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What should i do? What to buy?

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I want to get into airsoft and i am going to try to get together a Group of friends. We will probaly play like "Backyard" airsoft and im thinking that im gonna buy a pistol. What pistol should i buy and what should i recommend to my friends. I was first thinking about Elite force 1911 tac since i like the looks of the 1911 and the blowback. But then i Heard that you cant like use it to Close to an opponent. Is this true and do you recommend it. Otherwise what should i buy and what should i recommend to my friends (they probaly want to spend a bit less.
Thankful for any help



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schools off already?


backyard airsoft is probably going to attract some unwanted attention, you'd be better off going to proper sites, they're going to have kit you can rent, safety equipment, and a nice big place for you to run around and shoot your freinds (or with them).


do that first then worry about what kind of hardware you want to buy, only things it'd be smart to invest anything in at this stage is good boots, good gloves and good eyepro

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43 minutes ago, Yeet said:

I want to get into airsoft


Do the job properly! It's great to see people who are interested in taking it up but you would probably have a much more fulfilling day going to a real site and learning what it's all about. Different scenarios, more people to play with, real safety and handling techniques. Don't want to spoil your fun but done badly you could end up with serious consequences.

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This is probably the best pistol for "Backyard airsoft"



If you want to run about in the back garden shooting your mates. Don't do it with realistic looking weapons. 

If you want to do airsoft properly, then find your local site and ask for advice about how to play and get your UKARA

Whilst our guns are toys, there realistic looking toys. And as such waving them about in public IS an offence. And can lead to Jail time.


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Consider your neighbours (if you have any?); what they will see, how they may react or who they will call, followed by what will come hard & fast. Also if just one single BB goes over your boundary you're in deep sheep.


I see this ending badly.... unless you live on a farm in the middle of knowhere.


In fact consider how your actions could effect every player out there. It only takes one to ruin it for all.


If the drive isn't worth it then I don't think the activity is right for you. If you were just paper punching that's one thing but skirmishing with your mates in a garden is completely different. It's actually ridiculous....


Far better to make the effort to go somewhere for the reasons above and because you'll enjoy it so much more.

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I agree completely with what everyone else has said but I can't read this and just say "agree". I'm pretty sure everybody that reads this will say the same sort of thing. If you skirmish with mates in the garden then you can guarantee a few bb's are going over to the neighbours property - illegal. 


I could write a huge list of different reasons why this is something you really shouldn't do and not one reason to do it. As said before, doing this sort of thing could potentially ruin airsoft for everyone. Press absolutely love anything anti gun and the government won't defend us. 


Either don't do it or go to a proper site, loads more fun, loads less risk of blinding your mates for life, no risk of neighbours calling the police. 

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On ‎01‎/‎02‎/‎2019 at 14:53, Yeet said:

I want to get into airsoft and i am going to try to get together a Group of friends. We will probaly play like "Backyard" airsoft and im thinking that im gonna buy a pistol. What pistol should i buy and what should i recommend to my friends. I was first thinking about Elite force 1911 tac since i like the looks of the 1911 and the blowback. But then i Heard that you cant like use it to Close to an opponent. Is this true and do you recommend it. Otherwise what should i buy and what should i recommend to my friends (they probaly want to spend a bit less.
Thankful for any help




Are you playing in the UK or Norway?   In UK you need to follow our laws; no idea what local rules are elsewhere.


Most pistols are gas, the cold will effect their performance.  I like TM guns, so would recommend them as a brand, plenty of choice.  Pistols are good for CQB and playing in a smaller backyard area.  No matter what, remember safety and having protection.

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16 hours ago, Yeet said:

I understand that the best way of going about it, is going to a site but sadly there arent any sites nearby and the drive just isnt Worth it. 

If the drive ‘isn’t worth it’ then it would appear your not THAT interested in the sport ?

i drive well over hr&half to get to my home site (and will be tomorrow morning) , called commitment.😉

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First things first the drive is three hours and i highly doubht that i will be ably to get my around 10 - 12 friends to get there. Second thing is that i have never played before so its quite hard to be extremly dedicated directly.

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13 minutes ago, Yeet said:

First things first the drive is three hours and i highly doubht that i will be ably to get my around 10 - 12 friends to get there. Second thing is that i have never played before so its quite hard to be extremly dedicated directly.

10 to 12 mates? Can you do it inside where you live? If you are limited for space maybe make up a system of quick fire games with about half playing at a time? I don't want to keep going on about it but depending on how close you are to neighbours that just seems a recipe for disaster

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34 minutes ago, Yeet said:

If i were to play not on a field we would probaly be around 4 and not 12 just so it would be such a disaster

unless you have access to a larger amount of private enclosed land with permission to use you are just asking for trouble. if you are not prepared to put the effort in to travelling to an insured site do us all a favour and stay away from Airsoft.

1. general public sees you and report you to the police. they show up you get arrested or shot also bad press for airsoft 

2. a member of the public walks on your game and get shot police show up same again.

3. one or more of you get injured they could sue you or the land owner.


go to an organised game or don't play

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On 02/02/2019 at 17:53, Yeet said:

First things first the drive is three hours and i highly doubht that i will be ably to get my around 10 - 12 friends to get there. Second thing is that i have never played before so its quite hard to be extremly dedicated directly.

Why is it all on you to get them there , Why can’t they organize there own transport to the site if they want to try it out as well ? 

Running around a field with a dozen mates will give you absolutely no representation of a ‘real’ scurmish site and by default airsofting , not even the remotest similarity I’m afraid . 

This is why I said commitment, only way you’ll know yes or no .

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