Well, my stuff arrived, but the gun has a fault. It's an LCT AK74 UN.
The battery cover/receiver top is out of alignment with the lower. This creates a very noticeable and unsightly gap between the two increasing in size towards the rear. It looks to me like some of the internals are not properly in place and are preventing the upper from fully closing. I got home this evening and unpacked the order. I have given the gun a quick inspection, but have not used it or tampered with it. It either came that way or something happened in transit. My guess is the former.
I emailed the retailer with the news this evening and told him I would be phoning tomorrow morning. Always interesting to see how retailers respond to something like this. I'm not accepting it though and I want it replacing, not fixing. Fortunately I paid by credit card.
Barring the fault, the gun looks nice and solid. My only criticisms are the poor quality of the pistol grip, and the cheap feel of the mag - as far as I can tell its a 70 round one, which ain't much use to me. I will order a couple of steel hicaps and look for a better grip.
The gun comes with an LCT catalogue and the usual silly safety warning cartoons, but no instruction booklet.
If it hadn't been faulty, I would have been very happy with it.