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Hey, i stole it!

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  On 23/10/2014 at 15:21, Mack said:

Trying to make this into a more authentic USSF loadout, suggestions welcome. Didnt have my pistol on either but am switching to a glock.





Looking Good Mack, Muy impresante amigo! what kind of holster for your Glock? and What kind of eye pro?

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  On 23/10/2014 at 22:00, cavninja said:

Looking Good Mack, Muy impresante amigo! what kind of holster for your Glock? and What kind of eye pro?

Cheers Cav. Thinking of either a Crye gunclip or safariland. Eye pro I use ESS Ice.

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  On 23/10/2014 at 23:33, Mack said:

Cheers Cav. Thinking of either a Crye gunclip or safariland. Eye pro I use ESS Ice.

Nice, my personal preference would be the Safariland, Gonna look verrry cool!

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  On 25/10/2014 at 21:21, SimonQuigley said:

New PC setup for DG kit. Done until I can get a three mag shingle and replace all pouches with AOR 1 counterparts. Lighting makes the pattern look very pink btw. attachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpgattachicon.gifimage.jpg


You are the first person (other than me) i have found on the forum to be building on a DG loadout! Welcome to the dark side >:)

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  On 25/10/2014 at 23:48, CaptainDumbass said:

You are the first person (other than me) i have found on the forum to be building on a DG loadout! Welcome to the dark side >:)

Haha, I'd say I was a few pieces off completion, I need to replace my MC combat shirt with an AOR1 one, then it's all helmet stuff, vlites, paint job, all that good stuff. If you couldn't tell, I had a vanilla multicam style SEAL kit before. Would be interested to see your kit.

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Sorry for double post, but AOR 1 pants came today, kit is more or less complete, only need to replace pouches with correct camo and get helmet accessories. A LBT M4 chest rig could be added in the near future. Revision goggles will also be replaced by boogie regulators




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  • 2 weeks later...

.50 cal cqb^^?


that 'pistol' be damn annoying if you run.. then again, guess you dont tend to do too much running when you snipe :)

.....waaaaait, just spotted the EOtech + magnifier.. hahaha, that pic is hilarious!!

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  On 07/11/2014 at 21:08, two_zero said:

.50 cal cqb^^?


that 'pistol' be damn annoying if you run.. then again, guess you dont tend to do too much running when you snipe :)




.....waaaaait, just spotted the EOtech + magnifier.. hahaha, that pic is hilarious!!


who said anything about sniping? that's my assault rifle :)


  On 07/11/2014 at 21:09, TacMaster said:

> Barrett M82

> Pocketed M4



Operator as f*ck :D


F*** Yeah




(P.S. It's an MP5 on the side, I have a revolver on a drop leg the other leg)

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Somehow, with something like that, I don't think he has to do much running...

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It's actually not that heavy, the original gun weighs 7(ish)kg with bipod, I took off the bipod and added a bit of weight on the back (it is rather front heavy. Add on a full mag and the scopes, and we're still talking just a tad under 11kg, it's only unwieldy-ness is the extreme length (I'm 5"11 and it still almost reaches the floor).


And yes, I do live for the looks of other players, especially the SF wannabes, my aim is to make someone wet themselves :)

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  On 08/11/2014 at 13:12, CKinnerley said:

What defines a multicam warrior? I wear MC all the time, but am also the complete opposite of a warrior.

I apologise for any slur, it was not intended, at my local site there are five people who exclusively use Multicam and they are the most unsportsmanlike people I have come across.

I have edited my post to, hopefully, something more acceptable.

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Not to worry, not a big deal. I don't think people should be branded or judged by the fact they wear certain camo to play at soldiers on a sunday, but on the other hand there's no denying there are unfortunately some real t*****s out there who give everyone a bad name. I get where you're coming from in the context of those particular individuals in the context of your site, though I'd have hoped if a specific bunch was that bad the organisers would've done something about them?

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  On 08/11/2014 at 15:23, CKinnerley said:

Not to worry, not a big deal. I don't think people should be branded or judged by the fact they wear certain camo to play at soldiers on a sunday, but on the other hand there's no denying there are unfortunately some real t*****s out there who give everyone a bad name. I get where you're coming from in the context of those particular individuals in the context of your site, though I'd have hoped if a specific bunch was that bad the organisers would've done something about them?


They're effectively useless, on multiple occasions they haven't loaded their weapons when going out shooting, never observe their surroundings, and tend to keep next to their spawn. they had a 6th member who was physically aggressive and he was given 2 chances before being banned. it's kind of sad really.

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