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Gear for female airsofters

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Hi all,



Does anyone know of a good supplier who makes airsoft and/or tactical gear for ladies? Please don't think I mean pink camo :huh: but my wife has expressed an interest in trying airsoft with me and female clothing is cut slightly differently to mens for comfort and fitting.


She is ideally after ACU camo, not just plain tan/olive. Our conversation came about because surely there is a female cut for military uniforms?


Cheers in advance!

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Try searching for 'army combat uniform alternate'. That's the female cut for combat uniforms.

A lot of combat uniforms have been built with men in mind however I'm pretty sure there was ACU camo designed specifically for women designated ACU-A or something like that. 

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For the first few outings a hoodies and jeans will do her, if she wants to continue get to an outdoor/camping shop for some gear. Olive fleece and hiking trousers work just as well as anything else and designed for outdoor use.


It doesnt all have to be camo!!

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Cheers guys, I didn't know of the term "alternate" cut so we'll bear that in mind. It's pretty expected that the outdoor uniforms will be pretty much unisex as it will be majority men using it.


Already checked out FFA's blog (not in that way!) and seen some reviews, but the costs for the women's specific gear is really high, especially when it can easily get wrecked after a few games.


We'll keep searching and let you know how we get on!

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Bit off topic but worth a quick read


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Though the US have gone for an ‘alternate’ cut for females, the British services haven’t taken up the option. (At least for the combat uniform - and noting that ‘combat roles’have only recently been opened up to females, there have been females in the combat environment for many many years)


Our combat uniform doesn’t come in female fits, only the NATO size ranges measured in height/chest for tops and leg/waist/seat for trousers.   There isn’t officialy a combat shirt but a ‘lightweight jacket’ which is in height/chest

They can however be tailored to fit afterwards - which is what officers do.


Barrack dress comes with shirts which do have male and female versions - male shirts in neck size and females in neck/bust


Generally a loose cut other than ‘tailored’ is preferable for breathabliity, flexibility and to absorb impact 









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On 29/01/2018 at 3:34 PM, AndyDynamic said:

Cheers guys, I didn't know of the term "alternate" cut so we'll bear that in mind. It's pretty expected that the outdoor uniforms will be pretty much unisex as it will be majority men using it.


Already checked out FFA's blog (not in that way!) and seen some reviews, but the costs for the women's specific gear is really high, especially when it can easily get wrecked after a few games.


We'll keep searching and let you know how we get on!


Helikon do some female specific gear. Have a look on www.Military1st.co.uk

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Reality is they're just not that well catered for, you sort of have to choose between camo that's of decent value (money/quality wise) or some hiking clothing that may be a better/more preferred fit since women's variants will be commonly available.


Surplus DPM or MTP is cheap enough and personally in my 10 years I've only known women I've asked or overheard to say they find CS95 and PCS bad looking, not actually uncomfortable.  Not any more uncomfortable than it is for the blokes anyway.  I'm sure it's not ideal but it's all just bad in some way or other on everybody; skinny, fat, muscular.. never seen anybody or either sex wearing uniform that looked like it was a genuinely good fit on their body type.


Unfortunately if your wife wants fit she'll probably have to give up camo and vice versa.  Also ACU is a cut/shape of uniform, the pattern you're thinking of is UCP and it's probably best avoided unless you're playing somewhere with lots of bare concrete of course.

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Cheers all, I posed the question on facebook too and the general consensus was to not bother with the ladies gear (this coming from female players) as it just wasn't up to spec. They found that the mens gear fit just as well and was considerably better quality and much easier to come by.



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