze blocks and wooden walls. Kit should count. Skill shotting through gaps should count and be applauded for good aim. As for stopping people cheating isnt going to happen ever. Must of shot a couple of dozen people last weekend who didnt call it and you could see the tracer rounds bouncing off. Its a sad fact that in a game based on honour so few players have any.
  14. This sort of thing is why its a good idea to have a separate debit account for online stuff. Dont lose so much when someone steals it.
  15. Just have a word with the guys in A2 Supplies they will get in a box for you. Cant remember the price off the top of my head but it was reasonable.
  16. The reason is they are shite. The reason they are so cheap is because they are mass produced using piss poor materials and poor quality control. Just utter shite. 😠 Few that feels better☺
  17. Be very careful of youtube reviews a lot of them are sponsored so will praise even the biggest piece of crap on the market. A lot of the others are "look at my new gat its the bestest ever and I know this because I own it and paid for it out my own pocket money bro" sort of thing. Trust the forum advice over youtube, just dont listen to sittingduck because he will tell you to buy a G&G combat masheep but they are made out of cheese alloy.
  18. Thats not nice it could hurt my feelings.
  19. This is the truest quote I have ever read on here. Cracked me up 😂
  20. Very nice gun.....if its a Tm and black.
  21. They all have an off switch. Its just faffing around in gloves with those little switches is a pain in the arse. Also the best places to be sneaky are the dark places where tracers look best. I just replace sneaky with fast and aggressive.
  22. G&G are great entry level guns but best to stay away from the ones with the mosfet and ecu,s because they are not so good.Looks like a lot of gun for £245 but as anybody who plays airsoft soon learns you get what you pay for and what looks like a bargain usually isnt.
  23. I understand the need for something different but would definitely recommend others over that G&G. If you like the full length rail look. http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-par-mk3-cqb-mtr-aeg-airsoft-gun Looks awesome with a silencer on and great performance. Something different to an Ar15 style http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/asg-cz-scorpion-evo-3-a1-m95-airsoft-gun-aeg-special-offer Looks nice has good performance and fairly reliable. Best performing gun and slightly different to standard M4. http://www.landwarriorairsoft.com/airsoft-weapons-c38/electric-rifles-c45/krytac-trident-pdw-p4371 Dont be put off by the stubby size its accurate. Its reliable and Krytacs are the best performing M4's without spending silly money.
  24. To be fair the predator does stand out from the rest of the G&G crowd. Because it has the most stupid looking front rail ever. Honestly the Krytac you listed was miles ahead of everything else.
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