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Everything posted by ImTriggerHappy

  1. I cant believe there is a page and half thread on which socks. 😞 I swear to god I am far to normal for this sport.
  2. Lets sort something out for January then. December will be hit and miss for too many people. Say 24th or 31st. Anybody is welcome except kylesesh.
  3. Good choice dont see enough CM16's around.
  4. If it shatters the force will disperse the same. When the bb shatters it loses most of its momentum it feels no worse than getting grit in yours eyes. At 800fps I would be worried about it punching through more. A little over 500fps as was originally mentioned all mesh should take it. Had a full auto burst at about 450fps to my mesh face mask from about 2ft and other than pissing me off no real issues.
  5. Ive had it happen to me loads of times its no big deal. Worst case a bit of eyewash and all sorted.
  6. Bloody heathen 😢 If you do want it tidying up though bring it to me at work and I will do it for you. Mates rates i.e free.
  7. I did see a girl there with bright red hair once,looked dyed rather than natural.If that was your missus well done sir, looked quite fit. Not that I was looking being married and all.
  8. Xcortech XT501 is just as good as the Marui and slightly cheaper.If your clusmy though I would go for the B&T it stands up to getting whacked a bit better and is pretty good for the price.
  9. What can I say but yeah I got mad skillz 😎 😃
  10. If you want to take a trip to the Mall I would meet up with you.
  11. I agree I would follow the advice of the healthcare professionals. Just pointing out that when you look on the internet that all the healthcare sites that pop up say it doesnt cause cancer. Its not my opinion its the experts on those sites. The mammogram thing is whole different kettle of fish. If you are going to have to have those tests regularly then you definitely dont wont to make the results more difficult to understand. My wife is on the at risk list as well which is why I knew where to look. Still think my original sentiment is right that the original post on the subject was crap. Especially when it ends with thats what the marshall told me. Dont need anymore scare stories out there. Bacon the silent killer.
  12. Lasers are not much cop, a lot of sites have strict rules in using them. There is also the fact that just because the laser hits something there is no guarantee your bbs will. Tracer unit is a better option in the dark. Torch is a case of preference I prefer to carry one in my pocket than weapon mount it. Gives me more options on how to use it. In cqb less is more, being quick and aggressive will be more effective than any add ons you can put on your toy gun.
  13. https://www.google.co.uk/search?site=&source=hp&ei=HcVBVvueEMTQPPSIsugC&q=can+getting+hit+in+the+breasts+cause+breast+cancer&oq=can+getting+hit+in+the+breasts+c&gs_l=mobile-gws-hp.
  14. What a load of crap. Its just some women find their breasts are a more sensitive area, not as sensitive as getting whacked in the happy sacks though.No it wont cause cancer or prevent them having children there is a infinitesimally small chance that scar tissue could cause problems with breastfeeding but you have more chance of winning the lottery. Check facts before posting hogwash.
  15. It wasnt Sacarathe it was ColinJAllen who bust it all wide open.Googlefu at its best.
  16. Dont care what you do to be honest, I think your just a pathetic individual. Wont be commenting again as I think any back and forth with you just feeds your sad little habit.
  17. Sorry but I think your whole out pouring above is bullshit. Not bothered about the whole Nazi uniform bit I actually defended your right to wear it as long as it was only a looks not ideology choice. But looking deeper into your history it shows a pattern of behaviour I cant condone. Dont think your depressed or have ADHD but you definitely have a mental illness, a dark one. Suggest you get help before your problem causes anymore damage to you or even worse someone else.
  18. Just one point. If Ian removes it hes paying the dominatrix himself. I dont want him to see it as some sort of special opportunity.😂
  19. Not a f*ckin chance. Mods if you remove this I will hunt you down and hand you over to his mistress for punishment.
  20. Not really a shocker. We all must have a sado masochistic side to enjoying get shot with a bb gun. Which reminds me must attach some eyepro to my gimp mask. ☺
  21. That last link explains a lot. I just thought he was a bit sad and looking for attention, now I know its the abuse hes really into. Its kind of ironic how somebody who wants to dress like a member of the so called master race really wants to be a slave. Brilliant find well done, just one query how did you know to look there?
  22. Maybe but I can and have actually done it so you can kiss my lily white ass. 😛 Rock-climby-Dave is right though you might as well just buy a new one the right length. I would charge more to do it than a PDI barrel costs because its a crap job to do.
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