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  1. update: got a shortdot ayy
    2 points
  2. Esoterick

    Gun picture thread

    It's all very vague to be honest. It's like I could have a UKARA membership that expires on 17th July. So that means I'm legit today and not tomorrow? What about if I start painting a gun this evening but it spills over into the early hours of tomorrow morning? Unless I'm mistaken I have yet to see a clear definition of what does or doesn't constitute a defense in terms of being an airsofter other than most retailers basically treating a UKARA number as a license when it clearly is not, the 3 games thing is a UKARA guideline after all. As above I've had shops that know all my details including UKARA number but won't sell to me if it's expired despite selling to me in the past. I'd hazard a guess there's no UKARA enforcement team that says I'm now not a valid skirmisher. Not to mention most sites will then renew subsequent membership regardless of how many games you have played after initially qualifying. I do understand what people are getting at though, even if the person they are referring to does have a sensible defense. I've witnessed quite a few "loopholes" over the years but don't talk about them publicly because it just encourages people to go about things the wrong way.
    2 points
  3. TheFull9

    Gun picture thread

    I think you'd struggle to prove that part. But that's entirely the opinion of a non-lawyer so I'll just leave that as is. I just don't want new players coming on to this forum who've not played yet and believing it's perfectly ok to buy a 2-tone when they're not eligible to be sold a RIF then manufacture a RIF via paint that same day. Forums have way more lurkers than they do posters.
    2 points
  4. SgtTalbert

    Gun picture thread

    Haven't been around for a while so thought id post some new purchases. TM SCAR L & Secutor Gladius Glock 17
    1 point
  5. If you spam this forum you will be banned. Thank you to members' reports.
    1 point
  6. You're correct, but the issue is this covers the manufacture of RIFs too. I.e. removing the paint. Also, with buying, the liability is on the seller (the shop or person) and not the eventual owner. However, with manufacture the liability is on the person who manufactures it. With both of the above: There is nothing about ownership. The law governs those few minutes in which the crime is being committed. Unlike owning a section 5 firearm where you're breaking the law just by owning one regardless of where you got it.
    1 point
  7. proffrink

    Gun picture thread

    Actually it could be. A 'defence' isn't really properly defined by anyone other than the retailers. Not yet at least. However, I'd be sure to record going a few times first (keeping a receipt if you paid online or just writing down the dates at a minimum). I'd just not want to be that person that gets taken to court over it.
    1 point
  8. djben9

    Gun picture thread

    To late, most of us get it via email so know what you wrote
    1 point
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