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Once again Americans/HPA users/Geardo's ruin it for the rest of us


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Guest Mr. No_Face
7 minutes ago, colinjallen said:

 Reading comprehension is not your strong point, is it?  Anyway, what's up with you?  Did your mum refuse to buy you the new RIF you wanted?  It cannot be the school holidays already.

Nice strawman argument; come back and have a proper discussion when an adult has explained it to you.


No counter argument still.  Just some senile redirection attempt lol. I was expecting some sort of stroke of genius response here but the only thing I can expect from you is a stroke.

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Guest Mr. No_Face
13 minutes ago, Tackle said:

It's like one of those films, guy comes to town, does his best to become everybody's friend, while at the same time stirring up shit with his ignorant outspoken ways, pretty soon people get wise to him & before you know it there's a mob with torches & pitchforks chasing him off the edge of a cliff, end of story. 


But is it ? 


Years later an enigmatic stranger comes to town, tries to fit in by sharing loadout pictures etc, but pretty soon starts to show his true ignorant colours, & comes out that he's the thick as shit illegitimate son of the guy the town hounded out, intent on avenging daddy. 

But it always ends the same way lol😏



Tackles attempt at rewriting history?? You can't remember what you had for breakfast this morning let alone, a historical recollection you senile clown.

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So let’s regress somewhat, and remind ourselves of the video clip….

little pussy shoots steroid monster in the face, then with no where to go and no meaningful defence takes a beating like a bitch? Mmmm. Sounds like this thread. 

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Guest Mr. No_Face

Also it's hardly a mobbing. this has been about as one sided as beating on a wheel chair bound paraplegic.


I'm telling you for you own good to stop, you don't have the mental quickness to roast me. Give it a rest guys. You're too old, too stupid and not only are you fighting against me, but you're fighting against father time....and he's undefeated Your brains have deteriorated passed the point of being a challenge here.

1 minute ago, SBoardley said:

So let’s regress somewhat, and remind ourselves of the video clip….

little pussy shoots steroid monster in the face, then with no where to go and no meaningful defence takes a beating like a bitch? Mmmm. Sounds like this thread. 


Like this thread? I've been roasting you fucks for like an hour at least lol. This turned into a comedy roast.

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5 minutes ago, Mr. No_Face said:

Also it's hardly a mobbing. this has been about as one sided as beating on a wheel chair bound paraplegic.


I'm telling you for you own good to stop, you don't have the mental quickness to roast me. Give it a rest guys. You're too old, too stupid and not only are you fighting against me, but you're fighting against father time....and he's undefeated Your brains have deteriorated passed the point of being a challenge here.


Like this thread? I've been roasting you fucks for like an hour at least lol. This turned into a comedy roast.

As I said, the Dunning-Kruger effect is strong in you.

19 minutes ago, Mr. No_Face said:


No counter argument still.  Just some senile redirection attempt lol. I was expecting some sort of stroke of genius response here but the only thing I can expect from you is a stroke.

Sorry, I ain't that sort of guy; if you are after a "stroke" you might do better on Grindr than here.

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Guest Mr. No_Face
6 minutes ago, colinjallen said:

As I said, the Dunning-Kruger effect is strong in you.


Colin it's no use man. Give it a rest. You guys displayed nuclear levels ignorance and stupidity here. A real man knows what he knows and what he doesn't. No shame in admitting wrong Colin. Lets hear it.


So nobody here is gonna admit my statement is 100% feasible and literally one of the standards for personal safety engagements?😆

You'd rather die on that hill of ignorance than admit that?

12 minutes ago, colinjallen said:

Sorry, I ain't that sort of guy; if you are after a "stroke" you might do better on Grindr than here.


A joke edited into his comment 13 minutes after his initial comment. You see? You don't have the mental quickness. Keep this up and you might have the career ending sort of stroke.

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3 hours ago, Mr. No_Face said:


Tackles attempt at rewriting history?? You can't remember what you had for breakfast this morning let alone, a historical recollection you senile clown.

Your so funny, not lol, my duff reference is aimed at the members who've been here a while, Duff was like you, an ignorant wanker with a big mouth, but I'll give him his due, when he got called out he didn't go all pussy & make out he's just trolling. 

Your a speshul kinda wanker, probably an incel too, so keep chucking out the insults you sad pathetic fuck wit, especially the ones about 50+ members, because your so much more knowledgeable than people with twice the life experiences than you, ffs your a joke. But no ones laughing. 

Me personally, I help care for a relative who's got dementia, so your were already on my shit list with your ignorant comments & pathetic insults.

Hopefully I'll see you on a site sometime, we'll test your theories lol. 

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Guest Mr. No_Face
1 minute ago, Tackle said:

Your so funny, not lol, my duff reference is aimed at the members who've been here a while, Duff was like you, an ignorant wanker with a big mouth, but I'll give him his due, who he got called out he didn't go all pussy & make out he's just trolling. 

Your a speshul kinda wanker, probably an incel too, so keep chucking out the insults you sad 

Me personally, I help care for a relative who's got dementia, so your were already on my shit list with your ignorant comments & pathetic insults.

Hopefully I'll see you on a site sometime, we'll test your theories lol. 


I don't care about the sob stories the respect is lost now 100%.  I don't know what you're referencing about being called out and trolling. I'm certainly trolling now but I am 100% correct here. 


 Tackle's threat -> "Hopefully I'll see you on a site sometime, we'll test your theories lol. "

Tackle this is online. If you can't take words on a screen then turn your cpu the fuck off. This is the second time you've made a physical threat to me. I'm not the guy to do that with. I can take jokes, insults and trolling without resorting to violence. If you want to get yourself hurt...and I'm telling you hurt badly I can send you my phone number right now and we can talk on the phone or whatsapp. I rather not do that but this is the second time you've made a threat.


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Guest Mr. No_Face
3 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


[Citation needed]


He knows, the first argument we got into he made a threat. This is the second time now and it's starting to get on my nerves. I'm not the guy to play that sort of shit with. So like I said he we can exchange numbers and talk like men. Or we can take this to the discord in audio chat and see if his fucking balls don't drop when he finds out who he's talking too.


Keep the shit online.

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I don't need to talk to you, I already know your a twat, talking to you won't change my opinion. 

As you've pointed out earlier, times have changed & you need to be able to "defend your space & get the first strike in" , or some other bollocks. 

As for threats, yep, hold my hands up, Internet or not, you insult me, repeatedly, then I will respond, as for hurting people, I used to do it for a living, & I did it in a professional sporting capacity, & occasionally for special cases I did it for fun, so your threats are like water off a ducks back to me (that's an old saying that us geriatrics use😏). 

But fill yer boots, your overconfidence, along with your big mouth, will get you in all sorts of shit, which I'm sure you can deal with with your 25 years life experience 🤣

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42 minutes ago, Mr. No_Face said:


Colin it's no use man. Give it a rest. You guys displayed nuclear levels ignorance and stupidity here. A real man knows what he knows and what he doesn't. No shame in admitting wrong Colin. Lets hear it.


So nobody here is gonna admit my statement is 100% feasible and literally one of the standards for personal safety engagements?😆

You'd rather die on that hill of ignorance than admit that?


A joke edited into his comment 13 minutes after his initial comment. You see? You don't have the mental quickness. Keep this up and you might have the career ending sort of stroke.

You don't quite get how this forum software works, do you?

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PS I can't actually remember threatening you twice, we'll have to blame that on my geriatric brain, & the fact that I can't be arsed to trawl through old comments. 

If it's upset you that much, take it to a mod, or the plod, I couldn't give two fucks. 

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17 minutes ago, Mr. No_Face said:


I don't care about the sob stories the respect is lost now 100%.  I don't know what you're referencing about being called out and trolling. I'm certainly trolling now but I am 100% correct here. 


 Tackle's threat -> "Hopefully I'll see you on a site sometime, we'll test your theories lol. "

Tackle this is online. If you can't take words on a screen then turn your cpu the fuck off. This is the second time you've made a physical threat to me. I'm not the guy to do that with. I can take jokes, insults and trolling without resorting to violence. If you want to get yourself hurt...and I'm telling you hurt badly I can send you my phone number right now and we can talk on the phone or whatsapp. I rather not do that but this is the second time you've made a threat.


So, now you are claiming to be a hard man; easy to do on t'interwebs.

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Guest Mr. No_Face
Just now, Tackle said:

PS I can't actually remember threatening you twice, we'll have to blame that on my geriatric brain, & the fact that I can't be arsed to trawl through old comments. 

If it's upset you that much, take it to a mod, or the plod, I couldn't give two fucks. 


Who's upset? I just told you I want to hear you say this to me directly. I'll give you my number or talk on voice chat in this site's discord and we can handle that. But you just refused. Good.... don't take it there.


1 minute ago, colinjallen said:

You don't quite get how this forum software works, do you?

Colin it's 11:15, take your old decrepit arse to sleep.

4 minutes ago, colinjallen said:

So, now you are claiming to be a hard man; easy to do on t'interwebs.


Nothing to do with being a hardman. But I promise you the route tackle want's to take this will end badly for him.

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2 hours ago, Mr. No_Face said:


Who's upset? I just told you I want to hear you say this to me directly. I'll give you my number or talk on voice chat in this site's discord and we can handle that. But you just refused. Good.... don't take it there.


Colin it's 11:15, take your old decrepit arse to sleep.

Showing my age now, don't know about & don't have discord. 

As for a previous, while I don't remember it I do have a vague recollection of you acting like a total cunt waaay back, probably alienating most of the members then with your "I'm right & you're all wrong" bollocks, no doubt you made a personal attack against me then, so I probably responded in kind. 

Some people seem to think the Internet is an alternative dimension that allows anything to be said, with absolutely no fallout or repercussions, but sometimes, Airsoft is a good example, the ether & the real world often meet😉

But like I said, fill yer boots, give it all that "you've got no idea who your dealing with" gangsta bollocks. 

Thing is I do know, your a sad act incel troll that when your not on here trolling, your making silly masks & wanking yourself off in the mirror over your latest loadout. 

Anyway I'm done with you now, maybe I'll see you sometime, I'm off to spend some quality time with a hot woman (that's in the same room, the Internet doesn't count), you can go back to your latest jack reacher book & Walt around your bedroom in your kit. 


PS, your now on my blocklist cos I'm tired of your inane bs. 


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Guest Mr. No_Face
11 minutes ago, Tackle said:

Showing my age now, don't know about & don't have discord. 

As for a previous, while I don't remember it I do have a vague recollection of you acting like a total cunt waaay back, probably alienating most of the members then with your "I'm right & you're all wrong" bollocks, no doubt you made a personal attack against me then, so I probably responded in kind. 

Some people seem to think the Internet is an alternative dimension that allows anything to be said, with absolutely no fallout or repercussions, but in sometimes, Airsoft is a good example, where the ether & the real world often meet😉

But like I said, fill yer boots, give it all that "you've got no idea who your dealing with" gangsta bollocks. 

Thing is I do know, your a sad act incel troll that when your not on here trolling, your making silly masks & wanking yourself off in the mirror over your latest loadout. 

Anyway I'm done with you now, maybe I'll see you sometime, I'm off to spend some quality time with a hot woman (that's in the same room, the Internet doesn't count), you can go back to your latest jack reacher book & Walt around your bedroom in your kit. 


PS, your now on my blocklist cos I'm tired of your inane bs. 




Yeah you Michael Jackson, moonwalked your way out of that one.  You can talk all the incel shit all you want, You had the chance to speak to me directly and see how much of an "incel" I am and bitched out. Moon walked your senile ass outta dodge. And what the fuck is with the incel talk lol? I had a kid when I was in my early 20's bro, I've been fucking "hot women" as worded by the sexual Tyrannosaurus tackle. 


I'm not even gonna continue roasting you. The shit is too FREE for me.




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13 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Only psychopaths actually go around prepped to flip-out-and-fite-IRL at a moment's notice.


QFT. Of course, on the internet, anyone can LARP as a psychopath.  I'm guessing that our local gangsta kid had no dad, or too many temporary ones.



6 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

X -push 

A -strike first

Y -headbutt

B -sucker punch


Which I suspect is also the extent of the gangsta kid's rufty-tufty experience.  Me, I keep it old school, street style.




Does he actually add any value here?  I've had him blocked for as long as I can recall.  Which is of course only about 10 minutes given my advanced years.


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Guest Mr. No_Face
6 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


QFT. Of course, on the internet, anyone can LARP as a psychopath.  I'm guessing that our local gangsa kid's dad was either too absent, or too present.




Which I suspect is also the extent of the gangsta kid's rufty-tufty experience.


Does he actually add any value here?  I've had him blocked for as long as I can recall.  Which is of course only about 10 minutes given my advanced years.



Who is this guy? I've watched this dude for a while seemingly crawl out of the sewers and appear on this forum making the most inane, nonsensical statements in some attempt to seem witty lol. Half the time it looks like this jamoke is trying too hard. I mean every comment this plank makes either leaves you confused, bewildered or just left with second hand embarrassment. Where'd this jamoke come from..... Who pulled this dude outta a dumpster fire? Who claims him?


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Guest Mr. No_Face













Just thought I'd leave these here for educational purposes before you guys get yourselves killed out there. Grab the popcorn :D

But what do I know? I'm Mr. Dunning Kruger.....I don't know anything about anything. I'm always wrong and so is every CQC instructor out there. Strike first? Inconceivable....."that's a good way to get yourself banned from a venue" because attending a game with toy guns out weighs your own personal safety. 



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Guest Mr. No_Face
13 minutes ago, Tommikka said:

What would Ronnie Pickering do?


I don't have the energy to engage in jokes now. But I really hope the folks that have been reading this finally realise that when I say 85% of the active users on here are ignorant and unintelligent I ain't bullshitting you. This was one guy against 8+ members who, laughed, mocked what I said as if it were the most, ridiculous, most asinine statement they'd ever heard. Scroll back and read the entire thread and see how brazen they were in their absolute stupidity.


It's like I'm the only guy on here that has the guts to call these idiots out time after time. 





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