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What are the best looking gbb pistols .......?

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9 hours ago, Kzwi said:


Maybe try to track down second hand Tanaka, they look cool. performance wise, not the best. I think i saw Umarex seems to be making SAA as well, but I don't know much about these. ( might still get one though)

I would like a CZ 75, very John Woo movies.

Like @AK47frizzle said, stay away from 1911, this is the only time I have been disappointed by Marui. It shoots well enough, but the mag does not hold enough Gas 😞 

The problem with the Umarex ones is that the grips are oversized to accommodate the CO2 capsule.


And, for me, CO2 is sh1te.


And the hammer does not go all the way down.



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On 17/04/2019 at 17:46, emilianoksa said:

The problem with the Umarex ones is that the grips are oversized to accommodate the CO2 capsule.


And, for me, CO2 is sh1te.


And the hammer does not go all the way down.



True about the grip and hammer but to me that is only a very small price to pay for owning something so cool. Mine again is pellet and not sure I would want one for skirmishing. 




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I think this is entirely subjective. For example, I like the m9 but my friend thinks it's literally the worst thing to plague this earth.


On "cool" handguns though... You can't beat a revolver. I'd love a single action army to be precise because I'm a Metal Gear nerd, but I'll settle. (I know it's not blowback, sue me 😑)




You're pretty good.

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