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What Do You Want


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I work for a large airsoft company in the UK and I am interested in what airsofters want out of airsoft. I am not just looking for specific guns people want to see but more on what activities and events you would be interested in. It can be themes, gadgets, facilities, videos, and much more. I want your opinions on anything you have ever wondered or thought about doing within the world of airsoft. I do not wish to disclose what airsoft company I work for and would prefer to just hear what your ideas are. This is not a money making scheme I am just interested to see if there is anything this community would like that could improve their performance and grow the sport with ideas and innovations. This is open to all and allows other to see the ideas and develop them and not just a company taking ideas to make a quick buck.


Thank you

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I kinda agree with the above, but... on a serious-ish note, the only influence I imagine any "large airsoft company in the UK" could offer me as a consumer is a better variety of non AR or AK based rif's. I could easily be wrong here but as a fat balding 57 yr old with some disposable income & an interest in UK/NATO Cold War era kit I'm paying through the nose for surplus gear from abroad as the UK distributers constantly have kit listed but, out of stock when I want to empty my wallet.
BB's are expensive but plentiful

Gas is expensive but plentiful

Rif's are expensive but I understand why stock may take longer to obtain by companies as stocking inventory ain't cheap

Some rifs are harder to find in the UK but plentiful in the asian markets(for obvious reasons), & for us in the UK there are many hurdles our imports have to leap before they are finally delivered to our doors & constantly hoping all the t's were crossed & i's dotted between HK/Taiwan and No5 Hopeful Crescent.


Our laws are tight in the UK & rightly so, I just wish some unobtainium rif's could be bought from within the UK (or from 'our European warehouse').


On a personal note... more Uzi's, more L1A1's (especially with wooden furniture), more GPMG's, more Sterlings etc. I'll be visiting Raresoft asap due to their selection of items.


All you have to do is visit the 'What have you just bought' section to see what members of this forum want from retailers in the UK.

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Some people want themes, some want gadgets, some want a basic shoot out, some want to sneak about, some want to gain kill points, some capture points, some find random parts to compile as a super weapon, some want that super weapon to actually function

Some want to dress up, some count the stitches, some throw on some surplus, some wear jeans & a t shirt

Some want to spend four hours crawling to a bush, then hide in it until the whistle blows

Some want to run around the woods, some want to rope into a warehouse, some want to sneak around the back service corridors of a shopping centre 



You would think that the common factor is to go out and shoot people, but some people just want to hang around for a chat and tweak guns 

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19 hours ago, Airsoft_Ginie said:

I do not wish to disclose what airsoft company I work for


If you can't be open and honest with us from the start then why should we trust you or pay attention to a word you post? As @Rogerborg posted we get posts like this regularly and 99.9% of the time bugger all comes of their plans to revolutionise the hobby.


19 hours ago, Airsoft_Ginie said:

I am not just looking for specific guns people want to see but more on what activities and events you would be interested in

From this I guess you're part of a site. In that case what I want is marshals who know what they're doing (especially when it comes to chronoing) and actually want to do the job rather than stand around on their phone.


Edit: a quick search for airsoft genie brings up genie stuff airsoft uk. A shop who's website is dead and from what I can see on pinterest they specialise in 2 tones and mostly sell cheap crap. @Airsoft_Ginie iscthat you?

Edited by Cannonfodder
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2 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Op has been on

read this load

and fcukered off 😂

Sunday night, gotta get his stuff ready for skool in the morning 👶

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21 hours ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

Less cunts


42 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Op has been on

read this load

and fcukered off 😂


Ok, maybe you did get your wish.

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43 minutes ago, DanBow said:

Skool? Ah, that's not funney, I've got skool tomorror

Yeah, but yor the teecher 😜 

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20 hours ago, EvilMonkee said:

I want Kicking Mustangs head on a platter.

I would happily deliver it to you.

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Personally i want a Volante FNX slide.


Wider view point - an affordable MILES solution that everyone would love and enjoy, and be affordable.

Failing that, someone to resurrect BO Dynamics electromagnetic gear box.


All 3 are about as realistic as the less fewer cunts opinion above.

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