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Music while playing?

Game Cam
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Hey guys/girls,

I was playing the other day and this bloke had these heavy duty ear defenders on and he could not hear a word of what was going on but he was still doing alright (kills/objectives).
This got me thinking about if you could listen to music while playing airsoft.
Now I am not talking about not being able to hear anything like that dude because I feel that would be dangerous if the marshals called out a problem and you didn't hear it.
I am talking about when I go solo to a site and don't have my mates to communicate with, I just put one ear bud in like you would a radio and listen to some tunes.
I listen to music 24/7 and I usually do tasks better with it and I was wondering if anyone else listens to music while they are going full sunday operator on some fools?

P.S secondary question
I have had dudes play music out of their phones speakers while playing airsoft.
I have been thinking of making a Backpack Speaker that looks like a reel to reel tape recorder to play Vietnam war tunes.
Do you guys/girls think that playing music out loud is a annoying thing to do?
Is it ok if its
-PG (checked for swearing and stuff for younger players)?
- Classics (Queen,ACDC, stuff that most people like)?
- Played through proper sound quality speakers?
- Cleared by the site and marshals?
Or is it never ok to play music out loud?

(This is my first time making a topic on this forum so sorry if i have made an mistakes.)

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why listen to it on earphones when you can grab a bluetooth speaker and play the russian anthem on loop while charging around with an ak......

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6 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

why listen to it on earphones when you can grab a bluetooth speaker and play the russian anthem on loop while charging around with an ak......

Or Ride of the Valkeries !  Wouldn't bother me if someone was playing music, makes em easier to find and sneak up on 😀  Actually could be quite cool though in the right situation.

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Make a decoy bag.

Just get a recording of random chat for 30 minutes, and dump the bag. Then sit and snipe the location... Even better remote claymore the bag as well.

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Do what you want, but expect to get shot a lot :P  And personally Id be thoroughly pissed off if one of my team mates was blaring music through a backpack speaker and giving away my position.

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1 hour ago, Nick G said:

Or Ride of the Valkeries !  Wouldn't bother me if someone was playing music, makes em easier to find and sneak up on 😀  Actually could be quite cool though in the right situation.

I was at a game where the faction leaders plan in case we were losing was to walk around the site playing ride of the valkyries - if we heard it we were to head towards the music and just walk on towards the opposition en masse


Unfortunately we were winning objectives all day 

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There was a few guys at NAF 2017 that were playing music through a Bluetooth speaker, with a long game like that it was quite entertaining. Wouldn't be overly fussed about nornal skirmish though, only issue I would see really is not hearing bbs bounce/hit equipment and vests etc 

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Were they active noise cancelling cans ? I have a set , they have built in mic’s that cut out sound if its above a certain decibel level so you hear talking but not grenades going off .

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27 minutes ago, Druid799 said:

Were they active noise cancelling cans ? I have a set , they have built in mic’s that cut out sound if its above a certain decibel level so you hear talking but not grenades going off .

He couldn't hear me from 10 to 2 metres.

Deaf as a door bell until he took em off.

Your ones sound cool though.

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37 minutes ago, Game Cam said:

He couldn't hear me from 10 to 2 metres.

Deaf as a door bell until he took em off.

Your ones sound cool though.

F**k they do sound a bit dangerous , not being able to hear the marshals in an emergency !😱

yup mine are very good and there cheap as chips in the wider scheme of things .👍   


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Paintball next door was playing music, e.g. Terminator Theme, was amusing for a bit but afterwards got anoying.


As we were in skimishing distance of one another at one point, could have ended up Airsoft vs Paintball.😁


We have the range and ROF advantage, they have the joules?😅




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9 hours ago, Game Cam said:

He couldn't hear me from 10 to 2 metres.

Deaf as a door bell until he took em off.

Your ones sound cool though.


Probably turned them off or didn't have them on in the first place. Only problem I'd have with it is that you might not be able to hear safety whistles etc if you were listening to music through headphones.

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only had one guy playing music at site i go to, it was the most headbanging stuff he could find and i think he thought it made him look cool, but really just got on your tits.

i personally wouldn't use earphones in a game, i like my music but for safety reasons and my own awareness of surroundings i wouldn't do it. not sure for safety reasons anyone should have earphones in, i worked with a few people who have been an iche away from serious injury due to not hearing folklifts etc.....

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I only have one bud of those cheap Apple ear buds in at a time. that way I can still hear the Marshalls and teammates but still go full screaming Russian if I so wish.

20 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:

play the russian anthem on loop while charging around with an ak......

This is always needed as well......... always 😀

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