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Rif from 'storage'.


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So nearly 10 months ago i sent my KWA ERG off to a tech to be serviced.

Fast forward and various stories and scenarios later and i finally have the rif back at home.


I sent it away wrapped in bubble wrap, protected with polystyrenne sheets to hold it in place and then wrapped securely in a cardbaord box wrapped in bin bags to help weather proof the box for its journey.

Receiving it back today. It's still in exactly the same packaging and hasn't even been opened, not even the plastic bag wrap.


So my question is. Is there aything i should be aware of that could have added to te minor issues with the rif (it probably needed a new hop rubber and maybe a gearbox clean down but nothing more). I am going to guess its been stored indoors or at worst in a garage, theres no signs of damp or damage to the original packaging so i am hoping there shouldn't be any other issues. But i am asking before charging a battery and testing it

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Wow, that's a shit story, please please name the so called tech that's monumentally fucked you about so that nobody else gets suckered by him, maybe you should be thankful that he actually didn't open it, he sounds like a 'tard. 

As for the rif itself, sounds like you packaged it very very well, good job too, if you've opened it up found no exterior moisture or any signs of oxidation on the alloy parts, then I wouldn't worry too much, it should be fine to use, or at least be in the same condition you sent it off in. 

Hope that helps

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What a kick in the nuts, 10 months without and for nothing.


Personally, i've just had my RIF back from the guys at 'The Cage Airsoft' and they were fantastic the whole time. From dropping off my RIF to collecting it, total time was around 2 weeks. While I haven't skirmished with it yet, test firing new magazines in the garage has been promising and I cannot wait to field it.

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As Tackle said, name and shame so nobody else gets shafted by the scamming piece of shit. Also I'd be after a refund if they haven't even opened the packaging

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Yeah I agree. Name and shame them.

I take it that they obviously haven't opened your package and as such haven't charged you anything either but what the hell have they given as a reason for keeping it that long??



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+eleventy for naming the rogue.


As to the gun, maybe spooge some silicone lube up the nozzle and then blow it out, to lube the piston ring.  Other than that, get out and play.  Bear in mind that a "new" gun could have spent months in warehouses, shipping crates and shelves before getting into your hands.

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Ok so I figure in fairness I will name the tech and give the story so there's some context.

Back in March last year I contacted John Boycie Turrell formerly Jtac custom. I had dealt with him for parts and never had any problems or issues. I also knew he did a lot of work on kwa rifs before and wanted someone who knew their away around them. All was fine and the rif was posted away and received. He did mention it might be a few weeks as he was going away for a couple of weeks on holiday. No biggie I was happy to wait a couple of weeks.


So towards the end of May I chase it up and he hasn't had a chance to look at it due to a new job and 60 hour working week.. I figure life hits and leave it there


Late August comes round, I haven't played in months as I'm down to 1 rif and it's time to chase it up again as no communication. At this point I'm informed he hasn't been able to look at it and has passed it onto another tech named Adam and he should have been in contact. So he will chase it up. I should point out that at no point have I been asked if that's OK or even asked if I wanted it sent to another tech.


Work jumps in for a bit and come mid October I send John the 1st sort of message indicating I'm not happy and would like my rif back. So far this other tech who I only know as Adam has made no contact with me. Once again promises he will chase it up.


It then transpires Adam hasn't touched it, I'm invited into another conversation with another tech Jimmy who offers to sort the rif out for the cost of parts only if any are needed. In an a bid to get the rif sorted and home I agree.


So December 9th comes around and I have heard nothing so I message Jimmy to see if he has seen the rif. Guess what. He hasn't received it. I know Jimmy's last name, but I'm not mentioning it as he is a blameless part of this saga.

I chase John again, tell him I just want the rif back now whether it's in 100 pieces or 1 and I will sort it myself.

I'm told he will get it back from Adam and get it sent back to me. Along with comments about how he hates letting people down and life gets in the way.

I'm still trying to be nice at this point as I want the rif back and like a fool I trust people further than I should.


December 30th cones around. A slightly sarcastic 'I guess there's no sign of my rif being returned then' message goes off.

I'm told there is and it will be posted UPS on Tuesday(January 3rd) due to the postal strikes etc. So a little spark of hope flares.

Tuesday comes and goes I wait until the Friday and chase it up. Message gets ignore.


At this point I start to genuinely believe that the rif has gone, or sold or something. I had a few friends including my Mrs tell me i wouldn't see it again.

A combination of bad work life, some pretty crappy normal life stuff combined with not playing airsoft due to only having 1 unreliable rif. Has all combined to have me pretty low and heading towards a depression spiral at this point.


So Monday comes (January 9th). Probably due to me being a Moody git all day the Mrs says send him a more forceful message or resign yourself to never seeing it again.

So I do, effectively asking why I haven't had the rif back, wanting answers and closure due to it affecting my mental health. A couple of hours later im asked for my address, email and phone number. I'm then sent a photo of a box with a UPS label on it that looks suspiciously like the one I originally posted. 

Sire enough 2 days later it arrives home (hoooray) and its the same package I sent away, it hasn't been opened, not even the plastic wrap on the outside.


I have tried to give a full, lengthy view of what happened as I don't know if this 'adam' tech exists and if so whether the full blame lies with him or with John.

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Wow. That smells fishyer than a Bird's Eye factory. Personally I don't think this Adam guy exists and he's been giving you the run around to try and save face

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Definitely dodgy af, but I'm surprised as John at J-Tac in general had a good rep ?. 

As has been said, be thankful you got it back, more often than not these stories have a shit ending. 

Thanks for sharing all the info, but next time (God forbid🙏), don't be so polite & patient, when it comes to Airsoft "techs" 🤣, you gotta be ruthless or they'll do you dry😳

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13 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Wow. That smells fishyer than a Bird's Eye factory. Personally I don't think this Adam guy exists and he's been giving you the run around to try and save face


Literally what my better half said.

But what trulys bugs me. If he had it, why couldnt he have just said 'sorry i have a new job and can't commit the time' Then i could have got the rif back and sorted elsewhere. Instead of several months of not playing, slowly spiralling mental health and beeing messed about.

1 minute ago, Tackle said:

Definitely dodgy af, but I'm surprised as John at J-Tac in general had a good rep ?. 

As has been said, be thankful you got it back, more often than not these stories have a shit ending. 

Thanks for sharing all the info, but next time (God forbid🙏), don't be so polite & patient, when it comes to Airsoft "techs" 🤣, you gotta be ruthless or they'll do you dry😳


Thats why i gave a lot of leeway and let it run on way longer than it should, I have never had issues with John in the past but then also never sent him actual tech work. My previous dealings have always been for parts or advice in the past.

Its a shame as it means a wide berth for him in future.

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1 hour ago, Tackle said:

Definitely dodgy af, but I'm surprised as John at J-Tac in general had a good rep ?. 

As has been said, be thankful you got it back, more often than not these stories have a shit ending. 

Thanks for sharing all the info, but next time (God forbid🙏), don't be so polite & patient, when it comes to Airsoft "techs" 🤣, you gotta be ruthless or they'll do you dry😳


from what I understand he used to have a good rep..... and then things started slipping. I think it was dave oakfield/renniks (of maple leaf tactical for those old enough to remember!) did a big post about him about a year ago and how he hadn't done the honourable thing with quite an expensive PTW A2 (memory is fuzzy, could have sworn it's Jtac) leaving him quite out of pocket etc. I don't know if that got resolved.


Unfortunately this is the sort of thing you hear every now and then, someone is good, they get a good rep and to keep orders flowing in their prices stay the same, they get flooded with orders and can't cope. They either increase their headcount etc (which is a massive gamble as employees generally aren't as good), they up their prices etc. or stuff slips. 


Some unfortunately just try to soldier on, work all the hours, barely make any money, good service turns to bad and suddenly they're in super deep and stories like this start coming out. I reckon most of them aren't doing it with the intention of being bad, just that real life happens and they get overwhelmed or lose the passion for it and have an honest intention of "I'll get that sorted next weekend"......next weekend become the one after etc. 


I don't know the specifics for Jtac or the situation there, but it's a name and a company I personally avoid based on what I have heard. 

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Very sorry to hear that, and I'm glad you got it back.


Out of interest, what sort of hourly rates and parts markup are airsoft "professionals" charging?


I ask because I'm very lucky to have a local trusted garage that's held their labour charges at £40 an hour for years, which I consider an absolute steal. I wouldn't expect any kind of professional technical service for a penny less than that, regardless of the number of gears involved.

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