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CoD Hit-Markers in Game Videos Are The Same as Hit Calling Which is as Bad As Non-Hit Taking


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13 hours ago, BigStew said:

Right as a middle aged person can I just clarify. Some one shouting out take your hit is as bad as no hit takers yes? I would say it's worse as its much more common than non hit taking and can ruin a game atmosphere as the belief that the other team are not taking their hits can spread quickly. 

As another middle ager I've found the opposite since switching to sniping ( least when my legs tell me I have to) and filming.

I probably " call out " take your hit about once a month and then it's got to be very obvious. 

My filming shows more non hit taking than I expected. 

But that I think is sometimes as the target can't work out who shot them or from where, so they conclude it was something else that hit them?


I found best solution is to just keep shooting them, eventually message gets through !


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4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

for sure the game has that behavior occurring naturally


To clarify, the behaviour I'm referring to is anyone who's on site, ostensibly as a player, but who's not primarily interested in playing the game.  That applies to any sort of clickbait merchant or Instafluencer, and people who are there to make hits but not take them.  The likes of Licking Mustard ticks all those boxes at once, and I wish they'd find different things to do on a weekend and leave the rest of us to trade hits fairly and say "Jolly well done, old sport" (or similar friendly ejaculations) to each other.

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6 hours ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

I concur but the long and the short of it is there's not one big airsoft youtuber, who doesn't use clickbait titles and at least a big dollop of manufactured drama.

This thread is clickbait. 

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I don't like the goontubers carrying more cameras than a TV outside broadcast crew, so I don't watch their crappy videos

10 hours ago, MAX DICKER said:

Maybe sites could update their waivers to include a clause stating that players (youtubers) are welcome to film and upload their game footage ONLY if its not monetized?

Personally I'd rather they just didn't allow filming at all. Unfortunately this results in all the whinny idiots making unfounded accusations of the site allowing players to cheat

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16 hours ago, MAX DICKER said:

Maybe sites could update their waivers to include a clause stating that players (youtubers) are welcome to film and upload their game footage ONLY if its not monetized?


Area-66 are meandering in that direction by asking people to show them "OMG cheetar cot" videos before publishing them.  Ultimately their sanction is to tell clickbait drama llamas to not bother coming back, but as always with airsoft "rules", it's all down to enforcement of that, rather than "why I oughta" fist-shaking rhetoric.

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How I see it is this way, airsoft sites are there to A: Make money, B: provide people with a fun environment to pew


They are not there to provide an income stream for any old yahoo to rock up, film, then edit the footage in a way that can potentially cast the site in a bad light (deservedly or not).


I'm all for people being allowed to film, and with the size and quality of cameras now, a ban is unenforceable. But with such a signed waiver on file, a site owner might at least discourage the click bait merchants and possibly give them good grounds to have videos taken down.


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