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THE TM MWS thread


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  On 10/02/2021 at 18:27, JSwan said:

I painted my MWS a couple of months ago. I separated the upper and lower and then taped off the gaps on the inside, closed the dust cover, taped off the trigger and the end of the charging handle to prevent any paint/spray getting in the inside of the gun, then put the two pieces back together. I too kept the inner barrel in and just taped off the muzzle device which worked. Just tape off anywhere you think it’ll get into the inner workings of the gun. Hope that helps! 



Yeah this is the method I was going to use, saw it on T.Rex arms. Love the pattern effect on yours.

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  On 10/02/2021 at 19:08, gunbod007 said:

Yeah this is the method I was going to use, saw it on T.Rex arms. Love the pattern effect on yours.


Thank you. Yeah I used the t-Rex arms video as a guide and also Garrand Thumbs design for the paint job. Really easy to do, spray it in alternating stripes of tan and brown, then lay some mesh over the top and spray the tan part with brown and the brown part with tan and voila! Snake skin type pattern 

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I wouldn't use T-Rex Arms as a good painting example!


I watched his YouTube video out of curiosity and have never seen anyone hold a rattle can an inch away from what they intend to paint and just spray away without a care in the world! 😂


It didn't do my OCD any good, but then again I regularly paint using 2K with a proper spray gun, in a paint booth at work so my opinion is a little biased...

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  On 10/02/2021 at 21:43, RMDavis said:

I wouldn't use T-Rex Arms as a good painting example!


I watched his YouTube video out of curiosity and have never seen anyone hold a rattle can an inch away from what they intend to paint and just spray away without a care in the world! 😂


It didn't do my OCD any good, but then again I regularly paint using 2K with a proper spray gun, in a paint booth at work so my opinion is a little biased...


Not so much a good example just more of a basic guide...... rest assured the can was over 15cms away from the gun...... I haven’t got a paint studio so the garden and a clothes line did me fine haha 

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Just adding on all the paint. I am a super hypochondriac so just wanna check something.

I have seen a lot of painted guns with selector switch, mag release and bolt release all painted. Do you guys generally tape these off or is it pretty safe to paint over them on your MWS?

I kinda wanna leave them untaped because don't want to paint job to look too perfect and neatly done, but I also don't wanna fuck up my gun. Can I leave these untaped or not worth the risk?

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  On 11/02/2021 at 01:49, gunbod007 said:

Just adding on all the paint. I am a super hypochondriac so just wanna check something.

I have seen a lot of painted guns with selector switch, mag release and bolt release all painted. Do you guys generally tape these off or is it pretty safe to paint over them on your MWS?

I kinda wanna leave them untaped because don't want to paint job to look too perfect and neatly done, but I also don't wanna fuck up my gun. Can I leave these untaped or not worth the risk?


Unless you are using tonnes of paint they should be fine....no 1L tins of Hammerite brush-on!
Some people tape off the SAFE - SEMI - AUTO to make it more readable after paint but I have never done that and as long as you only use a light coating of paint I have never had an issue with the function of safety / mag release / etc...

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  On 11/02/2021 at 01:49, gunbod007 said:

Just adding on all the paint. I am a super hypochondriac so just wanna check something.

I have seen a lot of painted guns with selector switch, mag release and bolt release all painted. Do you guys generally tape these off or is it pretty safe to paint over them on your MWS?

I kinda wanna leave them untaped because don't want to paint job to look too perfect and neatly done, but I also don't wanna fuck up my gun. Can I leave these untaped or not worth the risk?


The important point to consider is that you don't want to get any paint inside the gun.. The key to rattle cans is light coats and let each coat dry between the next application... If you layer the paint on too thickly then you will have problems... Less is more in this case if that makes sense.  With light coats you can leave the furniture on. Just be aware to move the safety switch to a new position with each application... and practice first on something else first before you let your creativity run wild on your MWS.....

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Exactly. You have to kill the urge inside yourself to paint everything in one go - and I mean it, because it will be itching like hell and the damn satan behind your ear will whisper all profanities and try to convince you with all his powers to make you skip the paint curation time. If you submit, your gun will look like shit and the satan will laugh in AEG (and I mean poorly shimmed and motor leveled one).

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For any new painters on here.. Depending on what effect you want. You have some final steps after the paint goes on. 

A nice clean painted work of art OR a painted working tool that will show its wear and make you feel like a dirty operator. 


First give it a rub over with some very fine wirewool or wetdry paper ( Go super lite on this ). This will flatten the paint and make it look lovely.
Then a matte or satin clear coat ( obviously the satin will be more shiny than matte ).

Take some photos and know you are an artist.


Dirty operator


Just keep growing your beard

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  On 11/02/2021 at 16:45, Groot said:

For any new painters on here.. Depending on what effect you want. You have some final steps after the paint goes on. 

A nice clean painted work of art OR a painted working tool that will show its wear and make you feel like a dirty operator. 


First give it a rub over with some very fine wirewool or wetdry paper ( Go super lite on this ). This will flatten the paint and make it look lovely.
Then a matte or satin clear coat ( obviously the satin will be more shiny than matte ).

Take some photos and know you are an artist.


Dirty operator


Just keep growing your beard


Definitely the dirty operator look!..... I may have to resort to a stick on joke shop beard however 😉

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  On 11/02/2021 at 16:45, Groot said:

For any new painters on here.. Depending on what effect you want. You have some final steps after the paint goes on. 

A nice clean painted work of art OR a painted working tool that will show its wear and make you feel like a dirty operator. 


First give it a rub over with some very fine wirewool or wetdry paper ( Go super lite on this ). This will flatten the paint and make it look lovely.
Then a matte or satin clear coat ( obviously the satin will be more shiny than matte ).

Take some photos and know you are an artist.


Dirty operator


Just keep growing your beard


Yeah I don't think I wanna bother with any clear coat. I want it to chip. tempted to even use some paint stripper on a sponge to smudge some of it.

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  On 10/02/2021 at 18:29, AlphaBear said:

Something like this then? This is my CQB Systema ;) 






Yes! 😃 That's exactly what I have in mind, as I can replace the muzzle brake with a silencer/tracer unit if needed 😁

Problem is I don't know a lot about changing barrels in airsoft, so I'm not sure what length I should go for and if I need to replace the inner barrel as well or something 😋


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Well my little CQB build is running a 180mm Maple Leaf inner barrel and one of these Laylax outers - https://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/5998/s/laylax-f-factory-m4-mws-outer-barrel-base-for-m4-gas-machine-gun-series/




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  On 12/02/2021 at 09:32, Hypnosis said:

Well my little CQB build is running a 180mm Maple Leaf inner barrel and one of these Laylax outers - https://eagle6.co.uk/shop/catalog/product/view/id/5998/s/laylax-f-factory-m4-mws-outer-barrel-base-for-m4-gas-machine-gun-series/





That is just messing with my OCD and I don’t even suffer from it 😂


How well do the bbs feed with that setup. Is that an MP type of mag and what adapter is that you’re using? 

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😂 I'm still tinkering with this and other bits but there's fu*k all else to do in lockdown.


Runs absolutely fine, it's the Prowin kit and it comes with 3 long mags. The standard TM Glock mags run it it also but don't lock back on empty (at the moment)

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  On 12/02/2021 at 13:04, gunbod007 said:

Anyone know I this guy fits? Says milsepc. I haven't replaced this part before, don't even have the armourers tool yet.





  On 12/02/2021 at 23:59, AlphaBear said:




That's the wrench you need...





Alternatively, I got this one from Amazon and it's *really* good: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07K1HWZ2R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Did a fair amount of research because I heard of tools breaking, but that one has survived for a year of intense usage every time I work on my M4A1.

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  On 13/02/2021 at 00:30, The Commander said:




Alternatively, I got this one from Amazon and it's *really* good: https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B07K1HWZ2R/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1


Did a fair amount of research because I heard of tools breaking, but that one has survived for a year of intense usage every time I work on my M4A1.



I've had my layalx wrench for 10 yrs (it's actually a good piece of steel to be fair)..... it works on all the Marui Next Gen and their GBBR guns too except for the 417 as that has a bigger buffer tube....but yours looks more versatile (good find)... :)

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Fitted the Magpul trigger guard. Just a little bit of filing was needed. Word of advice use the original Marui trigger guard pin as the Magpul one looks a little thicker. Don’t risk cracking the trigger guard pin lugs ok. 






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Ok so scrapping the Ferro Concepts.


does anyone have any experience with the Angry gun QD sling mount?


I am gonna throw the sling swivel away and just mount an MS3 qd point straight to it.

Main concern, is it sturdy? Does it rotate at all?





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  On 10/02/2021 at 16:16, AlphaBear said:

There are non like it. Not with that kind of paint job 😂 (you walked right into that one @Groot😂😂😂)


 Its your fault he owns it lol..if you didnt PM me with the link to the sale we wouldnt have nabbed it ;)


FYI, the paint is gone already

  On 10/02/2021 at 18:29, AlphaBear said:

Something like this then? This is my CQB Systema ;) 







Needs paint ;) 

Anyone running the Angry Gun high speed buffer? the spring inside it seems freeking strong..Cant help but think this will eventually crack the buffer tube cap. 

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Baby Steps.... we’re getting there 


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