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Struggling to Beat My Anxiety and Go.

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5 minutes ago, Nick G said:

A chrono will set you back about £50 or so. The charging issue is probably the charger, if it's a Nuprol one their chargers are not great.Worth investing in a decent Lipo balance charger, Imax B6 or similar. Will be much better for your batteries in the long run.

Yes your .28BBs will travel more slowly but should posses (aprox) the same energy , 350 fps on .2's is 1.13 joules which should see you at about 290 / 295 fps with your .28's Lots of sites are now measuring energy with your own BBs ( there are legal restrictions on how powerful our toys can be) 

That's made how you know/can work all that out with the weight of bbs lol and I think I've got a picture of the box on my phone. I'll upload it. 

Thank you 🤝


4 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


yes and no.


basically your bb will never have more energy than it does at the muzzle (for the sake of argument lets say 1.3j) and point blank it should hit as hard wether it's a .12 or a .48 everything else being equal.


a heavier bb when span up by the hop unit has a lower velocity for the same energy. however it doesn't slow down as quick so carries its energy better and as such hits a bit harder at range. you also get the side benefits of being less affected by wind/leaves etc.


generally i find for an assault gun style of role outdoors roundabout the .3g range is a nice balance of cost/performance, so you're off to a good start.


if you want the long winded explanation then here's some light reading:



Thanks man I'll have a read through it shortly. I'm glad to know I'm not too far off the mark

Thank you👍

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Not got any experience of that charger, but I would advise getting a programmable one , it does give you greater control over charging and tells you much more about the condition of your Lipo's

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16 minutes ago, Nick G said:

Not got any experience of that charger, but I would advise getting a programmable one , it does give you greater control over charging and tells you much more about the condition of your Lipo's

Could you recommend a good one by chance? Full name or a link?

Thank you

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The Imax B6 is very popular , although there are a lot of fake ones around. I use an Overlander one . I'll try and find a link




The Imax is popular but I replaced mine with the Overlander when it eventually started to play up. I have a lot of Lipo's between airsoft and RC flying !

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2 hours ago, Sambo said:

Well I've got a big van so I'd have the biggest table lol.


And you'll soon have a lot of friends.  Everyone loves the Man With A Van. ;)




Are they expensive? 


Chronos?  Eh, I bagged for one £30 delivered, it works OK for casual use.  But you only need one if you're meddling with your guns. If you've got one that shoots anywhere in the 300-350fps range (or 280 if you believe in the Tokyo Marui Magic Fairies), you're fine.  You should be fine, it's not something to worry about prematurely. I can't speak to your site, but I always bring a spare gun (or two, or three, and batteries, and adapters) to loan out to folk having a bad day - we all want everyone to have a good time.




Well I got a 2200 lipo battery and it must be a rubbish charger as I've left it to charge for over 2 hours and the light never went green


That's not necessarily a problem. Heat kills batteries, and you want to charge them at a low rate.  Lipos can be charged slower than nimh because the charger knows what voltage to expect, rather than relying on seeing the resistance of the battery spiking.  That said, I would expect most chargers to charge a 2200 mAh lipo in under 2 hours.  That said, depending on the circuitry, charging lights aren't a great indicator of whether charging is actually complete. That said, the lights usually go out before charging is complete, not after.


Without a better charger or a multimeter, you won't know.  But if it's shooting, it's shooting, and it's good that you're on lipo already. So if you're in any doubt, I'd suggest buying another lipo first - having a spare is always useful - then a smarter charger, as funds allow.  I use a SkyRC brand IMAX B6, which gives a lot of info and options and can charge just about any battery you throw at it, but you don't necessarily have to jump straight there.  Really, go and play first, it'll all work out on the day.




My bbs are biodegradable. Think that's quite a good thing from them.


Wellllll, they say they are, and if they go into an industrial composter, they will degrade, but lying around in a UK woodland... not so much.  It's more of a sop to land-owners.  Don't tell them that though. ;)




And if I'm shooting into a cardboard box at the bottom of my garden, could I reuse the bbs or should I bin them?


Well, you could, but I wouldn't recommend it.  A damaged BB can tear up your hop rubber, or (as I found) jam tight in the magazine.  I'm a cheap bugger and not a zealot on the issue, but I don't re-use BBs, even ones shot into water or a soft silicone target.  Using fresh BBs gives one fewer thing to go wrong.


It's fun to discuss this, but I'd urge you to not over-think it.  Chances are, everything will go fine and you'll have a great day.  Or if things don't go fine, just let people know, and watch as everyone jumps in to help.  It's that kind of hobby.

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There’s no more that I can say that hasn’t already been said suffice to say “Just do it,”. The smile on your face when you finish that first day’s skirmish will last all week. Hell it may even last till your next game. The only thing you won’t smile much about is that you’ll probably ache from here to kingdom come. But that’s all part and parcel of Airsoft. It’s simply damn good fun!  


P.s. I’ve seen them TM fairies. They are real!

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12 hours ago, Nick G said:

The Imax B6 is very popular , although there are a lot of fake ones around. I use an Overlander one . I'll try and find a link




The Imax is popular but I replaced mine with the Overlander when it eventually started to play up. I have a lot of Lipo's between airsoft and RC flying !

Oh I didnt think about that, I've got rc cars that I drift with and the charger for that looks like that but blue and it cost me a fair bit. I might get it out the loft and see what that's saying lol thank you for your link. If mine does work I'll be getting that one asap.


Thank you🤝

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Your RC charger should work just fine for airsoft batteries, if it's designed for their chemistry - nihms are nimhs and lipos are lipos.  Just check the polarity of the wiring - I believe airsoft mini-Tamiya connectors tend to be wired up opposite to RC for reasons that escape me.  Deans (T) connectors seem to be consistent, with posiTive across the Top of the T.

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Mate, you'll be fine - and by the sounds of it a heck of a lot more self aware than some people too; so see that as a strength.

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2 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

Your RC charger should work just fine for airsoft batteries, if it's designed for their chemistry - nihms are nimhs and lipos are lipos.  Just check the polarity of the wiring - I believe airsoft mini-Tamiya connectors tend to be wired up opposite to RC for reasons that escape me.  Deans (T) connectors seem to be consistent, with posiTive across the Top of the T.


this, afaik the white balance plugs are wired the same so if it charges through there.


a good charger (rc or airsoft) should make it very clear if it thinks you've got the polarity wrong.


i've been using my old rc kit since i started, still going strong.

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Balance plugs are wired the same, decent chargers will require you to connect the main lead though and yes airsoft mini Tamiya plugs are wired the other way around to standard RC Tamiya plugs. The charger will tell you though if the polarity is wrong.

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7 minutes ago, Nick G said:

Balance plugs are wired the same, decent chargers will require you to connect the main lead though and yes airsoft mini Tamiya plugs are wired the other way around to standard RC Tamiya plugs. The charger will tell you though if the polarity is wrong.


a reverse wired tamiya plug is gods way of telling you to use deans.....

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:

a reverse wired tamiya plug is gods way of telling you to use deans.....


We're risking the wrath of the XT60 Master Race at this point.

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26 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


We're risking the wrath of the XT60 Master Race at this point.


eh, either or. xt60 isn't a bad connector for sure, put simply anything's better than pretending we're still running NICAD's in the 80's.

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1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:


eh, either or. xt60 isn't a bad connector for sure, put simply anything's better than pretending we're still running NICAD's in the 80's.

When I built a racing quad it was XT60 I used but it's slighty bigger than a deans so could cause fitment issues inside guns over deans. I don't like deans because the exposed connectors always give me the fear.

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I really wanted to goto my first game solo yesterday, purely to give you my honest view in the hope that they could be some help to you.


Unfortunately after a long Friday drinking, I found myself throwing up in the shower on Saturday morning and was in no fit state to shoot BB's at people!!

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Hi Sam,


I'm Ryan from Sheffield and am yet to go on my first battle. I was hoping to go to the Stan but it's closed at the moment. Where have you been looking to go?


Does anyone have any recommendations or n where to go near Sheffield whilst the Corona virus is with us?


I also need some Airsoft friends!!

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6 hours ago, BBKing said:

I also need some Airsoft friends!!


You'll make some airsoft friends the instant "GAME ON!" is shouted.  Or before that if you ask about their toy gnus in the safezone.


I cannot Über-emphasise how welcoming a hobby airsoft is.  <do-it.gif>

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@BBKing 👋

Good luck finding a site and enjoy your first battle! 🔫😜👍


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I'm going to my first game since lockdown, haven't found any battlebrothers in the UK yet (downside of moving to a difderent country) but I'm beyond caring. I'm gonna go there by myself with an open mind and make friends, even if it'll be just for that day.

As long as you kinda know what you're doing (point your rifle at the enemy and don't forget to pull the trigger every now and then) you'll be fine.

If you lived any closer to me I'd go with you in a heartbeat, a bit too much travel tho.

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8 minutes ago, Smiling-Dutchman said:

I'm going to my first game since lockdown, haven't found any battlebrothers in the UK yet (downside of moving to a difderent country) but I'm beyond caring.





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Hi guys, don’t be afraid just go for it! 
I’ve never been before and I didn’t really know what airsoft was until beginning of the year. I’ve booked in and payed my deposit for my first game ever on the 9th August, I’ll be renting gear for the first few games as I don’t have my own. Until I acquire a UKARA Defense I’ll be renting gear from the site. Got my eyes on the TM M4a1 mws, infact I really want to buy it now but it seems such a shame to two tone a rifle such as that one. Anyway I’ll definitely be turning up and yes I’ll be on my own, but I don’t care because this sport interests me and I want to drop in and see what it’s all about. Don’t let anxiety hold you back guys, airsoft is obviously peaking your interests as it is mine so take that step, it may be the best thing you ever did.

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@Reap 👋

Got the right attitude for this, Get stuck in and enjoy it, you will fit in instantly! 

Good luck on the 9th August, have some fun, stay safe, before you know it, you will have sorted everything out from UKARA to gear! 🔫😎👍


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I know where you're coming from dude, I've been really nervous about my first game. Moved to a new city for work and don't know anyone. Going to my first game here on my own on Thursday, nervous but also excited!

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