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Another break in

Robert James
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11 minutes ago, Compulsive Reload said:

If they ever catch the plebs, they need to be put in front of a firing squad of hpa miniguns,  firing directly at their nipples.

Corrected it for you. Worse than an arse shot.

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2 hours ago, Compulsive Reload said:

If they ever catch the plebs, they need to be put in front of a firing squad of hpa miniguns,  firing directly at their knuckles.


2 hours ago, Prisce said:

Corrected it for you. Worse than an arse shot.


Corrected it for you. Worse than a nipple shot.

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1 hour ago, AshOnSnow said:



Corrected it for you. Worse than a nipple shot.

No. I’ll stand by the Nipple shot.


Got shot in the nuckle at about 5m tops, the nuckle in question was broken(and my trigger finger), and for that 1 round I forgot my gloves.


Ill admit that sting like a biatch, and I was jumping around whinging like a little girl. But few mins after the event, it was all good and I could carry on.


The nipple shot however crippled me.. my harness was rubbing on it as I ran, and the pain lasted for days... worst pain in Airsoft.

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14 minutes ago, Prisce said:

No. I’ll stand by the Nipple shot.


Got shot in the nuckle at about 5m tops, the nuckle in question was broken(and my trigger finger), and for that 1 round I forgot my gloves.


Ill admit that sting like a biatch, and I was jumping around whinging like a little girl. But few mins after the event, it was all good and I could carry on.


The nipple shot however crippled me.. my harness was rubbing on it as I ran, and the pain lasted for days... worst pain in Airsoft.

Perhaps then a round of nipple shots after running around at RIFT’s Ridge site for 8 hours

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6 hours ago, Prisce said:

Corrected it for you. Worse than an arse shot.


I will stand by that, got hit in the nipple by a 440fps DMR wearing only a thin wicking t shirt (it was 22 degrees and I’m northern). My other half thought I had grown a boob when I got home.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Rather than start yet another thread... :(


The Depot in Glasgow has been hit.  A locked room in a locked office in a locked site.




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Circumstantial I know, but a sudden string of these breakins from East Anglia to Scotland.... something going on?

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I doubt it, just part of a pattern of pikeys going gangbusters on non-domestic burglary as there are effectively no consequences for them.


Perhaps we could have a sticky thread for all stolen items, as I suspect it will be an ongoing issue.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:

Perhaps we could have a sticky thread for all stolen items, as I suspect it will be an ongoing issue.


If you want to do the legwork and create a topic for this, then I can pin it.

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  • 3 months later...
On 13/08/2018 at 08:55, Rogerborg said:

I doubt it, just part of a pattern of pikeys going gangbusters on non-domestic burglary as there are effectively no consequences for them.


Perhaps we could have a sticky thread for all stolen items, as I suspect it will be an ongoing issue.


I can see more rules on sales on the horizon.

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On 29/07/2018 at 19:38, Prisce said:

No. I’ll stand by the Nipple shot.


Got shot in the nuckle at about 5m tops, the nuckle in question was broken(and my trigger finger), and for that 1 round I forgot my gloves.


Ill admit that sting like a biatch, and I was jumping around whinging like a little girl. But few mins after the event, it was all good and I could carry on.


The nipple shot however crippled me.. my harness was rubbing on it as I ran, and the pain lasted for days... worst pain in Airsoft.


I’ll see you nipple shot and raise you an ear shot. 

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5 hours ago, E21A said:

Nipple torture you say 🤔🤔🤔

🤷🏻‍♂️ Some may enjoy it, I am not one of them.

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53 minutes ago, Immortal said:

Aw, c'mon... Surely a BB to the happy sack trumps all.


I was thinking the exact same thing.






In a more serious tone, as much as i would like to see the scrotes caught and nicked for burglary. In my professional opinion the likelihood of this happening is little to none unfortunately.


Burglary is one the few crimes that the police are awful at solving unless the suspects are caught on premises or theres really (and i mean bullet proof) intel.


Even if someone is found with the stolen gear, at most they'll get charged for a bit of handling rather than burglary.

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