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THE TM MWS thread


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57 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

I got my MWS yesterday and filled it fine, got just over two mags out of the fill. Today using a different green gas (We 2x) and the gas spurts out of the fill valve instantly and I’m getting about 5 - 8 shots before the mag is empty. It’s being tested inside, same conditions as yesterday (But different gas). I’m assuming it’s the WE gas, so wondering what green gas everybody uses? 🤔


I'm using propane now, but if I was going to buy cans of green gas I'd go with the ASG ultrair (the brown cans).

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27 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

Cheers. I’ll give that a go! I tried a can of the nuprol (metal nozzle) and it seemed to gas fine too but only one mags worth before it was empty.

Make sure to purge the mags of air first.

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I wasted so much money to find the problem on my complete aftermarket MWS build. I finally replaced my G&P EMG steel trigger box by the GM (Guns Modify) steel trigger box and here am I, it works so well now.


On the G&P trigger box I used different lubricants, oil, ptfe, grease, different nozzle, different bolt carrier, different hammer springs with all the settings possible (100% to 180%), different fire selectors but nothing to do, same issues. The bolt carrier cycle look like weak (?!) as if the mag valve was not completely hit. Like the hammer didn't have enough power to hit it and also, with the fire selector at "semi" position, 75% of the time the mws was shooting on full.


After comparing the three trigger boxes (TM, GM and G&P) taking them apart to inspect everything, to check, to compare again, I still can't understand where the problem is coming from.

Edited by zizivert
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Good morning :) 


A skim read says the general consensus is to avoid the Cyma CGS gas magazines ( Stanag type if it matters) in a stock TM MWS ? 

yay or nay ? 

Edited by JimFromHorsham
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Having previously fitted the RA-Tech NPAS, I swapped it out for a Jaeger Precision one today because the RA-Tech one is such a faff to adjust. The Jaeger one's definitely an improvement.


After briefly flirting with 1.4J after installation, I'm now at a much less spicy 1.05J. That'll do nicely.

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22 minutes ago, Madhouse said:

Having previously fitted the RA-Tech NPAS, I swapped it out for a Jaeger Precision one today because the RA-Tech one is such a faff to adjust. The Jaeger one's definitely an improvement.


After briefly flirting with 1.4J after installation, I'm now at a much less spicy 1.05J. That'll do nicely.


Good to know. I picked up three Jaeger ones a few weeks ago for my MWSs to replace the RA-Tech ones because they are just a complete faff

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Hello MWS enthusiasts, new owner here for first foray into gas. Got myself an M4A1 on a good secondhand deal for a setup I’m going for but, unsurprisingly, already going down the rabbit hole…


I’d like to have the option of a 10.5” barrel for a CQBR build as well, seen various photos when Googling that suggest the outer barrel forward of the FSP can be unscrewed and a shorter extension added, despite trying to search the thread, not really coming up with anything so far.


I have a stock barrel, am I on the right track or do I need to source a complete 10.5” outer/get a modular barrel kit?


Thanks in advance…!

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39 minutes ago, Davet said:

Hello MWS enthusiasts, new owner here for first foray into gas. Got myself an M4A1 on a good secondhand deal for a setup I’m going for but, unsurprisingly, already going down the rabbit hole…


I’d like to have the option of a 10.5” barrel for a CQBR build as well, seen various photos when Googling that suggest the outer barrel forward of the FSP can be unscrewed and a shorter extension added, despite trying to search the thread, not really coming up with anything so far.


I have a stock barrel, am I on the right track or do I need to source a complete 10.5” outer/get a modular barrel kit?


Thanks in advance…!


I think you would need to get a 10.5" or a modular barrel. I don't think the 14" barrel has a section that can be unscrewed like you're saying. At least mine doesn't!

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If you have the 14,5“ outer barrel, buy one 10,5 and install it. Now find someone who can cut, drill and tap your 14,5" outer barrel to create the extension like this: https://www.taiwangun.com/fr/canon-interne/external-barrel-for-m4-14-5-10-5-cyma


I did it on my PTW. It’s really nice to switch with both configurations.


I don’t know any brand that offers this barrel extension option with the triangle front sight but i don’t know everything either.


"Edit": look at this https://www.popularairsoft.com/news/angry-gun-outer-barrel-set-marui-m4-mws

Edited by zizivert
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Can I get someone’s input..


I have a BCM bolt with a GM 3.5 nozzle and Npas, Waldo nozzle spring, dynamic Npas spring and it feels like it’s getting hung up more comparing it to my second  Tm bolt running the same set up just a G&P nozzle.


The BCM bolt releases the nozzle way later in the cycle motion.


would running the G&P nozzle be better long term using propane? 

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Hi all, 


I've had my MWS for a little over a year now and for some reason having issues with the cold this weekend. It's about 10 degrees C and I could only get through about 5 shots before the bolt was REALLY sluggish.


It would chug through the last 30 (if it made it) and then be completely out.


I've not done the gas mod and I was using Nuprol 3.0, stock buffer, bolt, nozzle etc.

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It’s just mag cool down mate. 

easiest thing is to get pocket hand warmers and put them in each mag pouch, keeps the mags over 18° easy and allows the gas to perform like it’s summer

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, me again about my G&P trigger box. This morning, after 2h of test with this trigger box and with an original one I found and solve my problem(s).


The problem for the full with the fire selector in semi position came from the trigger sear. To much material where the trigger sear is in contact with the fire selector so it can’t keep the hammer in position. With less material now it keep the hammer in position and I have semi in semi position and full ib full position.


Tested with original mags and GM mag without problem. Bolt carrier cycle is very good now.

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@zizivertHere is a crude chart I made to work out what gas I want to use on a game day if useful, I'll always use ultair over nuprol due to the silcon but tbh I've not had issues with either and not noticed any effects. I always try to be around 125 but I've run anywhere from 100-140 ish no issues.  

gas usage.jpg

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  • 3 weeks later...

Courtesy of airsoft competitions i have just become the proud owner of a mk18 mod 1. 

Brace for lots if questions. Its going to be my 1st gas rifle. Will try to resist just slapping a hpa converter on it.

Edited by ghostwalker
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After some help…..


So I have a MWS URGI now & looking to put the 9.3” hand guard with the 10.3” inner. 

Will both parts just fit without any other parts or bits I’d have to change ? 




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On 19/03/2025 at 08:34, Decp369 said:

After some help…..


So I have a MWS URGI now & looking to put the 9.3” hand guard with the 10.3” inner. 

Will both parts just fit without any other parts or bits I’d have to change ? 




I don't think you need any extra bits but I'd avoid 5ku OB, since the barrel is only fixed to the chamber by two grub screws. Spend like £10 extra to get a one-piece or threaded one would feels better

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