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Berget 18


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Hi all, 

So tickets for Berget 18 Broken Arrow go on sale on the 24th November and I'm very much considering going. 

However I would be going on my ones because my friends do not have the funds so was wondering whether anyone here would be going. Particularly those intending to go on the GCT Blackops team so we could possibly go as a group and meet up for some beveraginis beforehand. I'm in the south east of London so if you're around and are thinking of going hit me up.

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It sounds and looks great 👍


Had a look at their website last night.

Logistically it sounds like a lot of planning and organising.


I'm too old now to take it on but wish I had got involved years ago 😔


My closest experience.to berget would be the nae although not really comparable. But it's only an hour down the road. Even with that I have to have a little nap before I put tents up lol.


I would say to anyone who is able to,go do it!



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I did have a ticket a few years ago but the logistics are what stopped me, hopefully if we can get a few people together then it’ll make the costs and organisation etc a little more manageable. 

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1 hour ago, Jacob Wright said:

I did have a ticket a few years ago but the logistics are what stopped me, hopefully if we can get a few people together then it’ll make the costs and organisation etc a little more manageable. 

Mate do it! Sign up some buddies and go. I bet you would be buzzing for weeks after 😀



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Looks a cracking game.  I've sent the link to mates that play.  


Driving would make sense and fill the van up at TG if it were not for having to get across the German border.

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1 hour ago, Jacob Wright said:

Yeah apparently the Germans have a propensity for confiscating Airsoft guns at the border 😬


LOL, they've got some front, considering their past history. 😏

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17 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Looks a cracking game.  I've sent the link to mates that play.  


Driving would make sense and fill the van up at TG if it were not for having to get across the German border.


3 hours ago, Jacob Wright said:

Yeah apparently the Germans have a propensity for confiscating Airsoft guns at the border 😬



3 hours ago, EvilMonkee said:

What border?  Its the EU there are no border checks.  The only place you might have an issue is the ferry across to Sweden


8 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said:

From Bergets own website they state that it’s not unheard of for German Customs to confiscate Airsoft weapons. 


There are no routine borders checks within the Schengen zone, but they can appear at any time

Under Covid they have been reinstated by some countries under travel restrictions

You can of course be stopped by the police at any time 


If they are aware of airsoft or paintball events in Germany or around Europe the German police do check travellers


Travellingthrough a countries with airsoft guns that don’t comply with their regulations is a risk.  To travel through Germany any airsoft guns carried should bear the F stamp.  (They should also comply with the legislation covering the F stamp - but that’s another matter)

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I still think it extremely unlikely that you would be a) Pulled over and b) Have all your guns on display to warrant being worried about it.  Yes, it MIGHT happen but then again so might getting hit by a bus.   Police don't just randomly pull you for no reason and as there is no border......though one of my early memories is my Mum smuggling cheap meat from Holland to Germany when there was still a border LOL

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Losing airsoft guns at German customs used to be a thing for a while if they were posted with a certain courier as they went via a German hub or some BS.  So even if it was legal in the country of sale and destination country, German customs would intercept.  Perhaps that worry is from that.

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We had to rearrange a trip to Poland a few years back as we were travelling with 12ft-lb airguns for a competition (6ft-lb limit in Germany).  The German plod had warned us that they were fully aware of the world championships being held in Poland and that they would be looking to stop coachloads of competitors.  


The coach firm developed cold feet about the whole deal too.  


No-one fancied being nicked for a firearms offence understandably.   If you look at it from Herr Constable's point of view, having 40-50 people per coach casually carrying unlicensed rifles through his patch is a bit of  a piss take.  


Having said that...  I expect that UK orders from Poland often arrive via road.


Belgian police certainly have a reputation for stopping 4x4s in shooting season and having a look at your paperwork.  Although if you're dressed for a day in the field and have your gundog with you I suppose you stand out fairly easy.

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9 hours ago, hitmanNo2 said:

Losing airsoft guns at German customs used to be a thing for a while if they were posted with a certain courier as they went via a German hub or some BS.  So even if it was legal in the country of sale and destination country, German customs would intercept.  Perhaps that worry is from that.

Transiting in the mail is permitted 


However it can depend on how customs declarations have been completed

Or there was an over zealous depot in their handling of transiting items



For travelling through Germany (and other countries) there are transit declarations such as this for Frankfurt airport transit:




Be aware that there are also other restrictions, such as they must be securely packed in transit, there may be restrictions on attachments (no tactical lights or lasers)

A report of someone’s experience could be due to additional factors than just transiting - eg not locking it in a case, lasers being found with them etc 


The odds are slim of being stopped while passing through a European country, but can happen due to any random reason.

eg foreign cars stand out, groups of lads stand out.  And very importantly drivers in different countries behave differently which means a foreigner may catch the eye of the police, even something as simple as raising your hand to signal thanks when someone lets you change lanes - in the UK that’s something to be thankful for, in many European countries it’s the default and waving at other drivers is some form or warning or threat 








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On 10/11/2021 at 16:40, Jacob Wright said:

Me and the team were talking about this the other night, would love to go in the future!


Let us know how it is!

I've mentioned it to my mates but they're not as into it. At this point I'm in the mindset that I'll just say fuck it and do it myself, hence the post looking for some people to tag along with and make the whole thing less daunting. 


You've still got the best part of a year to go, not sure how quickly tickets sell out...





On 10/11/2021 at 19:44, Jacob Wright said:

I did have a ticket a few years ago but the logistics are what stopped me, hopefully if we can get a few people together then it’ll make the costs and organisation etc a little more manageable. 

And definitely willing to help out if you and your lot would wanna go 

Edited by Guardsman394
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On 10/11/2021 at 22:42, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

Looks a cracking game.  I've sent the link to mates that play.  


Driving would make sense and fill the van up at TG if it were not for having to get across the German border.

I was thinking either that or flying with SAS. Get a bunch of drivers and share the journey and make a bit of a road trip out of it. 

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Seems straightforward enough. 

My Germans not that (any) good, I’m assuming the second one is something along the lines of “German dibble confiscate DEADLY weapons”

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I've had a look and none of my gats have the F mark so.i would be stuffed if I wanted to go lol


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This is (I think) the form that you have to complete and submit to the local authority of the area of Germany that you enter the country through.   This means points of entry both in and out.





The areas are listed here:  https://www.zoll.de/SharedDocs/Boxen/EN/Fragen/0049_waffenrechtlich_zustaendige_verwaltungsbehoerden.html?nn=202352&faqCalledDoc=202362


You will need flight numbers, travel times and your passport info.  Looking at other peoples experiences of attending, you can expect to get pulled up to 130km of the border by the border police.  I expect the lurid headlines make airsofters an attractive arrest.  Slinging rifs in the boot and hoping is an unwise move.


Apologies if these end up being wrong, my German is poor schoolboy standard.  One could replace the spring and get power down to sub .5J but if they find the replacement spring and it is changeable 'within three operations' then you are screwed.  


Avoiding Germany by land adds 600 miles and about 12 hours travel time.  

Edited by Tactical Pith Helmet
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Or, just shout "Don't be such a Little Hitler. Two World Wars and one World Cup." slowly and loudly.


The Prussian is either under your heel, or at your throat, as I understand it.

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