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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. Main difference being this looks good the one the op posted looks stupid and ugly.
  2. As Jedi says tracers are a double edged sword. Upside; Looks great in the dark and easy to see what your hitting. Downside; Ammo is more expensive. If trying to be sneaky they give away your position. There is nothing more annoying than watching your tracer rounds bounce of somebody who doesnt call they are hit. Tm tracer is a good unit B&T tracer ok and cheaper Xcortech tracer best of them all.
  3. Awesome another G&G, F*CKING YAY. Its about time they added a sound effect to them so it bleats everytime you pull the trigger.
  4. Dont mind the cold just getting wet. Hate wearing long sleeves when playing airsoft and definitely wont wear waterproof crap.I like to play join the welts on a Monday think I am a different sort of nuts.
  5. You are definitely starting to border on advertising.😒 Might give a filmsim game a run next year when it warms up again, until then keeping my arse indoors.
  6. Just go on your own lots of people do. I actually prefer it because when your in a group people always want to try and play as a team and that doesn't suit my play style. Once you have been to a site a few times you get to know people anyway. Just walk around looking like a lost puppy someone will start to feel sorry for you and chat and help you out with some friendly advice.
  7. Pdw is my favourite Krytac but that mag is way too long.
  8. The Rm4 is a great bit of kit its just the magpul stink that would put me off.
  9. Thats a joke. If only he had chucked a mars bar in he would of been in the right ball park for a cm16. The cheek of some people.😀
  10. Nuprol tracers have got a lot better I am starting to prefer them to blasters. Apparently the normal ones have improved as well.
  11. Nope most of the regulars dont, even this week I reckon it was less than half. Even then it seemed a lot more than normal and I have been playing regularly there for 2yrs. I always would in there personally though but I would anywhere. Dentists ain't cheap. Edit; You do get a few who wrap shemagh's around their mouth as well but I dont class that or the neoprene as face protection because it doesnt stop sod all.
  12. In my experience it doesnt. I play the mall quite regularly and the majority of players dont use lower face protection. It depends on where you play and the sort of players who go there. There was more players using face protection there than normal this weekend but not many regulars.
  13. As proffrink has said unreliable. Probably one of the worst manufacturers in airsoft.
  14. Not wearing face protection is nothing to do with engagement distances. Its because people think they are either uncomfortable or restrictive or think they look more tacticool without it. Gum shields protect your teeth but I have seen lips split right open when someone wearing one gets shot in the mouth. As for head shots not being allowed it doesn't matter if sites have a rule against it, it happens regardless. A lot of airsofters cant set a hop up properly so you always see bbs flicking up because of over hop and the ones that dont can be sent off course by a fly fart. Face protection is always best but its personal choice.
  15. Face protection these are ok; http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/black-bear-rampage-flecktarn-1000d-mesh-mask Out of the guns you have listed Krytac is best, definitely dont buy ares. Other kit you need is basic load carrying kit, tac vest or some sort of chest/belt rig.
  16. Nope its gorgeous only gun thats black and tan that looks good. Only gun with tan on that looks good to be honest. Now to wait for all the Scar owners to come out the woodwork. ☺
  17. ICS CXP APE http://www.fire-support.co.uk/product/ics-cxp-ape-black-and-tan-airsoft-gun-aeg
  18. Great for CQB but shite for woodland.High cycles have a high rate of fire but low fps. In woodland you want to use 0.25g bbs minimum preferably even heavier if you can so a higher fps is preferable. High cycle average about 270 fps with 0.2g so about 240fps with 0.25g bbs. You would need to be a precog to hit a moving target with anything heavier.
  19. Personal choice look at a few in a shop see what you prefer. As for the support dont worry I will send you my paypal details. I have a special rate for newbies.
  20. If your going to buy then yes you have to provide a defence unless you want a two tone.Bucking is the rubber cylinder inside your hop unit that protrudes through the barrel hop up window to provide back spin. Either use a Tm one costs £5 with standard nub or get a firefly with a flat nub £25. If your unsure on fitting Firesupport can supply and fit them in your gun,they should do it while you wait its a 10 minute job.
  21. Upgrading it isnt necessary it will be fine out of the box just change the bucking, ICS bucking is crap.I was just pointing out the limitations incase you ever want to. A lot of people do to get the very best performance. If your going to buy an ICS use Firesupport they are the main Uk stockist and usually a bit cheaper and have very good service.
  22. Ics sig is a great gun whether its a 551 or 552.If you want to play cqb get the 552 if you are playing woodland it doesnt matter which one range and accuracy are the same. The only thing I would say is that there is not so much choice on some parts for aftermarket upgrades internally. Hop up is proprietary. Gearbox case while version 3 is not standard. Motor is medium length so not as common but still available. Nozzle is proprietary. If you do go for one get the MRS version more battery space and lots of ris.
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