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Restrictions on Gatherings and Airsoft?

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3 minutes ago, Albiscuit said:

I would argue Airsoft is a Team Sport, not sure about Organised though.

Haha satire. Love it 🙂

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So more questions emanating from the latest Bojo speech. 


"The exemptions to the "rule of six" will be cut down. For example, people doing indoor team sports will now not been allowed."


I guess that means no indoor Airsoft venues?


Also gatherings of more then 15 apart from funerals which can allow up to 30. I think the new rules may not affect outdoor sites for the same reason sites could have more then 30 people in the last set of rules. 


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1 hour ago, Asomodai said:

So more questions emanating from the latest Bojo speech. 


"The exemptions to the "rule of six" will be cut down. For example, people doing indoor team sports will now not been allowed."


I guess that means no indoor Airsoft venues?


Also gatherings of more then 15 apart from funerals which can allow up to 30. I think the new rules may not affect outdoor sites for the same reason sites could have more then 30 people in the last set of rules. 



So a CQB site has both out door and indoor area's so the indoor bit will no longer be allowed.. technically.

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9 minutes ago, clumpyedge said:


So a CQB site has both out door and indoor area's so the indoor bit will no longer be allowed.. technically.


@GeorgePlaysAirsoftLinked me to the new regulations. 




If Airsoft is part of Section 3, then both Indoor and Outdoor sites are ok to keep open. 


Justin who runs the Gaol has said that nothing affects the site and will continue as normal. 

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22 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


@GeorgePlaysAirsoftLinked me to the new regulations. 




If Airsoft is part of Section 3, then both Indoor and Outdoor sites are ok to keep open. 


Justin who runs the Gaol has said that nothing affects the site and will continue as normal. 


"but no one should mix in a group of greater than 6"


How can you guarantee that people wont huddle in CQB hearding airsofters out of a safe zone is bad enough let alone trying to get people to push a stairwell.

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1 hour ago, clumpyedge said:


"but no one should mix in a group of greater than 6"


How can you guarantee that people wont huddle in CQB hearding airsofters out of a safe zone is bad enough let alone trying to get people to push a stairwell.


Oh I agree that is is not possible. 


Incursion are shutting down Epsom Tunnels this week in direct contrast to the Gaol. The Gaol is mostly indoors, so not sure how they swung that. It's still too early to know .

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2 hours ago, Asomodai said:


That's advice, not regulations, and it's a week old.  We'll have to see what the wording of the new regs are, and whether they're going to be enforced.


Indoor adult sports had already been re-criminalised in Scotland last week, but nobody, including gov.scot, seems to realise that, or care.


Johnson has said "Adult indoor team sports will no longer be allowed." in England, but with no specific mention of it again in Scotland, it's just possible that we might be able to squeeze another game in.


Who knows at this point?

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As Roger has pointed out, all the published guidance & regulations are subject to change.


The guidance at 14 September included references to paintball thanks to engagement by the UKPSF.

Government were treating paintball as an activity along with theme parks, and then after discussions placed it among shooting activities.


Advice on how to apply the guidance and what are considered Covid safe precautions have been sent to UKPSF member sites.




These will then need to be applied against todays changes, regional situations, and site specifics


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On 22/09/2020 at 16:19, Asomodai said:

Oh I agree that is is not possible. 


Incursion are shutting down Epsom Tunnels this week in direct contrast to the Gaol. The Gaol is mostly indoors, so not sure how they swung that. It's still too early to know .


The Gaol have expanded over the past couple of years so that there's a large outdoor area that can be used.

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27 minutes ago, typefish said:


The Gaol have expanded over the past couple of years so that there's a large outdoor area that can be used.


They haven't specified they are only going to play the outdoor sections and they said that nothing in the announcement changes things. I fail to see how they can demonstrably keep groups of 6 apart indoors. 

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England: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do/coronavirus-outbreak-faqs-what-you-can-and-cant-do


"organised outdoor sport or licensed outdoor physical activity, and supervised sporting activity (indoors or outdoors) for under-18s. Organised indoor sport or exercise classes can take place in larger numbers, provided groups of more than 6 do not mix. "


Your guess is as good as mine what mixing means in the context of airsoft, or any other team sport.  Or if that's going to change since Johnson said indoor sports were a no-no.



Scotland: no new word that I can see about sports.  Latest advice (which contradicts the actual regulations) remains as: https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-what-you-can-and-cannot-do/pages/sport-culture-and-leisure/


"Organised outdoor contact sports such as rugby can re-start for people of all ages. For outdoor coaching sessions, there is a limit of 30 on the total number of people who can be coached at any one time.


When in an indoor facility, those aged 12 and over should only participate in organised non-contact sport and should maintain physical distancing. 


All organised sports and activities must follow specific rules and guidance of relevant sport governing bodies, local authorities or businesses who in turn have fully applied related Scottish Government and sportscotland guidance."


Outdoor's probably OK, Biohazard indoor has asked "environmental health" and await a reply, although I don't know that I'd trust any particular body given the number of others that could think otherwise.

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It's the 24th already, and the revised secondary legislation isn't published. How can anyone make any justified decisions if we're not aware of what the law actually is?


Edit: spoke prematurely! just got released in the last few minutes 🙃

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41 minutes ago, typefish said:


Yup, that looks like all indoor sports banned except for disabled sports - it's very nice of the WuFlu to not infect disabled people.


Well, bugger.  I can't see any loopholes, it's a blanket ban.


Still waiting on the Scotch version, but I reckon indoor sports were already re-criminalised on the 14th and nobody noticed.


We're all bush-wookies now, chaps.



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There have been some rather animated discussions on Facebook last night about how this effects airsoft


Some of the points raised were interesting - about how this doesn't affect that much indoor skirmishes because as long as those people who are inside their group of six don't come into contact with other people within their group of six (by keeping more than say, 2 metres apart at all times) and I can see their point if the venue is able support this sort of thing, by means of say, a dedicated one way system for leaving after calling your hit, versus spawning


But I don't know any venue that would be able to support this and be able to sustain gameplay. 😐

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I think that's pushing the interpretation of "a gathering" to breaking point.


You could make an argument that (for example) each lane of a bowling green is a separate gathering, and indeed their sports body has made that argument.


But the people in that lane can actually play without engaging with anybody elses at the venue, and while staying inside a delineated area.


For airsoft it's hard to make that stick.  Everyone is free to roam anywhere they want and they are all playing in the same game and engaging with each other.


I can't see how you could reasonably argue that they're not part of the same gathering.

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46 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

I think that's pushing the interpretation of "a gathering" to breaking point.


You could make an argument that (for example) each lane of a bowling green is a separate gathering, and indeed their sports body has made that argument.


But the people in that lane can actually play without engaging with anybody elses at the venue, and while staying inside a delineated area.


For airsoft it's hard to make that stick.  Everyone is free to roam anywhere they want and they are all playing in the same game and engaging with each other.


I can't see how you could reasonably argue that they're not part of the same gathering.


I'm in agreement with you.


A gathering is a collection of people meeting for a single purpose - in our case, to shoot each other. One gathering shooting at a separate gathering is a bit of a stretch and sounds almost like playing a game with a village sniper


3 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

Sounds to me like the Facebook experts and lawyers talking shite as usual 


Hey, people call me a Facebook expert! 😭

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6 hours ago, Rogerborg said:



We're all bush-wookies now, chaps.



That's ok just so long as there is something to go to and have a bash.🙂


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2 hours ago, Shamal said:

That's ok just so long as there is something to go to and have a bash


Outdoors looks OK, for now, although I'd brace for some "circuit break" full lockdowns again.


I've... urgh I've just ordered up some camo gear for woodland rambles.  DPM 95, stick to the classics.


Mrs Borg said she'd divorce me if I ever bought camo, but the joke's on her: now she's not allowed to take the huff and go and stay with her mother. :D


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3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

I've... urgh I've just ordered up some camo gear for woodland rambles.  DPM 95, stick to the classics.



where are you I can't find you?! Join the dark side we might as well get you fitted for a plate carrier now.

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16 hours ago, Musica said:

might as well get you fitted for a plate carrier now

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Mind you, I said that about camo.


If I ever go flecktarn, please consider that as a Do Not Resuscitate notice.



Urgh, still no news about whether Biohazard is on this Sunday or not.  I've been F5-ing the regs today, but no updates: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi


It's a bit hard to follow the law until they let us know what it actually is.


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I've given up hope of gaming now till next year. Had to sell the bikes because of redundancy and the xbox is having a warranty claim. 

Put in for my SGC just before this started and staffs police aren't processing anything to do with new applications. Made all the more irritating that I now work really close to doveridge shooting grounds.

I am massively bored.


Might as well get a build or two on.

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Ouch, sorry to hear that.  I've had two bikes sitting unused and uninsured all summer, with nowhere to go on them. I would have sold them, but I reckon the market will be super soft right now. :(


Well, better news, the Scotch regs are out, and no new restrictions on sport.  Now, I think that's because indoor sport is already banned, but nobody seems to have realised.


And better news on that, Biohazard is on this Sunday, because the Council... don't realise that it shouldn't be.  Looks like Z-Mart have got the go-ahead as well, despite the newest English regs clearly banning all indoor sports.  Praise be for the wheels of bureaucracy grinding slowly. ;)


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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
16 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:

Looks like Z-Mart have got the go-ahead as well, despite the newest English regs clearly banning all indoor sports.  Praise be for the wheels of bureaucracy grinding slowly. ;)



Curious for your thoughts on why Airsoft fits into the indoor sports category

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